Delmar Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-08


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DELMAR PARK FORM CHART CHARTST ST LOUIS BIO August 7 Thirtythird day Dalmar Patk Jockey Club Summer Meeting Waather clear track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Btartnr A B Dada Bacing starts at 250 p m O H O O4 FIBST BACE34 Mile Purse 400 4yearolds and upward ind Horaea A Wt Bt J H X StrFin Jockeys Ownara O H O P 26507 BRIGAND QUEENS 107 2 22 23 14 1 Dale A M Malhall 6 10 10 4 42729131NLENDO 2729131NLENDO 6107 6 52 41 32 21 D Hall G C Baker 3 5 44 85 21810 JV HAYS 4110 5 4 55 4 38 Lindsay G Kennedy 15 SO 30 10 27241 ALP 5 107 1 14 IH 22 44 Dugan L W Perkina 10 30 SO 10 27179 INVOCATION 4107 8 32 3i 52 51 Bnell LV Bellow Co 44 5 24 1 26528 JACK WILLIS 4107 3 81 fl 73 63 T OBrien Broning Walker 10 30 30 10 26914 LA MA8COTA 8 105 11 9 85 6n 71 Bell Hughes Elliott 6 6 6 21 25208 LEO NO8TER 4 107 4 7 10 84 83 WinwrightF W Holtgrowe 20 60 60 20 26677 AN NOLEE 4105 7 113 92 91 94 Barringer J Ke fa Co 15 30 30 10 27214 FUC1NO 6 107 12 12 11 10 10 Gilmore J Schwarzendahl 6 10 10 4 27179 TORTUGAB 5 107 9 63 7 11 11 Plnnkett E F Smith 3552 35522653i 2653i SIB JOd LISTEB 6 109 10 10 12 12 12 F Jones J E Basqnil 10 60 60 20 20Time Time 12 241 49 1 02 1 16 16Winner Winner B m by Magnate Brigand Belle BelleWent Went to post at 230 At post 11 minutes Start poor Won in a drive second handily The start decided the race Brigand Qaean was lucky at the start had clear Bailing and was well ridden Innendo finished strongly aud was probably best J V Hays ran a fairly good race Alp showbd early speed Invocation ran a bad race raceOverweights Overweights Brigand Queen 2 pounds Invocation 2 Sir Joseph Lister 2 2Brigand Brigand Queen show 2 to 1 Inuendo show 4 to 5 J V Hays show 5 to 1 Invocation show 3 to 5 27325 SECOND BACE5 13 Furlongs Purse 300 2yaarolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St V H 3 BtrFm Jockeys Ownera O H C P 272782AiI8d DOBA 107 4 43 41 42 IKK Lindsay B B Bice 3 3 13575 26613 BO YAL ATHLETE 107 2 22 32 2 = 21 F Jones ALHMBogers4 5 31 2 27278 HDNTEK BA1NE 110 7 61 53 52 3 Irwin CEJeffersCo 5652 5652272942LADY 272942LADY BHOUKWAY 107 3 1 14 13 42 R Murphy E L Liger 21 4 4 85 27291 WlBdENDlNE 107 5 3 2 t 31 52 Watson H M Ziegler 21 4 4 75 7527i94 27i94 lUOaUXA 100 6 7 6 6 63 ONeil G H Moore 15 50 50 10 26532 BEN HEMPSTEAD 110 1 5 = 7 7 7 T OBrien Fizer Co 15 30 30 10 Time 10Time 12i 241 481 l02i 1 09 09Winner Winner Br f by Lamplighter Mamie Fonso FonsoWent Went to post at 304 At post 2 minutes etart fair Won in a drive second easily Miss Dora came with a ruth and catching Junes napping on Boyal Athlete won in the last stride Boyal Atniete ran a good race and would have won but for his riders carelessness Hunter Baine was thrown against tne fence by Lady Brockway when he waa coming through the field at the eighth poat Lady Brockway and Wlsseudine did their boat boatScratched Scratched 27095 Ukla 107 107Mios Mios Uora snow 3 to 5 Boyal Athlete show evens Hunter Baine show evens Lady Brockway show 4 to 5 Wissondine show 3 to 5 O H O THIBD BACK 1 Mile and 7O arda Purse 300 Syearolds and upward Ind Horses A Wt St X H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 271522 PIH ATEd DTER 3 102 5 52 5n 5 32 12 T OBrien J C Ghio 85853235 85853235271483TOM 271483TOM UttOM W JSLL8 112 2 9 950 91003 2 Dugan Blake Leonard 7 12 12 5 27152 KATE FREEMAN 3 lOO 3 3 33 2 IH 31 Lindsay J F Dockery 15 20 20 8 27i79 HONEY rtOOU 4107 6 22 21 33 21 4 W Woods McKelvjJohnanG 10 10 4 272793QUANH PAKKEB5 109 10 75 41 4 41 52 Snell B B Burnett 41 5 41 85 27280 ilUAL WAVJfi 4 109 4 88 85 71 71 65 ONeil L M filcKee 8 10 10 4 4271523WARiiEN 271523WARiiEN POINT 8 1U9 7 1 12 14 51 71 Gilmore P McGnire 5 5 44 85 27279 FIDDLER 111 5 113 9 61 72 85 61 SH Fallehy J B Berry 30 30 30 12 25389 rdABiEGBROWN4 107 8 42 6 61 91009 W Narvaez DSHennseySon 15 15 15 6 267373dlK Pil SIDNEY 5 112 1 10 10 10 10 10 F Jonea C P Kennedy 10 25 25 8 Time 121 241 49 116 l42i 148 148Winner Winner Br f by Pirate of Peuzauce Caetopia CaetopiaWent Went to post at 329 At post 3 minutes