Washington Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-30


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WASHINGTON PARK FGRr CHART CHICAGO ILL June S9 Seventh day Washington Park Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge John b Morse Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 280 p m O Q rj pT FIRST RACK 1 Mile and SO Yards 100 added 100 to second S50 to third O O S O 3yearoldB and upward Allowances lad Horses A Wt St K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 263192THE LADY 4107 H 13 H 11 111 H Coburn S C Hildreth 45 45 7 10 ont ont262i7MONARKA 262i7MONARKA 3 92 6 2H 2T 28 2 26 J Ranch T C McDowell 2 2i 21 35 26287 WILD PIRATE 3 97 5i 5 6 51 32 33J J Martin J B OBrien 10 15 15 3 32619J3ANTHRAC1TE 2619J3ANTHRAC1TE 4 103 4n 6 5 6 52 41 J Woods T W Moore 15 30 30 6 62625S2EVA 2625S2EVA RICE 6 106 3 41 42 32 41 52 Davuson C K Knrdoan 20 30 30 6 25708 OHNET 4 101 21 32 311 in 6 6 R Sullivan W J Maloney 15 35 35 9 9Time Time 26 50s 1 ilS s 1 39 1 40 40Winner Winner B f by KingBton Seville SevilleWent Went to post at 230 At post 5 minutes Start rather poor Won well in hand second easily The Lady off in front was rank of speed and the race was never in doubt Monarka off poorly made up ground fast but was never able to get to the winner Wild Pirate was cut off badly at the fit si turn and was given a bad ride lie was closing fast in the last eighth The others wore never factors factorsCorrected Corrected weights Wild Pirate 97 97Overweights Overweights P9andMonarka Anthracite 1 P9and Monarka show out Wild Pirate show ovens gy 0 O rj t SECOND RACEr 8 Mile 600 added 100 to second 50 to third i J O 6 O 2yearolde Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St H V = i StrFin Jockeys Ownsra O H C P 262863T HE RIVAL 111 11 22 22 22 11 T Knight T C McDowell 12 20 20 8 826061JNELL 26061JNELL WADDELL108 3 H U li 22 J WinkfieldJ J Markloin Co4 5495 26286 J AD BERT 11 i 2 4n SH 33 S3 Vandnsen H J Scoggan 6 10 10 4 4263163alAGI 263163alAGI 108 1 5n 4 42 42 J Alathaws V E Appiegate 3 5 4i 85 26286 B3 COMMONER 111 6 81 6 51 51 Bullman J W ForsytheCo5 51 51 2 26316 DODIE S 108 81 92 95 61 61 J Woods S C Hildreth 15 20 20 8 25615 OLD HUTCH 111 51 6H 71 7 K KK Dominick Tnrney Bros 12 SO 30 12 12262562HEKOD1ADE 262562HEKOD1ADE 111 91 7 81 91 85 Coburn G C Bennett Co 3 3 3 75 752519JEVENINGSTAR 2519JEVENINGSTAR 108 4n SH 5s 8 9 See JGriffiaCo 8 15 15 6 6252903dTING 252903dTING 108105 101010S 10 101 Irven CEJefferaCo 30 15015060 15015060LANDSEER LANDSEER 108 11 11 11 11 11 Hennessey S Lazarus 100 150 150 60 60Time Time 12 36 100 100Winner Winner B c by Halma Bracegirdlo BracegirdloWent Went to post at 3 05 At poet 20 minutes Start excellent Won driving second handily The Rival lay second to Nellie Waddsll to the last sixteenth where he closed and in a sharp tilt beat her out The latter nung in the last fifty yards and was very tired at the finish Jaubert ran at about an even gait throughout Magi foil away at the last sixteanth after showing prom ¬ inently to fctrotch turn Belles Commoner was always outran So was Horodiade Evening Star had a lot of early speed but went to pieces in the last eightb Jaubart Nellie Waddell and Evening Star were scored almost into exhaustion before the Sag dipped Tho winner was cleverly saved in the breakaways Scratched 26225 ilemnon 108 108Overweights Overweights poundsThe Janbort 11 pounds The Rival bhow 3 to 1 Nellie Waddell show 7 to 10 Jaubart show 9 to 5 Herodiada show 7 to 10 O S t rj r7 THIRD HACK 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Tho Oakwood Handi 6JJO 6 6 cap 2500 added 100 to second S2GO to third Value to winner 3100 Ind Horses A Wt St St Ji H 