Brighton Beach Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-09


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BRIGHTON BEACH FORM CHART CHARTliBIGHTOX 3 liBIGHTOX 1JEACJJ N T July 8 Second day Brighton Boach Racing Association Summer Meeting Weather clondy track Inmpy Presiding Judge Clarence McDowell Sttrtor C J Fitzgerald Bacing starts at 230 p m j 28575 FIRST BACK l 11G Sines 600 added 3yearolds and upward Selling I StrFin Jockeys O H C P 2 4 no 3 H 11 11 1 It McGinn Murrey HillStablnS 12 12 4 j 264213 LUCKY STAB 7107 5 3 2 23 23 2 Shaw M Finlen 111013108525 5 264662AL3IKE a 102 Js 7 7 6 42 3 Miles W C Daly 7 10 8 21 26421 9EMINOLE 3 95 7 61 61 7 5 41 H Michaels C H Mackay 10 20 15 4 2 262123NITBATE 3100 1 43 52 51 31 53 Cochran JE Madden 4 5 31 1 2 234C6 NINONIA 3102 6 51 3 SH 7 6 L Smith G F Johnson 20 60 0 15 26166 SURV1VOB 5113 4 22 41 41 6 7 Mcuo BrindleMitchell 10 12 S 21 21Time Time 24 llis 1J1 1 48 48Winner Winner BellWent B c by Inspector B Tommie Bell Went to post at 230 At post 1 mionto Start straggling Won driving second Eloim favored thn cnppy going displayed both speed and gamenoes and was beet Lucky driving Star gallop d in behind the winner and appsarsd able to run past him when ready but failed in the 1 last fnrlocg however Alsike made up ground in the last half He favored this kind of track 1 last year Seminole got off badly and wes bndly bandied throughout His ridor picked out tho worst going all tho way but in spito of these drawbacks the colt was going strongly at the ond Nitrata was uncor a drive to kaep up from the start Survivor ran ponrjy Scatcbed 26199 Bombshell HO 229133Anuoy 107 26163 Ethics 100 2Eloim Overweights 100Overweights burvivor 3 pounds Ninonia 2 Eloim show 8 to 5 Lucky Star show out Alsike show 6 to 5 Nitrate show 1 to 2 f S T SECOND HACK 5 l Furlongs SSOO added 2yearolds Maidens fOO t J Allowances mo iloreea A Wt St H ft 5 titrtfia Jbciroy OvraarR 26209 DIXIE 4FAHANLAS9 LINE 110 4 3 80 33 13 8haw Pepper Stable 85 2 32 35 FAHANLAS9 110 13 8 6 42 2 Cochran E L Gravos 5 8 41 86 26548 BYB OP EO3CBEA 110 2 2 21 IH 3 llounco L H Frauchi 7 12 10 4 26161 3VALLEY MU81DORA 107 3 11 IH 2n 4 Slack P Belmont 8 12 12 4 11264942LADY VALLEY FOBGE 107 11 71 4 51 5 Mitchell E Morrell 20 ICO ICO SO 10710264622FAIR 264942LADY STERLING 10710 6i SO6i 71 7K 6 Dangmau J E Madden 812 10 3 264622FAIR KNIGHT 110 5 51 51 61 73 Odom J J Castles 4 6 5 85 26291 BELLA 107 8 9 9 9 8 v 8CHIEF L Hmith J Galway 50 100 100 30 CHIEF 110 9 11 10 10 91 9SIR McGinn W C Whitney 20 20 15 5 SIR LEWIS 110 1 10 11 11 1HOMESTEAD 10J King L Elmoro 50 2CO ICO 40 6WODEN HOMESTEAD 110 6 4 81 8 11 Desmond G B Morris EO 200 200 CO WODEN 113 7 12 12 12 12 WcCue TJHealey 8 40 25 10 26351 LEMOYNE 110 12 13 13 13 13 T Burns Mrs B Boche 20 50 40 10 10Time Time 11 23 35 48 1 01 1 08 Winner DixieWent 08Winner B c by St Maxim Mips Dixie Went to post at 3CO At post 10 minutes Start straggling Won easily second Dixieline lucky and perfectly handled outclassed tho field with tho exception of Faranlass driving which broku green ran around tho Hold closed an immense and finished gap like a good one Byrne of Borcron and Musidjra put up rattling good races Valley Forge for a is green ono worth remembering and has worked fast triale Homestead is a good looker and his race indi ¬ cates something useful usefulScratched Scratched 264203Alibert 110 26442lFrivol 107 Overweights 107Overweights Woden 3 p nnds Dixieline show 1 to 3 Faranlase show 4 ti 5 Byrne of Boscroa show 2 to 1 K FT fj THIRD BACiC 1 Mile 700 addod 3 yearolds Allowances AWtBt W StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26439W1TELL1U3 114 1 2 2 2 2 1 T Burns G B Morris 31 41 4 26197 HANDWORK 114 2 Hi 12 Hi 1 2 Shaw Rogers Boeo 141314 Time24 49Kl15 l414 TyrannyWent Winner Br c by otar Buby Tyranny Went to post at 340 At post 1 minute Start good Won handily Vitellins drive from tho start to keep withia waa under a striking distance of Handwork who appeared to bo very easy and eeemed certain winner going a until in tne stretch when tho Morris colt suddenly drew up on even terms and came away rather easily Handwork quitting with his diplayed scant courage in the race mouth wide open still he may not have recovered from his last too badly to ba his true form formScratched raco and ran Scratched 26545 Boehampton 114 26138Dnblin 114 265452Tbe Musketeer 114 111 26515 Anna Darling 101 264653Scurry VK TQ FOURTH BACK34 