atart good Won easily second driving Pirates Daughter with a rider that suited her ran an improved race Tom Cromwell kept out of the early fast pace cume like a tornado at the end Kate Freeman ran her best race Honey wood is improving narren Point was prominent to the stretch then tired and quit Sir Philip Biduty broke down downScratched Scratched 27280 Wiedemann 112 26917 Pan Charm 112 112Overweights Overweights f irates Daughter 2 pounds Fiddler III 4 4Pirates Pirates Daughter show out Tom Cromwell show 2 to 1 Kate Freeman show 3 to 1 FOURTH BAGS 34 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward 27327 Handicap Ind Horses A Wt Bt J4 H X BtrFm Jockeys Owners O H C P 271832SABD 3 95 4 2n 32 32 1 Bell J 8 Bratton 4 5 44 65 27216 MATT HOGAN 4 95 3 32 1 HI 23 Lindsay W P Magrane 10 10 7 3 27240LORD IsEViLLE 6 1U9 5 4 = 4 52 3 TO Brien Hutchinton Co 95 2 85 710 27213 LA DEBlituUd 3 100 2 51 51 4 41 UNeil W W Dard Dardn n 4 5 41 75 26971 HAZEL HULETT7 90 6 11 H 22 56 Ivors Yerkes Graham SO SO 15 6 6272433V1C1JS 272433V1C1JS VANCfi 7 106 1 6666 Gilmore M Bice 2 4 31 65 65Time Time 121 24i 481 1011 114J 114JWinner Winner Ch g by St Jnlien Lady Jim JimWent Went to post at 359 Ac post 7 minutes Start good Won handily second easily Sard was best finished strongly and was well Handled Matt Hog an ran a much improved race and showed brilliant speed Lord Neville did his best and had no mishaps The others also did their best bestSard Sard show 1 to 2 Matt Hogan show 6 to 5 Lord Neville show out Vicie Vance show to 2 c rr O O Q FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 500 3yearolds and upward 3 i O A O Handicap Ind Horses A Wt Bt M H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P P272442LUNAB 272442LUNAB 4 106 1 21 1 1 12 H Dale T H Stevens 85 85 32 12 1227214UDA 27214UDA LEDFOBD 4 110 5 4 = 5 SH 22 21 T OBrien Fizer Co S5 21 24 45 452728DDAN 2728DDAN PAXTON 3 95 3 32 S 4 SH 3 Baptista JD Dearinc 44475 4447527245LEE 27245LEE BRUNO 5 111 4 11 214 22 42 4 Gilmore T Bayers 6 6 5 Si Si27281SPETEB 27281SPETEB DUilYEA 4 97 2 5 4 5 5 5 D Hall F Gerlnr 12 15 15 4 4Time Time 121 244 49 1151 1421 l49i l49iWinner Winner B f by Wadsworth Wand WandWent Went to post at 430 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Lunar was well handled displayed fine epaod and was best at the weights Ida Ledford lost ground through OBriens carelessness at the first turn but ran a good race Dan Paxton bad his strength choked out of him by being held back too long Lee Bruno did his best so did Peter Duryea DuryeaNo No show betting on first three 6 r7 O 1 O SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 4 yearolds and upward Selling lud Horsea A Wt Bt J V4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners 27293 R Q BAN 10 110 1 11 11 1 1st F Jones J C Michel Michel272802BENHAM 272802BENHAM 8107 3 32 31 32 22 Gilmore B L Beasa 27280 H1NDOONET 6 110 2 4 5 43 3 Blosa C A TiBea TiBea27148dNELLLAUFER4 27148dNELLLAUFER4 110 8 81065 8 4 Dngan A Bellew 26389 JUDGE MAGEE 5 107 4 23 2 23 5 Lindsay M Bowen Sou 7 7 7 21 272412GRANDMA II 5 105 7 9 8 51 63 Baptiste J P Housle Housley 10 15 15 6 23122 GOVEHNR JOHN 8 112 11 81 4 8 7 Bishop C Roberts 60 100 100 40 26775 TARTAR 7 107 5 10 72 75 8 T OBrien J W Medli Co 15 15 15 6 27030 METOXEN 5 107 12 52 9 9 95 Bnell T A Davies 30 50 50 15 17502 W T KEMPER 510710 11 11 10 Id Moran EL Liger 30 300 300 60 26870 RUBY BILEY 5 105 6 72 10 11 11 C Hueston H Thomas 60 100 100 40 27283 KID MCOY 4 110 9 12 12 12 12 W Narvaez W L Mower SO 60 60 80 80Timem Timem 241 49 1 K2 1 151 151Winner Winner B h by Golden Ban Lily Virgil Went to post at 500 At post 13 minutes Start poor Won driving second easily Tha start destroyed the form of the race R Q Ban was given a flying start and hia rider made the moat of it Benham was weakly handled at the end Hindoonet did hia beat but is in poor form Schneli Laufer ran a good race Kid McCoy bled Overweights Governor John 5 pounds B Q Ban show J to 5 BeabaBt shew e t Hiniooaet skew S t 5

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Local Identifier: drf1901080801_3_1
Library of Congress Record: