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HANDICAP FIGURES IS A BUNCO BRONCHO IS A HORSE HENCE BuncoBronoho Information Co CoMOSES MOSES 101 SIX SHOOTER 15 AND G GGiven Given second place No odds on my long shot with first and Lady Strathmore ecratched SIX SIXSHOOTER SHOOTER 2ND PLACE I hava NEVER tried to beat ROBERT WADDELL and BULLMAN BULLMANED ED ADACK 81 MOSES 1O1 BANGLE MONEY MUSS LOSES LOSESTODAY TODAY TODAY I HAVE ONE AT ODDS OF 10 TO 20 TO I ISomething Something like MOSE3 or SIX SHOOTER and SATURDAY 2 two real good things rain or shina regardless of jockey or rider and such a killing has not bean made madeENTIRE ENTIRE CARD 100 IN THE CITY CITYI I always print daily event of rain card SO RAIN OR SHINE you always have the winner At newsstand at 1130 daily EXCEPT SATURDAY 11 OCLOCK southeast corner Clark and Madison streets elevated station 61st street and main track entrance Buy no special that is not officially stamped Will pay 10 for any evidence of fraudulent sales GOOD FOR ¬ EIGN CARD wired to any part of United States 200 per day No weekly business ont of city as many a special I havo with conditions printed that cannot be wired For ont of town business address 95 Randolph street streetCOL COL J C WOOTER8 GEN MANAGER 94 LINCOLN AVE