Mile 1000 added 4yearolda and upward iiOO 6 O Highweight Handicap nc Horeen A Wt 8t 8t263823ISIDOB K 5 StrFin Jockeys 263823ISIDOB 7 135 1 H li 11 l bhaw 26074 SANDERS 6 140 2 33 21 22 25 Odom 5261953OL1VEB 26382 MAGNIFICENT 4 41125 112 5 4 li 3i 3U McCue 261953OL1VEB MC 5 110 4 5 5 4H 43 Simma 26438 FABIU3 4 105 3 26143 ST FINNAN 4 113 6 2H 3 51 6 Slack M Clancy 6872 6872TO Time 12 23 48 114 TO Winner JBIBWent 114Winner Ch h by Amphion u JBIB T Went to post at 405 At post 8 minutes Start good Won easily second the was much the best today easily shook off Senders same Isidor at the head of the stretch and finished going away Sanders swnrved all over the track in the drive to the wire finishing on the extreme out Bide Magniflcant is a confirmed sulker sp iled several starts by refusing lo break End is a unreliable very horse He got away miming and put up a very fair race Oliver We outclassed closing wall at tho end Sc was Finnan VTSB worn out early due in a great mpasnro to his in the heavy going on the rail for the first three fnrlongs Fabins is very ordinary running bcratched26101 Knight of Rhodes 132 26438 Kinnikinnick 132 Roxano 113 113Overweights 264433May W 123 25919 poundaIsidor Overweights Magnificent 2 pounda Isidor show out Sanders show out Magnificent show evens OprrrO FIFTH BACBSB miio 700adaed 2yearoldB Selling I Horses AWtSt X M X StrFin Ownerss Jockeys Owners O H C P 26351 MAN J1 WAR ioT 4 3 21 1 U T Burns H T Griffin fl 19 in 1 26269 JUVENILE 41 31 2a 2 Desmond 26142 SUCLJAUNNA RyanSB P Ryan 30 50 40 15 ° SB 6 511 3 Michaels G F Johnson 15 40 26494 CARBOLL D JohnsonIn 30 1 In U 3 41 Milea W 26464 CRIS8CBOS8 C Daly 10 l 10 7 21 H 4 5 Cochran M Murphy 8 9 8 S 264943QPTIONAL 104 6 61 51 6 61 Smith Oneck Stable 852 262912PLAYLIKE 112 3 71 7 71 1 McCue W H Sands 5662 26124 APRIL SHOWER 112 9 81 8 8 81 Odom AJJojnir 5 8 8 2i 26494 MONT PIONEER 100 8 91 92 9 91 Monaca John Thomas 40 105 60 20 6174 NOTLIMAfl 99 10 102 10 10 10 McGinn L Elmow 12 25 20 GIBSON LIGHT 107 11 11 11 11 11 Slack J C Wallace 10 IS 15 6 Timet 12J 23g 35 48 1 K2 K2Winner Winner B c by Ben Stromn Maria I IWent Went to post at 445 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Han oWar broke running and under first class handling won deciaivaly Jnvenile was in the bad poing throughout ran a good race and must b in very grood form Succa mana closed a gap finished strongly and wil bo heard from early Carroll Df vored by tha cnppy track appairad snr of second money hut quit right at the end and ran out Crioaroas showid fla sp ai and hung on well Optional began vry slowly losing ground and lackd speed in a mirkei dazrae today Playlike and April 3how r also vere outrun from the start startScratched Scratched 26381 OHagen 109 26174 Elizabeth Jane 99 26546 Emma A M93 25576 Lady Sterling 99 99Overweights Overweights poundsMan Playlike 3 pounds Man o fSar show 2 to 1 Juvenile show 8 to 1 Snccasnnua show 6 to 1 Optional show 1 to 4 2658O SIXTH RACK l iS Miles 600 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Qorses A Wt Ht 3t V 1A StrFin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P 26463 ETHlna 3 94 1 2i 31 81 IH 12 ia Cochrm C P Dwyer fTsl 95 45 26439 HAMMOCK 4 106 2 IH 11 12 2i 22 23 Downing A Garson 2n 60 60 20 263362FATALIST 1354526493BOUBS2ELL 4 104 5 41 4 4 4H 4n 3 Shaw J A McGarry 2J 3 13545 26493BOUBS2ELL 4 106 4 32 21 21 S3 31 4 McGinn J Gaiway 3 3i 3 1 26499KD 21262963TYR OK DARE 5 106 3 5i 52 530 5 5 5 Odom C F Hill 6 10 10 21 262963TYR 8HENA 5 103 6 6 6 6 Bled Michaels Mate Co 7 10 10 3 3Time Time 2lg 49 114 141 154 154Winner Winner B c by Charaxus Ethie EthieWent Went to post at C 20 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second tun sarm Ethics was easily tho best and outclassed the field at the weights and in the eroing Hammock was a good horse today but badly ridden Ho was going stronely at th end The traok conditions favored him and Fatalist The latter outrun in tho first part of the rac cloaed wall at the end and ran a good race at the weights Bombrh ll minus blineors refassd to stay sulking in the last half MacLeod of Dnre cannot beat this Had HadScratchpd264653 Scratchpd264653 Scurry 98 26575 Nitrate 94 94Overweights Overweights poundsEthics Fatalist 3 pounds Ethics show 1 to 3 Hammock show 6 to 1 Fatalist show 1 to 3 Bombshell show 2 to 5

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Local Identifier: drf1901070901_1_4
Library of Congress Record: