Hamilton Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-09


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HAMILTON FORM CHART CHARTHAMILTON HAMILTON ONT August 8 Thirtyfirst day Fort Erie Racing Association Summer Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter Mars Cassidy Racing starts at 230 p m t PvP FIRST RACK 78 Mile Parse 250 4yearolds and upward Belling Ind Horses A Wt St H K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P P27302SAM1VEL 27302SAM1VEL 6 109 2 12 H 13 l 11 Poatel Rogers Miles 75857535 21273392TAMARIN 9 Ai9 Ut 4 107 1 31 31 2t 2S 26 LThompsnNDyment 7 7 6 21 273392TAMARIN 4112 5 63 6S 5 42 310 Houck OOwestCo 21 21 21 1 273S9 RANDY 4 112 7 7 7 7 61 41 McQaado R F Myers 30 40 40 12 27302 ROYAL SALUTE 5 109 6 52 41 4 3 5 Tallahan P Gorman 34365 27207 GRANDBDE 4112 4 22 21 Si 5 6 Flint J J Carroll 15 20 15 6 27336 CORALI8 6 107 3 42 51 61 7 7 Miodnr R E L Bice 6762 Time 241481114 l28h Winner PlentyWent l28hWinner n B g by Eberlee Plenty Went to poet at 300 At post 4 minutes Start poor Won cleverly second easily Samivel showed the most speed sot a hot pace and had those behind him beaten all through Magog waa used up In chasing the leader but appeared like a winner at the fnrlong post where she forced Bamivel to a drive Tamarin was always outran and was given an easy ride Royal Salute and Grandeur quit almost to a walk in the run home Tha latter was probably shor shor8cratched27339Free 8cratched27339Free Lance 112 27304 Rashlin 112 273393Kaalo 109 27335Eaclaire 107 107oamivl oamivl show ont Magog chow ovens Tamarin show2 to 5 Boyal Silnte show 3 to 5 27356 SECOND HACK 1S flille Purse 250 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St K i BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 273032MEDITATION 107 6 61 41 1 Blake J E Lane Co 35 35 35 ont 26763 WEDDING MARCH 107 3 21 11 22 LThompsnB J Hiner Co 3 31 8 85 27305 LADY PATRONESS 1091 8 71 71 3 Flint H Lewis 15 20 20 8 27261 CIRCUS GIRL 1001 7 51 6 41 Pemberton W Hendrie 10 12 10 4 27261 HAPPY MAY 97 2 1 3 51 J Daly H P Headley 45475 45475JANNITA JANNITA M 9914 31 21 61 May FBrnhnsCo 10 15 15 6 26962 RODDY 97 5 887 Hadfern E B Clancy 40 50 40 15 27261 SILVER CHIMEB 98 9 998 Dolan W Oliver 20 25 20 8 8260573TAMBODHINE 260573TAMBODHINE II 107 1 41 5 9 L Jackson H L Johnson 6 7 7 21 21Timem 2450tWinner Timem 2450t Winner Ch f by Handspring Fair Recluse RecluseWent Went to post at 335 At post 8 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Medita ¬ tion wee not in her strida when the flag fell She had to go all around her field to get up and was under a hard drive all through the last furlong and caught Wedding March tiring at the end The latter showed speed bnt quit as if short Lady Patroness was closing fast at the end whilo Jannita M and Tambourine 11 tired The latter was eased up when beaten beatenScratched Scratched 27305 Latch String 97 97Corrected Corrected weights Jannita M97 M97OverweightsLady OverweightsLady Patroness 21 pounds Circus Girl 31 Jannita M 21 Silver Chimes 1 1Wedding Wedding March show 4 to 5 Lady Patroness show 4 to 1 Happy May show 3 to 5 r7 O fr rf THIRD HACK 1 11O Miles Puree 5300 3yearolds and upward Selling lad Horses A Wt 8t X M X BtrFin Jockeys Owners OHO P 273383 WINE PRESS 5107 6 41 3 3 11 1 LThompanH McCarren Jr 21 3 1151 27080 RU8B FIELDS 7 107 2 In 4 5 2 21 Troxlor Charles Ray 32 21 ll510 2730UOB8TIN SIMON 5102 4 21 IH IH 31 3 McQaade R F Myers 2 21 21 1 27339 WATERHOUE 5 103 5 6 6 6 51 41 Minaer R E L Rico 15 25 20 6 27304 GRAY DALLY 3 92 3 51 52 4n 41 5 L Jackson F Reagan 34365 27304 THE GOLDEN PE3 101 1 3 21 21 6 6 Blake J L Holland 6 10 10 4 4Time Time 251 EO 1 16 1 431 1 49i 49iWinner Winner B m by Rtrathmore Pomona PomonaWent Went to post at 405 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Wino Press had her speed along today lay in a good position to the stretch turn and came away with ¬ out much of an effort when called on Rnsti Fields hung in the last sixteenth while Obstinate Simon tired and had all he could do to stall off Waterhouse The Golden Prince quit as if shot at the stretch turn turnWine Wine Press show 2 to 5 Rush Fields show ont Obstinate Simon show 2 to 5 Gray Dally show 3 to 5 CJ rj O pr O FOURTH BACK 58 Mile Purse 5250 2yearolds Handicap nd Horses A Wt St X StrFin Jockeys Ownsrs CHOP 272472LAC 110 2 1 2 11 H Blake E Peters 21 21 21 1 12730338ILK 2730338ILK CORD 110 4 42 3 4 22 L Jackson K P Shipp 65 75 65 25 25272643PLUM 272643PLUM TART 101 1 21 IH 21 32 Pembsrton W Hendrie 6762 27303 WIRE IN 103 3 31 45 3 4 McQaade H Giddins 20 25 20 8 27203 DIXIE QUEEN 104 5 6 6 52 68 Redfern Charles Ray 2 3 21 1 27303 MODERATOR 102 6 51 51 6 6 Minder MrnMCLylesCo 565 565Time Time 12241481103 12241481103Winner RupeeWent Winner B c by Ben Btrome Rupee Went to post at 434 At post 10 minutes Start fair Won ridden out second easily Lac was hustled along in the first part of the race and was hard ridden in tha final farlong to stall off Bilk Cord The latter was ridden all over the track and Jacksons finish was a weak one Plum Tart broke running and showed speed but was carried to defeat by Lac Minder could do nothing with Moderator Dixie Queen showed bat little speed and is running much below her trne form formScratched Scratched 27305 Paper Maker 110 110Overweights Overweights poundLac Wire In 1 pound Lac ehow 2 to 5 Silk Cord show ont Plum Tart show evens Dixie Qaeon show 2 to 5 27359 FIFTH RACK 5 12 Furlongs Pnrsa 250 3yearolds celling Ind Horses A Wt St X K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 27307YOUNG HENRY 111 1 21 32 1 12 L Jackson A Browa Co 21 3 21 1 26490 BENCKART 117 4 42 4 4 2 Blake Q W Cook 4 5 41 85 27336 LELIA BARR 105 2 11 12 21 3 J Daly H L Johnson 852 2 4S 4S272632GOTUMBA 272632GOTUMBA 107 3 31 2 = 31 4 McQaade E Moore 3 4 31 75 26834 AU RODS 105 5 7 61 5 5 Minder Mrs M CLjlesCo6 7 7 21 27172 8AEEP8TAKES 105 7 63 51 6 6 Callahau LTilt 20 50 50 20 27116 PHILMAPAXTON 104 8 8877 Kinsella E J Miller 10 20 20 8 8257393BROADWAY 257393BROADWAY 103 6 5 7 8 8 Thompson H McCarren Jr 6 10 10 4 4Time Time 241 501 1 02 109 109Winner Winner B g by Henry Yonng Voltndera VoltnderaWent Went to post at 505 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily aecond driving Jackson waited with Young Henry until in the final fnrloug He then passed by Lelia Barr and Gotumba when given his bead and came away with ease Benckart finished itrongly and got second placet in the last stride Lelia Barr showed the most early speed bat quit wb n challenged Gotumba lost gronnd at every turn and was cat off in the ran home and kn icked out of it Auroua got away all tangled np bat made up gronnd Minder was no help whatever to him This colt will run better with a good rider np Scratched npScratched 27263 The Brother 108 108Young Young Henry show 1 to 2 Beuckart show 4 to 5 Lelia Barr show out Gotumba show 1 to 10 27360 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3 yearolds and upward Soiling md Horses A Wt St X K BtrFin Jockeys Owners I 273063 B IE AWAY 4 109 2 8 41 21 It Jackson E Moore 85 2 85 710 710272633MOROKNTA 272633MOROKNTA 4 112 4 1 It U 2 Blake E A Farroll 21 3 21 45 45273062ED1NBOROUGH 273062ED1NBOROUGH 4 112 5 21 2a 3 31 Troxler Charles Ray 2 21 2 45 27302 B4DINAGE 4107 1 6 6 51 4 J Daly J Walters 15 15 15 6 6273022AHAMO 273022AHAMO 4107 S 43 32 41 5 Pemberton K P Shipp 8 12 10 4 4Z73073MAGNUH Z73073MAGNUH TROIL 3 105 6 51 SI 6 6 Flint H Lewis 10 12 10 4 27263TflECOVNANTH3109l7 7777 LThompsn HMcCarren Jr 6 8 7 21 21Tim Tim 1224l48 115 Winner B g by Getaway High Nun NunWent Went to post at 535 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Hie Away caught Morokanta tiring in the rna home and drew away easily in the last twenty yards Morpkauta showed speed bat was used up in raoing with Ediabjrourfh Tha latter tired badly at tho and andOverweights Overweights poundsNo The Covenanter 41 pounds No ehow betting on first three

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901080901/drf1901080901_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1901080901_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800