Fort Erie Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-31


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FORT ERIE FORM CHART CHARTFORT FORT ERIE ONT July SOTwentythird day Fort Erie Racing Association AssociationSummer Summer Meeting Weather clear track heavy and lumpy FIBST BACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3 yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt 8 8t K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 270 33 COMPETITOR 107 1 4 42 11 H LThompsnLamasney Bros 65 65 65 12 26877 YORKSHIRE BOY 102 4 22 23 31 23 Wonderly J H Carr 6662 26928 FAB SIGHT 99 3 31 31 43 31 Fitzgerald E J Nash SO 50 50 20 27026 NORTHMAN 107 2 11 12 23 42 Troxlar Sonwrville Co 8 12 12 5 27023 BLACKFORD 99 5 5 61 5 5 Bedfern Wallace Terrett20 30 30 12 27052 FLANEUR 99 7 61 51 61 6 c L Jackson J Maiden 3 3 3 65 2702S ZIEGFELD 99 9 8777 May G W Wilson 8 10 10 4 268573 EON A J 97 11 11 9 8 8 Fuiman N Bannington 2i 3 3 65 22281 GRAY MORN 105 6 7 8 9 9 R Bender A Miller 20 30 30 10 26687 RUBIDIUM 104 8 9 10 10 10 Blako W K Cleveland 20 20 20 8 27052 ANTITHESIS 101 10 10 It 11 11 Alarie D Wyncoop 20 30 30 12 12Time Time 25 5H 119 119Winner Winner B c by Bolvidere Crotchet CrotchetWant Want to post at 256 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Com ¬ petitor outclassed his hisat at tho end Yorkshire Boy likad tha going but could not stand off Oonpatitors challenge Far Sight and Northman tired and quit The latter got away running E Ina J broka flatfooted and was never a contender She ran in bar plates which was a decided disadvantage in tha thagoing going ana anaBcratched26901 Bcratched26901 Free Play 107 268263Surmise 107 27052 Icon 99 27026 Street Boy 99 Overweights Gray Morn 1 pound Antithesis 2 2Competitor Competitor show one Yorkshire Boy show evens Far Sight show 10 to 1 Flaneur show 7 to 10 Edna J show 3 to 5 27107 SECOND BACK58 Mile Purse 5250 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses AWtSt K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27022 SILVER OWL 101 7 4n 4 U 13 Gongh W B Baker Co 3 4 4 85 27004 APPOINTEE 101 5 6i 5 52 2 Woaderly J Wild Co 5772 26926 RAVEL 101 4 31 H 2 32 Alarie F Reagan 45485 270223 L4UBETTABUBKE109 2 2 3 42 41 L Jackson L Smitha Co 852 2 710 270073V1VIANI 104 1 1 2 3 51 J Daly Baker Gibson 85 95 95 710 26650 KENNEH 101 8 87 65 6 Redfern A Brown Co 40 50 50 20 26207 QUIX4DA 105 6 52 62 7 7 R Bandnr J L Skiles 10 20 20 8 v 27024 BNUFFERS 104 3 7888 MrQuade H Alexander 40 50 50 20 20Time Time 25 52 106 106Winner Winner Br c by Silver Fox Owlet OwletWent Went to post at 328 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Silver Owl was kept in the best going for the entire route and came away fast at the end Appointee v ora Ravel down in the run home and got up in tha last strids Alarie allowed tha lattar to swerve into deep going in the last sixteenth Viviani kept Lauretta Burke in deep going all tha way This mined tha chances of both bothScratched Scratched Diavlp 104 27083 Dorset 101 101Overweights Overweights Qnixada 4 pounds poundsSilver Silver Owl show 4 to 5 Appointee show evens Ravel show 4 to 5 Lauretta Burke show out Viviani show out 271O8 THIBD BACE78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M V X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P P269662BADFORD 269662BADFORD 4 104 5 8 8 4 22 H Wobderly D LamasneyCo 1 757535 27056 TENDERLOIN 4101 6 3113 2a 1 26 Alario W Kent 30 30 8 3 27084 THE BROTHER 3 98 7 2 22 3 41 SH Dolan MFSheedy 10 20 20 8 2 928 BRANCH 6 105 3 H H 12 31 4 M Hill M C Moore 4552 27025 WOODTBICE 4 95 1 7 5 5n 56 58 Washington E L Rice 2 3 31 75 7527062TAMARIN 27062TAMARIN 4101 4 5a 61 7 62 62 May OOWsstCo 33365 27056 SILVER GARTER 4 93 2 4 7 8 8 7 J Daly M J Daly 6652 26882 ROUGH RIDER 410218 6 41 61 7 8 Blake M C Kelly 30 30 208 208Tima Tima 251511 1181131 1181131Winner Winner VirgeleneWent Blk c by Falsetto Virgelene Went to post at 3 53 At post 6 minutes Start good Won cleverly second easily The first two werebnmping each other all tha last furlong Badford closed a big gap and was going away at the finish Tenderloin tired Ho ran his race and had no mishaps The Brother and Branch showed the most early speed bnt both tir d Woodtrice sulked Rough Rider made a bluff in the first half bnt dropped out of it in the run home homeOverweights Overweights Tenderloin 1 pound The Brother 1 Rough Rider 21 21Radford Radford show out Tenderloin show 8 to 5 The Brother show 4 to 1 Woodtrice show 7 to 10 Tamarin show 3 to 5 O TI FOURTH BACH 6 12 Furlones Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St K K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26926BRONZE MEDAL 107 3 3 2 s 21 IH Gongh W R Baker Co 222 25 27024JTHE COMMON 114 1 H 13 12 210 L Jackson L Smitha Co l i 910310 27053 LEMUEL 107 2 21 3 3 3 Troxler Charles Hay 85 2213 2213Time Time 251 51 104 112 112Winner Winner B c by Eon Amy AmyWent Went to post at 4 23 At post 4 minntes Start good Won driving second easily Bronze Medal was in the heavy going in the first half but cama strongly in the rnn home and challeng ¬ ing The Common in the last hundred yards beat him out in the last few strides The Common appeared to be only cantering at the furlong post Throw this race out He can beat the win ¬ ner Lemuel tired tiredScratched270242Meditation Scratched270242Meditation 111 O P7 I I f FIFTH BACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling tad Horses A Wt St V H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26839 PBINCEOF8ONG3 89 2 12 IH 13 11 H Bedfern F 8 Nelson 20 SO 30 12 26966 COG3 WELL 3 92 4 2 41 51 2 21 L Jackson P J Miles 75323235 27056 MI83 REDWOOD 8 90 5 4 31 21 31 32 Minder EW Baxter 20 20 10 4 4270063L 270063L TOM TUCKERS 921 1 7 7 7 52 41 Gongh P M Civill 4552 26615 PR OF AFRICA 3 91 9 6a 61 3 4 52 Adams W R Baker Co 10 15 15 6 26767 TYRBA 5 100 7 51 51 61 6 65 Wondarly B L Cole 3 3 21 1 26968 TIP GALLANT 5100888877J Daly J A Bykes 5 6 6 21 27086 PUNCTUAL 3 89 39 9 9 8 8 Fitzgerald O L Bichards 10 12 12 5 26966 NEPONSET 4 102 6 3 i 21 4 9 9 Blake F A Hart Co 5662 5662Time Time 251 52 1191311 1191311Winner Winner Ch c by Prince of Monaco Melody MelodyWent Went to post at 450 At post 4 minutes Start good Won ridden out second easily Prince of Song showed the most spaed but was under a drive at the and to stall off Cogs wall The latter was wearing the winner down at the end after coming wide on the stretch turn Miss Bedwood was quitting Little Tommy Tucker got away tangled up bnt closed a big gap and was gaining on the other horses at the end endScratched Scratched 270852 Bandy 89 89Overweights Overweights Little Tommy Tucker 41 pounds Nepqnset 11 Prince of Song show 6 to 1 Cogswell show out Miss Bedwood show 2 to 1 Tyrba show 1 to 2 V T 1 SIXTH BACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St V H X StrFin Jockeys O H O P 270212EDINBOROUGH 4 105 2 2 11 11 1 Troxler Charles Ray 11111 25982 CORALIS 6 105 4 41 43 33 22 Minder R E L Rice 10 12 12 5 5IH 26905 RACE BUD 5 102 3 3270563JAKE IH 25 2 31 L Jackson B L Cole 3552 35525st 270563JAKE WEBER 4 109 5 5st 5 42 46 Gough P M Civill 4448 27052 MAOG 3 99 1 32 31 55 53 Wondarly Miss M Oliver 21 3 3 1 26651 KNUCKLE DOWNS 91 6 6270213PUR8 7 7 6 6 JDaly W B Baker Co 50 50 12 5 270213PUR8 5 112 7 65 65 7 7 Alarie E Reynolds 4 6 6 21 26930 MOMENTUM 6 105 8 8888 Fnrman J J Brown 40 40 40 15 15Time Time 25 50 117 117Winner Winner Br c by Albert Moi Maloi MaloiWent Went to post at 516 At post 2 minutes Start good Won in a drive sacond easily Edin borough just managed to last long enough to stall off Coralia Troxler picked hu gjing and outrode Minder when it came to a finish Coralis was much the bast and closed a biggip bub was in the heavy going next to the inside rail in the run home She would have won in another stride Uacebnd and Manga tired Edinborongh show out Coralis show 2 to 1 Racebud show evens Jake Weber show 7 to 10 Manga show 1 to 2

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Local Identifier: drf1901073101_6_3
Library of Congress Record: