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WASHINGTON PARK FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CHICAGO ELI June 36 Fourth day Washington Park Club Bummer Heating Weather cloudy track fair Presiding Judgo John F Morse Htnrtor Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 230 p m f d f Q 1 FIRST BACK 1 Mile and 7O Yards 5700 addod 100 to second 50 to third A O ji O O 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horsoa A Wt St M K 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 261962TEBMINUS 3 102 2 5 3U 32J IH IB Coburn W T Shafer 12 45 45 310 26191 EDDIE JONE3 6111 3s IH 2 1 = 22 26 J Woods BurnsWaterhfie 2 21 95 25J 21319 LADY ELITE 4102 4 4 46 41533 31 o T Knight W S Barnes 10 40 40 6 6238022ANDBISA 238022ANDBISA 4104 5 2 H 2n 415 412 Dominick WB Jennings Co6 992 26194 LADY PADDEN 3 92 IH 31 5 5 5 5 McGovern Mrs E F Hughes 100 300 200 40 Time 5 30 55 1 20 142 146 Winner BishopWent Br c by Blazes Mies Bishop Went to post at 230 At post 6 minutes Start fair Won in hard drive second easily Terminus made his run from the halfmile pole and catching Eddie Jonas at stretch entry the two fought it put the last quarter Terminus having a necks advantage from the last sixteenth He swerved slightly toward the inside rail at the last sixteenth but did not interfere with Eddie Jones enough to make a difference in the result Eddie Jones ran a good game race and fought every foot of the ground in the last quarter Lady Elite all things considered ran a good race She was right there for threequarters which is the distance best suited to her sprinting pro ¬ clivities Andriea was short and went to pieces after running threequarters well She will bear watching watchingOverweights Overweights Andrisa 2 pounds poundsTorminns Torminns show out Eddie Jones show out Lady Elite 6 to 5 SECOND BACK5S Mile 600 added 100 to second 50 to third 2yearolde Allowances A Wt St X K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H H 0 P 26093 JAUBERT 118 1 12 Hi 12 n Vandusen H J Scoggan 8 10 10 4 261983 PENTECOST 123 21 2 3 32 2u JWinkfleld E Brown Co 85856535 858565352C0612THE 2C0612THE RIVAL 111 3 32 22 21 31 T Knight T C McDowell 4652 24861 BS COMMONER 118 611 6 6 65 4 Bullman J W ForsytheCo5 662 26198 WILLIAM H 118 7 51 52 SH 53 Dominick SullivanMligan 20 40 40 15 1526093OGLE 26093OGLE 118 4 4 4 46 63 Cobnrn 8 C Hildreth 6883 6883258132HANS 258132HANS WAGNER 118 5 7 7 7 7 J Woods J S OBrien 8 15 15 6 6Time Time 1337 102 Winner Br c by Azra Miahap MiahapWent Went to post at 305 At post 7 minutes Start good Won handily next two driving Jan berts win was a lucky one owing to J Winkfields bungling work on Pentecost He got the colt bumped into just before the stretch entry and then rode him in and out down the last quarter Despite this messing about Pentecost finished stoutly and was undoubtedly tho best Tho Rival right there nearly all the way was tiring somewhat at the end Bella s Commoner made up ground in the last quarter and finished strongly Oglo was badly cut off by Pentecost at the first quarter recovered and was close up to the last sixteenth where ho wont all to pieces Hans Wagner was always outrun and can do a great deal better betterScratched Scratched 26l982Magi 115 115Jaubert Jaubert show 8 to 5 Pentecost show out The Rival show evens C3fcQT H1RD BACK 1 110 