Brighton Beach Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-26


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BRIGHTON BEACH ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track fast fastFirst First Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horace Age Wt Hdci 28895 Iridescent 108 71 71269322Faranlas8 269322Faranlas8 108 75 26800 Knight of Harlem 108 72 7228802iCurtailed 28802iCurtailed 108 71 26754 Knockabout 108 7C 26895 Graden 108 71 26895 Lord of the Manor 108 72 28956 Father Den 108 70 26848 Lemoyne 108 71 7128790Mu 28790Mu idora 105 72 26784 Enright 105 73 26850 Lieschen 105 73 73288502Schwalbe 288502Schwalbe 105 74 26932 Octoroon 105 73 26932 Singing Nymph 105 71 26056 Gregory 105 7C 26751 Miss Patsy 105 71 71Second Second Bace 1 116 Miles 8yearolds Selling 26967 Bedeck Ill 71 71MB31 MB31 Gertrude Elliott 102 71 2 TM8MBarbetto M5 B lloon 1 ° J T M8MBarbetto Ml 72 72Third Third Bace 1 Mile and 7O Yards x 4yearoldi and upward Belling BellingMttl Mttl Armor 4 103 71 JGodfrey 5103 72 5B9S02Fatalist 4 100 267S8Oread 4 93 Fourth Race 34 Mile 2yearolds Handicap Handicap26100Francesco 26100Francesco 124 Jj6667i Gay Boy 117 26895Lady riadnor 112 269323Dewey HO 269343Lady flolyrood 108 26790 if air Knight 10S 26956 ttyrnoof Kosorea 105 26897 Lady Sterling 103 26827 April Shower 102 26850 Past 100 26932 Bella 99 26291 Merriment 98 26637 Uarmaid 98 Fifth Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances269003Wax 269003Wax Taper 4106 26899Latson 6 106 26933 Water Cure 4 103 l26S51Ethics 3 91 26788Koehampton 3 94 26885Monarka 3 89 aixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 26936 BigGun 4110 26935 Anecdote 3 109 269582Goebel 5105 26887 Major Gilroy 4 104 26640 Marblehsad 4 103 26960 Hobert Metcalf 4 103 26884 J ere black 3 103 268463dengist 3 102 269352Brandy Smash 3 102 26798 Jack McGinn 3 102 26846 Maiden 3 101 269583tfaetile 5 100 26887 Himyarite v 3 99 26935 Thorneycroft 3 91 26791 Ante Dp 3 87 2B8872Kid 3 84 26666 Flara 3 84 26846 Connie 3 84

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Local Identifier: drf1901072601_4_4
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