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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTtfKWPOKT tfKWPOKT KYf July G Seventyseventh day Queen City Jocitey Club Spring Meating Weather clear track fast Presiding Judgo Henry Queen Starter William Bruen Racing starts at 230 p m f O K O FIRST KAC1S34 Mile Purso 250 4yoarolds and upward Selling Hortea A Wt St M Yt 5i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 4 112 1 61 54 54 1 O iVilson C it Kanner 4552 31 21 2 Snail Bryan Etlard 24 3 3 65 26171 24264693DR CHESildKTTE 5102 2 13 U 34 3 W Narvaez C J Foo 5 6 6 24 264693DR S C AYE3 4107 4 41 42 44 4 L Jackson H T HotlmanCoSo 24 2 910 2t 013 LORD FRZEH 610910 3 21 14 52 Michaala Miller Oo 5 6 6 24 26506 ME POXEN 5 109 5 7 6t 62 64 P ttton T A Davies 24 24 241 26284 HAVEU3UK 5 10 9 10 9 7 74 Butor JJMcOalesterCo8 883 2642 bALLlE J 5 102 7 8 7 8 84 Dadi J Da Arman 10 15 15 6 26569 HENRY GIBBS 4 104 8 9 10 9 94 JtiotugrsllHendersuHhanlO 15 15 6 26471 SAUTErfNE 8104 6 5 8 10 10 Wiggins Doaha Co 15 20 20 8 8Time Time 124 244 37 494 1021151 1021151Winner Winner Ch c by Forester lua D DWei Wei t to p st at 240 At post 10 miautos Start good Won with the whole field driving and in a compact bancu Timts dtar cama through a sin til hjla with a rush iu tha scratch and snatched tue ruca by a narrow margiu RolUire ran his raca CLumHoUo at od up loagar than nsnal Lord tfrncer weakuue 1 iu tha stretch Motoxen was hommad in moat of the way wayccratched ccratched 26526 Ida du ett 102 102Overweights Overweights Koliairo 24 pounds poundsTimes Times StoTj show evenj itultaira show 1 to 2 Chemisetta show 6 to 5 Dr S C Ayres show out Metoxon snow 1 to 2 8ECONI UK5 Mile Purse J250 2yearoldB Helling ud Horses A Wt St Vi H Si HtrFin Jockoya Ownora O H C P 265272T HE WIDOW 101 6 64 34 22 1 Pot W Cox Co 32323212 3232321226L013DEBEN1UHE 26L013DEBEN1UHE 104 5 4 51 44 22 Michaos N Baker 33365 33365264O 264O MArtTHA D lOi 1 li U 14 32 BeauchampE W Fitzgerald 32323223 iQiil 1LOS 95 4 54 7 5 44 W iootia rorreyson Bros 6 6 6 24 26501 DK LOVE JOY 102 3 3 24 34 56 W Narvaez 8 T G tines Bro 6 6 6 24 26152 ABHIE KIRK 97 2 21 41 54 64 Dade Daniels Co 10 10 10 4 26501 EDNA KENNER 1074 7 7 64 7 74 Pdtton E il Rudolph 6 6 6 24 26527 bLACK DEATH 105 8 8888 H tVitson H D McAfae 25 30 30 12 12Time Time 12t 244 374 50 1 03 03Winner Winner Ch f by Hanover Jennie Loa LoaWont Wont to post as 315 At post 6miuntes Start good Won with the first five driving The Widow won by a vaiy narrow margin Debenture ran a good game race but is a little thing and did nut have tbe stimiua Martha D weakened in the stoch Dr Lovejjy stopped as usual Abbio Kirk showed early spaed spaedOversights Oversights HUB 1 pound Edna Kenuer 14 Black Death 3 3The The Widow show out Debenture show 3 to 5 ilanh t D show 1 to 3 tJftKfetZ 2HIHD liACB0 ls Jb utlvjiigs Purse 250 3 yearolda and upward 4 JjLfjJ Selling lud Horsea A Vt St k ft S StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H C P P265002ROWDY 265002ROWDY G 3 99 3 44 4 41 IH Baau himpj 8 Wallace 555 55526455PCK 26455PCK d EVELYN 3 93 2 31 2 24 21 L Jackeon D P Rodgors 32 85 85 26ialON4NBCTA 4102 1 22 32 3i 31 Cogawall J B Riley 32858535 32858535265042rEO 265042rEO ER 6 103 4 1 H 1 = 42 Micliiels T G Watkins 24 24 24 45 26504 NEKARNI3 6 114 6 6 6 6 5 Patton T A Daviea 6 6 6 24 26500 MKd DANIELS 4 102 5 53 52 54 6 W Narvaez Torrayaoa Bros 12 12 12 5 Time 124 214 374 50 1024 1154 1214 1214Winner Winner Ch c by Wagnar alattio Walker WalkerWent Went to post at 345 At cost 2 minutes Ht irt good Won with all driving Rowdy G cama through with a great burst of speed in the stretch when he got clear sailing Princess Evelyn did nut have the speed of her Jast race Onanptta ran to her bast notch Tencer atoppad badly It was too far for him Nekarnia ran below his mark bnt the weight may have stopped him himScratched Scratched 26501 Ethel Davis 