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling The Auburn aO O I Stakes 2000 added 400 to second S200 to third Value to winner 2650 led Horses A Wt St M K 5 StrFin Jockeys Ownoro O H C P 26194 W J DEBOE 3 89 3 1 IH IH 12 IKK J Ranch J Arthur 5 10 4 85 25817 MERITO 4 103 6 71 71 4H 3 2H J Mathews H B Durham 8883 8883258562CAM 258562CAM BRIAN 5 107 4H 5 51 73 51 3 i T Knight J B Respass 3 55 55258563ORIMAR 258563ORIMAR 7 107 IH 21 21 22 21 43 J MclnernyJ T Btewart Co 6 8 8 3 26025HARD KNOT 5 107 5 4 4 31 41 5 Sea F W Miner 6852 685225888RE8EDA 25888RE8EDA 4 100 2s SH 6 6H 63 65 Howell MidtnJngblthlO 15 15 5 262283 WILD PIRATE 3 103 7 8 8 8 8 73 J Woods J S OBrien 8883 26024 SILURIAN 3 85 8 621 3 51 7 8 J Walsh P Dunne 5552 5552Time Time 7 32 57 1 22 1 4 1 49 49Winner Winner B c by Kismet Solitaire SolitaireWent Went to post at 345 At pott 6 minutes Start good Won driving second handily W J Deboe always in the load lucky and nicely ridden stalled off Moritos determined rush at the end and ontgamod the Durham filly in the closing strides Merito was rated along nicely was well ridden made her run at the right time but was not quite good enough to beat the winner Cambrian finished resolutely and nippad Orimar right on the post The latter had all his speed but was stopping at tho eud He was probably a trifle short Hard Knot lay in a good position at the stretch turn but tired palpably In tho laet eighth Wild Pirate ran a listless race and cau do better bilariau appaara to have gone all to pieces and retired shortly after running well for three quarters quartersBcratched26034 Bcratched26034 Van Hoorebeke 100 26155 Thrive 105 26229 Gonfalon 113 261973 Anthra cite 102 102Overweights Overweights Wild Pirate 1 pound poundW W J Deboe show 4 to 5 Merito show S to 5 Cambrian show eveni fc iQ fc Q Q FOURTH BACK 34 Mile 600 added 100 to second 50 to third J O + i O O 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M H 3 StrFin Jockeys Ownars O H C P 125 us 6 H Butter H T Griffin 8883 12 1 IB 2 Gormley A E Neff Co 10 15 15 6 2 2H 21 3 T Knight J F Newman 15 20 12 4 22561 EVELYN BYRD 5112 61 51 55 42 41 Nntt F C McsDier Co4 51 4 85 8526027ALA8KA 26027ALA8KA 6 109 1211 9 9 91 5 Otis A M Linnell Co 20 40 40 12 257472 BEAUTY BOOK 4 110 5 8 s 71 62 Bullman FBVanMeterBro4 552 25881 IF YOU DARE 3102 7 3 31 3 7 Coburn Bolich Sweet 4 41 4 85 24918 TARBU8 5 114 113 72 72 gi 8 R Cash W 8 Collins 100 200 200 60 23109 ATHARA 3 101 8i 10 10 101 92 J Ranch J 8 Rothort 30 30 10 4 4253703RANCO 253703RANCO 411213 13 13 12n 101 J Mclnerny J D McMillanCoSO 40 40 12 25951 CHENANGO 4 112 9 61 61 112 us y Wilson J W Wilson 30 40 40 15 15260G6 260G6 ANTAGONE 4 110 10 11 12H 13 122 J Martin CarthereShieldsSO 30 30 12 12260212EMMA 260212EMMA R 4110 4H 41 41 51 13 Dominick J Brenock 8862 Apprentice allowance Time 24 48Jg 1 15 15Winner Winner U g by Deceiver Ramona RamonaWent Went to post at 415 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily next three driving lenman Thompson ran a fine race and from next to last position got to his horses one by one onej j I OT13 f3r rmlAtr Tr r1n u mianrnVilA rnf A nn T nrlv THri nllnroinrr li r tn swerve from the center of the track to the inside rail at the last eighth after swinging wide at the stretch turn Burnie Bnnton was carried wide at tho head of tho stretch by Lady Idris and lost ground but was tiring