5i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26259HVADDELL3115 31 H 2 1 li 12 li Bnllman Mrs R Bradley 4 4 17575 26258 J CON QR II 4 110 SH 85 87 71 7i 4 23 JWinkfleldB Vincent 677 135 262273 ADV GUARD 4 121 9 9 9 9 8t 7 3 Dugan Cruth rt3hields8 10 10 4 262583 VESDVIAN 4 117 61 3 31 6 6 61 4 Conley WBJenningsCo 6 6 51 2 2828ri3LADYELlTE4 95 4 61 4 31 2 21 52 J Hicks W S Barnes 20 50 50 20 20263182J1R 263182J1R BROWN 4 113 1 4 61 4 3 51 61 T Kni ht JBBospass 4 7 7 21 212631SGONFALON 2631SGONFALON 4 114 2H 51 5 5n 4n 3n 73 Cobnrn S C Hildreth 8 15 15 6 26285ED JONES 6120 7 7 7 8 9 8 87 J Woods Hurns Vaterhso5 6 6 115 26258 MARTIMAS 5 117 5 2 1 2 52 9 9 Dominick W flendrie 8 16 16 6 6Time Time 12g 37s 1 02 1 27 1 39 1 52 52Winner Winner VirgieWent Br g by Aloha Virgie Went to post at 4 00 At post 5 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Robert Waddell was a grand horse and had the foot of his neld the entire mute flullman bad tohuatle him in the last fifty yards to etall off The Conqueror IIs determined bid The Conqueror II ran the best race of his career and showed sharp and sadden improvement over his recant form He came like a cyclone in the last eighth but Waddell stood his bidgamoly and would not ba denied Advance Guard finished strongly and nipped Vesuvian on the post The latter fell out of it at the half but rallied again in the final eighth Lady Elite was right there all tbe way to the last six ¬ teenth where sha began to tire Mr Brown stopped in the last eighth Bo did Gonfalon Mar timas ran well for seven furlongs and then quit Eddie Jones was never a contender contenderScratched Scratched 25817 Star Chamber 108 26i75The Lady 116 116Robert Robert Weddell show 7 to 10 The Conqueror II show 7 to 5 Advance Guard show 2 to 1 43 Q n Q FOURTH BACK 1 11G Miles 600 added 100 to second 50 to third O O A O 3yearolds nnd upward Soiling Ind Horess A Wt St H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H P 26288EVKLYN BYRD 5 93 I 11 li 12 12 li Qormley F C Moahier Co 6 652 262602ENGHDRST 4 103 5 93 7 51 7 22 Coburn Dots Bros 4 4 31 65 6526315GHANDON 26315GHANDON 3 88 91 62 63 22 25 3 E ateele Mrs W O Joplin 6 10 10 4 425321HAR 25321HAR PRE3TON 5 93 12 111 112 91 QK 43 Daviasnn J U Strode 20 20 20 8 26227 JGB RED WINE 3 99 21 4 4 62 5 5 T Knight Baker Gentry 2 4 4 85 26097OUR NELLIE 5 93 81 101 10s105 81 61 D Mitchell T J Me d dale ale 6 10 10 4 24982 HDS BRIGADE 4 105 3 21 22 31 32 72 J Ranch J Arthur Co 6 12 12 5 26288 TARSUS 5100 6 72 84 7a 91 82 J MclnernyW 8 Collins 60 60 60 20 26096 G1VE ALL 3 76 111 12 9 111 io 93 W Knapp J Curl 30 50 50 15 152609IFRANGIBLE 2609IFRANGIBLE 4 100 71 SB 12 12 12 10 Schwartz Hold Bros 20 40 40 15 26021 HARNEY 3 110 41 31 3 41 4 1H Dupso W T Woodard Jr 12 30 30 12 21854 BAN 18 a 5101101 51 51 81 11 12 Doaiinick F M Arthur 6 12 12 6 6Apprentice Apprentice allowance Time 7Vg 32k 56 1 23 1 41 1 48 48Winner Winner Ch m by Rowland Evelyn EvelynWent Went to post at 435 At post 3 minutes Start good Won handily second the same Eve ¬ lyn By rd hud the foot of her field the entire route and was never in trouble Envhurat all tangled up at the first turn moved up fast when he got cloar sailing and was closing fast at tuo end Grandon ran an improved race but was tiring in the last fifty yards Harry Preston made up considerable ground after being badly cut off at the ttrst turn Jndga Rodwino ran well for threequarters of a mile and then stopped Hoods Brigade was well up to the head of the stretch and then went all to pieces piecesScratched Scratched 25706 Defnndar II 103 103Corrected Corrected weights Harney 107 pounds poundsOverweights Overweights Enghnrst 4 pounds Barney 3 Banish 1 1Evelyn Evelyn byrd shear evens