104 26503 Pine Chip 103 26500 Buth Park 93 26431 Baan 93 93Overweighta Overweighta liowdy G 1 pound poundRowdy Rowdy G abow evens Princess Evelyn show ont Onenetta show out Teucarshow 1 to 3 i pr3 FOURTH BACK 1 ll Miles Purjo2oO 4yearolds and upward lad HorauB A Wt Bt St M ft 5 StrFin Jockeys Ownora O H C P 26429 OUIBURbT 4 113 3 31 3 3 2 22 IB Huell J H Hand 4 44 4 2 264293 EirflOLIN 6116 1 U 11 U 14 2 T Kane W C dmith 5 5 34 75 75263023BAPFLED 263023BAPFLED 4 108 5 54 5 = 5 4a 54 34 BeauchampE W Fitzgerald 2331 26374 PRTTYUOSIES 104 6 4 41 4 52 44 4i JHothershUiles Babbitt 5552 26502 BAN QUO II 7115 2 24 21 21 32 34 55 Patton T A Da vies 2 1151151 1151151265312K 265312K ELiKAOODS 102 4666666 Michaels J A Maxwell Co4 4 4 85 Time 124 23 37 50 1 03i 1 16 1 29 142 1544 2071 2071Winner Winner Ch c by DonateLo Lady Kossiu ton tonWent Went to post at 425 At p st 4 minutes Heart good Won with the first five driving The boy on Outburst rode a well judged waiting raco and was on the neat horse Eituolin was tiring from his effort to make a runaway race of it and was all ont at tha finish Baillad was kept ont of it too long or she might have got the place Banquo II stopped badly in tne scrotch He prooably needs a lot up King Ekwood was outclassed outclassedOverweights Overweights Eitboliu 1 pound King Etkwood 2 Outburst show ovens JSittiolin show 7 to 10 Bafflad show 1 to 2 Banqno II show 1 to 2 KingKlkwood show 4 to 5 Orfprrr FIFTH HACK 34 Mile Pursa2SO 3yoarolds and upward Handicap nd Horaoa AWtStj4 4 3 StrFin Jockeys Ownora O H 0 P 26503 TOLUCA 5 99 2 22 3 24 12 BeauchampJohn Smith Co 2 12512525 261612LIL 12512525261612LIL PANTLAND 3 91 3 14 H4 U 2 L Jackson d T Games Bro 9101 1 12 265033OHAR OBRIEN 4 107 1 5 24 32 310 Patton Mrs il Abidie 24 24 24 1 261533ROBERT GRAY 4 8745 4 44 42 410 M WilliamsJ R Hand 15 15 15 6 265043AN VENIUHA 3 90 4 34 5 5 5 Cogswell Dillard Hill 5552 5552Time Time 124 24 361 484 1 014 1 134 134Winner Winner Ch m by Nomad Sweet SweetWent Went to post at 4 54 At post 4 minutes Start good Won handily next two driving To luca showed atartliug improvement ovor her laac two races Hha had no trouble in winning Lillio Pantlaud qnic whan overtaken by Toluca Charloy Ojtfrion ran his race The last two were pntclassod pntclassodOverweights Overweights Robert Gray 24 pounds Lillie Pantland 1 1Toluca Toluca hhow ont Lillie Pantland show out Charley OBrien show 1 to 2 26568 81XIH HACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Parse 250 Selling Ind Horses A Wt St i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P P26l31LAUHAd 26l31LAUHAd FIRST 3 99 8 72 71 72 44 1 Dads JVVThompaonCo65 65 1 12 26500 THE BR DE21ON3 f9l 4 41 3 U 14 24 A Hall W 8 Laird 10 10 10 4 26306 LVND HO 5 112 2 12 11 21 31 33 Dwyer Dillard Hill 4552 26500 ALLS WELL 3 99 5 645 3 54 44 Finley C Crow 3 31 34 32 26 293GIB30N GIRL 3 99 3 3 4 4 21 52 White E M Rudolph 8883 26472PaOiPHORU3 3 96 6 8 8 61 73 6J W Wooda W H Sayre 3 34 31 32 26471 COL SrRATHY 4 109 7 5 61 51 61 72 BaauchampE W Fitzgerald 6 6 6 24 25169 SUNDOWN II 5 109 1 2 3i 8 8 8 Sotor JJUcCaleaterColo 15 15 6 Time 124 25 374 50 1 03 1 16t 1 30 1 43 Winner 43Winner Ch f by Fortissimo Laura Lake LakeWent Went to p st at 520 At p jst 1 miunta dtart fair Won driving second tb9 sam3 Lauras First ran a remirkabty clover raca due was off pjjrly had tj rua arouad hr fljld and gtnily sto id a hard driva through the stretch Dida roda a rood raca on har Tha Briaza Djmm sliowad much improve neut and bater staying qu ilttias th in uaaal Liod Ho ran to ha nocch Gibjon Girl w s promineat in tha strafe but stoppad Cjloaal Strathy was ahirply cut off at tho doScratched half mila grmnd Alls Well ran a fair raca Phosphorus will not do Scratched 26531 Pantland 99 99Overweights Overweights Land Ho 1 pmnd Gibson Girl 5 Phosphorus 2 Laura First Btiow out Tha Sronza Damon show 2 to i 1 Land Hp8hotf evans AUa