Notes Of The Turf., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-28


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NOTJES OF TBCfi TURF The latest English advices show tho standing standingof of tho jockeys riding in England to be as fol ¬ lows with Amoricans on top topJockey Jockey Mounts Won Lost P C CLRoiff LRoiff 103 23 80 223 223J J Childs 79 17 62 215 215D D Maher 102 21 81 205 205G G McCall 88 IS 70 204 204SLoates SLoates 199 36 163 180 180O O Madden 226 40 186 176 176J J Fagan 75 13 62 173 173M M Cannon 140 24 116 171 171J J Roiff 142 24 118 169 169F F Rickaby 131 22 109 167 167C C Yarnell 113 19 91 168 8 Clemson 97 12 85 123 123K K Cannon 159 18 141 113 113V V Halsey 102 12 90 117 117W W Lane 151 10 141 66 66Tho Tho racing stable of tho W H Laird estate will be sold at auction in the paddock at New ¬ port at one oclock this afternoon The follow ¬ ing is a list of the horses to be sold BoanOlea Northumberland Sanber Left Bower The Bronze Demon Kid Hampton Bermuda Prince Euterpe Pantland Forbush and Gracious Scott Laird has compromised his claim against his brothers estate and will receive onehalf of the amount roulizod on the sale of these horses horsesThe The steeplechaser Dalion recently purchased from C F Hill by T Hitchcock Jr fell while being schooled Tuesday and injured his back so severely that he was destroyed destroyedMills Mills Chicago Wagers horse against horse are void when the horses rnn unplaced

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Local Identifier: drf1901062801_2_3
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