Enghurst show 3 to 5 Grandon show 2 to 1 Judge Redwine show 4 to 5 FIFTH RACK 34 Mile 600 added 75 to second 25 to third 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St X X 3 StrFin Jockeys Ownsra O H C P 26319 ANNA BAIN 4 107 3 16 13 1 W Dominick Baker Gentry 21 21 2 45 2628S3HUH BUNION 3 96 22 2 26 2 J Martin J F Nowmnn 20 30 30 10 10258143L1VADIA 258143L1VADIA 6109 4H 42 42 42 31 J Woods J Griffin Co 3 41 41 75 7523878SPECIFIC 23878SPECIFIC 4 122 2 61 730 6 41 Bnllman C R Elieon 4 61 61 2 26318 HONEY BOY 5 121 61 730 61 53 52 Dnpee Mrs K Bradley 30 30 SO 12 26259 THEORY 5119 8 31 3 33 6io Cobnrn 8 C Hiidreth 44485 44485260i3 260i3 PRCESV THYRA4 107 51 511 5 730 710 J WinkfieldK Stone 8862 25888 BOB D1N3MORE 5 111 7 8888 Conlny P J Garrigan 200 200 200 60 60Time Time 24 18 113 113Winner Winner B f by Kingston Laura W WWent Went to post at 503 At post 2 minutes Start fair Won rather handily second easily Anna Bain had a world of spaed and held it well for tiva and a half farlongs bat was tiring at the end and had to ba hustled Burnie Bunton was easily tbo bifit of the others Livadia badly outran in the first hulf mile closed ground in the last eixteeuth The rest were always outrun Theory had some early speed bat stopped stoppedAnna Anna Bain show out Burnie Bnnton show 4 to 1 Li Livadia vadia show 3 to 5 Theory show 4 to 5 SIXTH RACK 1 110 Miles jJ600added 100 to second 50 to third 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St K X 2 StrFin Jockoya Owners O H O P 26199 BARRACK 4 105 12 101 10 6 3 In Nnit T E Barrett Co 6 6 41 2 2E 26230ALYIH 7 95 10 92 51 1 1 21 Gormley E Harding Co 10 10 7 3 3H 28199 MALAY 5 105U12 12 9 4 21 33 Alexander H E Rowell 10 25 25 12 26320SAN ANDRES 3 88 8 ° 82 12 81 6 43 R titeele ES Gardner Jr 6883 6883G 26320 LAUREATE 9 925914VINCENNE3 103 2a 6 4 91 5 51 Cobarn G C Bennett Co 10 12 12 4 4J 25914VINCENNE3 5 5262902ROLLICK 9 4 5H 7 101 31 61 Davieson J Brenock 10 15 15 5 5BnrntiVaterhsee 262902ROLLICK 3 90 6 tf IH 22 42 71 J Ranch BnrntiVaterhsee 6 5 2 2Turnny 26228 BO WEN 3 110 1 2 32 51 7 81 Bnllman Turnny Bros 10 10 10 4 4T 2 238 BILL MAS81E 3 93 9 Si 22 IH Hi g J Hicks T C McDowell 15 30 30 12 2GOG22 57EITFIELD 3 102 5a 4i 6 3 91 1Q1 J Mathaws S K Hughes Co 5 10 10 4 26318 OHOCKET 6 lOt 81 71 81 7 10 11 J Woods J C Cahn 8 25 25 8 263303KTBANNERET 4 102 7 IH 11 12 12 12 Dmiuick R M Weeterfield 8 10 10 4 Approntica allowance Time 7 31J 56g 122 14 148 Winner Br c by Bersan Fable FableWent Went to poet at 510 At post 3 minutes Start excellent Won driving second tbe same Barrack could not get going good until after running nearly threequarters when he began to pick up his field rapidly and coming down the last quarter with a romarkablo burst of spesd nipped Myth on tho post Tbe latter was undonbtcdly the best but was almost hopelessly cut off at the club house turn and bad to be pulled clear to the outside losing many lengths When he got straightened out he sot to his field rapidly but the ran took all tho stamina out of him and he had nothing left to finish wita Malay made up a great deal of gron ad and closed fast San Andres was messsd about badly throughout tho first threequarters but when he got clear sailicg finished with vim Rollick was right there for threequarters Bill Maeaio stopped badly in tho last quarter quarterScratched Scratched 26287 Silurian 81 26320 Sam McKeever 100 100Overweights Overweights 31Barrack Howen 3 pouods danAndros2 Malay 31 Barrack show 4 to 5 Myth show 8 to 5 Mai y show 6 to 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901063001/drf1901063001_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1901063001_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800