at the end Evelyn Byrd closed stoutly She runs best in the soft going and is ready to win Alaska made up a lot of ground and ran a striking race If You Dare went all to pieces at the last eighth Emma R diea away to nothing after showing well for a half halfOverweights Overweights If Yon Dare 1 pound Burnio Bnnton 1 1Denman Denman Thompson show 8 to 5 Lady Idris show 3 to 1 Burnie BuntonBhow 8 to 5 Evelyn Byrd show 4 to 5 If Yon Dare show 4 to 5 6 C ± O Q O FIFTH HACK 1 Mile 600 added 100 to second 50 to third aO OlI 3yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M Y 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 261943JIMINEZ 115 4 IKK n 12 12 12 Bullman F J Kelley 11125 26194 OPERATOR 115 3 52 21 23 23 2 J Mathews H B Durham 65 85 85 25 2525985JFRED 25985JFRED ACKBMANHS 5 6 51 31 33 33 T Knight J Murphy 13 15 12 4 4259503ADELANTE 259503ADELANTE 112 2 42 6 53 5 4n Howell MidtonJngblth20 60 60 12 26228 GAHERI8 115 6 SH 41 41 41 53 Dupee Geo J Long 20 30 SO 6 26226 JIM WINN 115 1 21 3 6 6 6 Coburn FBVanMeterBroSO 70 70 12 12Time Time 26 51 116 142 142Winner Winner B c by The Commoner Birdie T Went to post at 450 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Jiminez had a world of speed and ran easily in front all the way Operator was cut off badly after pass ¬ ing beyond the club house losing several lengths but at that it is hardly probable he would have beaten the winner He made an attempt to close at the last eighth but Jiminez was too much for him and he had to be content with the place Fred Ackerman ran a fair race easily beating the others Gaheris ran well for a half mile and then retired He acted like a crazy horse at the post postJiminez Jiminez show out Operator show out FredAckerman show 6 to 5 BIXTH HAOB 34 Mile 600 added 100 to second 50 to thira 3yaarolds and upward Belling Ind Horses A Wt St K 5 StrFin Jockeyi Ownora O 261992PO88ABT 3 112 H IH li 1 H Bnllman F Grady Co 44 4i 85 26197 ROLLICK 3 101 7 31 2 21 21 J Ranch BnrnsWaterhse6 10 10 4 25565 I8AL1NE 4 110 10 8U 81 51 31 See 7 12 12 5 26021EMMA C L 3 99 2 41 52 31 41 T Knight D V Grace Co 4 5 5 2 26094 ST WOOD 5 117 9 92 9 71 51 Dominick F Cook 6 13 13 4 25527 TOAH 3 106 6 71 7a 4 i 63 J WinkfleldP Dnnno 4 10 1151 26199 THE ROGUE 3 1001 3 61 61 61 71 R Sullivan C Barker 12 16 15 6 9 ALEE 4 112 5 21 3i 81 8 Alexander H E Rowell 20 40 40 15 6 S OF BETHLHM6 117 4 51 4 91 93 Irven H Gibson Jr 30 60 50 20 20728A1NTLY 728A1NTLY 5 114 81 10 10 10 10 Cobnrn G W Gushing 8 20 20 8 8Time Time 24 49 l15 g Winner Blk c by PonticoMary W Went to post at 515 At poet 6 minutes Start good Won rather handily next two driving Possart had his speed and carried it mealy for tho distance Rollick looked dangerous at rthe last eighth but hung in the closing strides Isaline badly entangled for tho first half finished strongly irhon she got clear sailing Emma C L ran at an even clip throughout St Wood swung away to the outside at the stretch turn losing ground but closed stoutly He is ready to win Toah could not keep up at any part of the race He should do better tho next time Alee had quite a turn of speed for a half mile and then retired Scratched261972Flaunt retiredScratched261972Flaunt 115 245392Beide 104 104Overweights Overweights poundsPosaaft The Rogue 11 pounds Posaaft show 3 to 5 Rollick show 2 to 1 Isaline show 2 to 1 Toah show 1 to 2