untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-09


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TUESDAY JTJIiY 9 1901 Hawthorne GwCaCfO JOCKBl Glut SUMMER STAKES To be Run at Hawthorne During the Meetings of July 22 22Aug Aug 3 Aug 1931 and Sept 16Oct 5 Stakes midnight Th Test Stak s A eweopstako for two named through tho entry box at the usual hour 10 additional to start The clnb to add 1000 1200 Starters yearolds that huvo not vfoa a stake Entrance of closing the day before thn raca and all so of namedof which 200 to second and 100 to third through box with selling ufufl prico to be named 10 each to the nomination 40 ad named to be liable for entry at tli bon of cSg accompany ¬ the starting fes 1 mile mileTheSrrcuatioii Weights to appear three days bafore tho race day before the ditional to Tho club add 1000 of rac and those o nam d to h start to Starters to be named through the TheSrrcuatioii Stakes box at A handicap entry liable for the mC swoop starting fe 1 116 which 2CO to sacond and 1CO to third W iuure tha nbnal stake for threeyearolds and upward Eatranco hour of closing day before the race raceand after th closing of this rac of a sweepstake 10 each to accompany tha nomination 40 ad ¬ and all so named to be liable for the starting TlllS F ralil Srakes A stoplechas6 ban to carry 5 Irs extra Allowances nonwinners ditional to start The club to add 1000 of fee 2mil s dicap for fouryearolds and upward Entrance of a race of 500 51bs maidtns 10 Ibs 5 12 wbich 200 to Btcondand 100 to third Weignts Vhe EntranceVhe If eetfoot Stkes A handicap for all fcOaacb to accompany th nomination SlOaddi furlongs furlongsThe to appear three days br fure tha raca Starters ages Entrance 10 each to accompany tho tiomil to start Tho clnn to add 800 of which The idaumiuer Stokes A sweepstake t j ba named through tho entry bos at tbo usual nomination 10 additional to start The club S00 to ascond and 100 to third Weipht = for twoyearolds Entrance 510 each to accom ¬ bonr of closing day before the race and all BO to add 1000 of which 200 to second and 100 to appear three daye b fore tho race Win pany the nomination 40 additional to start named to ba liabe for the starting fee 1 18 to third Wsights to appear three days before ners after publication of waishts to carry 5 Ibs The club to add 1000 of t hich 200 to sscond miles the race Starters to be named through the extra Starters to ba named through the entry and 100 to tliitd A winner of two sweepstakes milesThe The IroquoJs Stakes A handicap entry box at the usual hour of closing day bo box at tne usual time of doting the day before of any value or one of JOCO to curry 5 Ibs of stake for threeyearolds Entrance 10 sweep each ¬ fore the race and all so named to b liable for ua rac8 and all so namsd to be liable for tho three of any valno or two of ljiOO to carry 10 to tbo nomination the starting fee 31 mile starting fee Short course accompany 40 additional courseTt lb penalty AllowancePnonwicn rp of a raci to start The cnb to add 1000 of which 200 to Tt e niyinp a feel ug Stakes A soiling The JSmutatlon Stakes A of 600 allowed 5 Ibs of two of 5007 Ibs two of second and 1CO to third Weights to appaar swart pstakci for threey arold8 and upward handicap for fouryear olds and upward steeplechase En 300 10 Ibs maidens beaten three or more three days bafore the race atartsrs to be Entranc 510 each to accompany the nomiaa trance 10 each to accompany tha nomination times allowed 15 Ibe 34 mile mileTh tmn S10 additional to start The club to add named thr ugh the entry box at tha uscal hour 10 additional to start The club to add SSOO of of closing the day before the and all 1000 of which 200 to second and 100 to third which 200 to second and 100 to third WoichtB Th Endurance Stake A handicap sweep ¬ race so Tho winner to b sold at auction If named to be liable for the starting fee 1 entered to to appear threo days bsfore the race Winners stake for two yearolds Entrance 10 each to be sold for 3000 to carry wjght for age if for after publication of mile weights to accompany the nomination S10 additional to less 2 Ibs for each carry 5 lb mileThe 2aO to 2500 thea 1 Ib for extra Starters to ba etart Tbo clnb to add 1000 of wbich 200 to The Autumn stakes A handicap sweep ¬ bTforeiOO ° h ft to S100 tuen 2 lb9 for ach 10 ° to box at the usual time of named through the bTfore entrV second and 100 to third Weights to stake for closing the day appear threeyearolds and upward En ¬ iOO WinnBrs of a race since Juno 1 1901 of the the race and all three days before the race Starters to be trance 10 each to accompany tho nomination value thavalue of 1000 to bo entered for not lees than starting fee Full so course named to be liable for tha The Full Yalue of all Stakes will be Paid in Cash No Forfeits Liberal Overnight Specials SpecialsSHERIDAN SHERIDAN CLARK Secretary Chicago Jockey Club 403 Monadnock Bldg

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901070901/drf1901070901_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1901070901_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800