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SARATOGA FORM CHART CHARTSARATOGA SARATOGA K Y August 29 Twentysecond day The Saratoga Association Bummer BummerMeeting Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Clarence McDowell Starter C J Fitzgerald Bacing starts at 215 p m 27933 FIB8T BAGS 1 110 Miles 500 added Sytarolda and upward Belling Ind Horses AWt St K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 27836 BPEEDMA8T 5 104 4 4 3 21 li 1 Shaw O C Johnson 10 12 12 4 278772ASQUITH 4 111 3 51 51278393ALTHEA 71 51 51 21 T Burns F B Hitchcock 2 116116 45 278393ALTHEA 3 IDS 2 21 21278813L 41 7 72 33 Wonderly E Beynolds 45585 278813L CEOBI8TEB 3 93 5 3i 2 12 22 41 Michaels A D HamptonOolO 10 8 3 277363 ADYOCATOB 3 98 9 81 82 8 81 51 Cochran JJMcOafferty 8 12 12 4 27877 CHAOS 3 88 6 6 5 6i 62 62 Bhea P8P Randolph 40 60 40 12 278392LEE EING 4 103 8 72 61 41 81 7 OConnor J 8 OBrien 21 1352 45 27508 GBT AMEBICAN 3 101 7 9 9278S6 9 9 9 85 Smith M Byrnes 30 50 50 12 278S6 LIZZIE A 3 86 1 12 U 32 41 9 Thompson E Whalen Winner Ch m by Candlemas Swift Went to post at 215 At post 10 minntes Start good Won driving second the same Bpeedmast was perfectly handled and is evidently in good form again and should improve greatly on this race which she was very lucky to win from Asqnith The latter was interfered with racing will fit him to beat this kind easily Althea was bustled too much in the first part of the race in an effort to keep her well up with the leaders but was finishing fast and is certainly very good Lady Chorister was used up making the pace and was injudiciously ridden Advocator is a very slow beginner but made up many lengths in the last half and will shine over a long journey Chaos fe worth remembering among bad ones Scratched27507 onesScratched27507 Ventoro103278773Cogswell 96 Overweights 96Overweights Great American 5 pounds Bpeodmast poundsBpeodmast show 8 to 5 Asqnith show 2 to 5 Althea show 7 to 10 Loo King show 2 to 5 27934 SECOND BACK 5 13 Furlong 700 added 2yearolds Handicap Ind Horses A Wt Bt i K X BtrFin Jockeys OHO 27117UTOPIAN lOt 6 51 4i 1 H Shaw F M Taylor 21 13521 1 277383TRIBEH HILL 112 4 61 51 2 21 T Burns W H Sealey 3 4 Si 75 27738 BELLES COMNEB109 7 91 9 71 SH J Woods J W Forsythe 34485 271372 HBANCE3CO 12610 78 62 62 42 Pickering A B Wise 20 50 40 12 261963 FAB EXCELLENCES 2 2 21 5 5 BeauchampPepper Stable 6 12 10 4 27170 ZIBL 105 5 SH 3a 4 62 Cochran B Schreibar 10 12 10 4 27895 BYB OF BOSCREA 88 3 H 12 31 7 Thompson L H Franchi 15 30 20 8 27611 GBAIL 100 9 83 82 8 8 Michaels GoughacrosStablelO 12 10 4 27880 JAMES P EEATINQ106 1 4 71 9 9 OConnor T Murphy 8 15 12 4 27774 TIPPETOEd 92 8 10 10 10 10 W Daly F M Moore 40 60 JO 15 15Time Time 11 23 49 1 01 1 07 Winner UtilityWent B c by Juvenal Utility Went to post at 250 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Utopia was best at the weights He was compelled to run around the field on the stretch turn was poing very strong at the end and is a superior class colt and a rare stayer Tribes Hill ran a fine race bnt acted somewhat sour and probably is not quite at his best Belles Commoner found the fast goincr to bis liking but broke slowly and went around a half dozan horses on the turn and finished fast Francesco ran a remarkable race at the weight considering his start and bad jockey Par Excellence looks very good and should do well at Sheepshead He showed a fine burst of speed and may have been snort Zirl was probably outclassed by this kind Grail is in bad form and wasunwilling to try in the race Scratcbpd27895 raceScratcbpd27895 The Goldfinder 112 27895 Feme Sole 104 Overweights 104Overweights Utopian 1 pound Tippetoes 2 Utopian show 1 to 2 Tribes Hill show 7 to 10 Belles Commoner show 7 to 10 OTOQ K TH1BD BACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds Handicap J I C O The Saranac Stakes Value 5000 Ind Horses A Wt St St M H 3 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 27735DUBLIN 113 1 IH 26 IB 21 11 12 Shaw Gou hacresStable65 65 1 13 278152 BABN PEPPEB 104 3 3 = 4 4 4 4 2 BeauchampPepper Stable 12 20 15 4 278172CHUCTNUNDA1Q9 2 21 1 21028 23 3 T Barns W H Sealey 65 32 32 1S 1S27737THE 27737THE BHYMEB 106 4 4 SB 31 S 31 4 Cochran T F Monahan 5 S 7 1 Time 23J 48 1 14 1 40g 1 53 53Winner Winner Br c by Atheling Wild Honey HoneyWent Went to post at 420 At post 8 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Dublin and Chnctanunda went off together both under orders to force the pace It was remarkably fast and at the end of seven furlongs Sanfords colt began to tire bnt hnng on tenaciously to the finish The winner came away in the stretch bnt was flagging and all out Baron Pepper was especially benefited by the strong pace sot by tho two leaders and finished like a whirlwind He is a firstclass stayer and will beat good ones over a cup distance The Rhymer put up an unusually game and lasting effort In fact all except Baron Pepper were staggering as if drunk at the end Dublin and Chuctanunda are great colts both possessing an extraordinary turn of spaed and single handed could have only cantered and beat The Bhymer and Baron Pepper at the distance distanceScratchod278782Bellario Scratchod278782Bellario 100 27277 Far Bockaway 97 Dublin 97Dublin show out Baron Pepper show evens Chnctannnda show out 27936 FOUBTH BACE 58 Mile 100 added 2yearolds Maidens Selling Ind Horses A Wt St H tt X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 27531 FRIVOL 110 1 22 22 IB 11 Wonderly P8P Randolph 8 10 7 2 27810 ROSE COURT 105 6 41 42 SH 21 Thompson R T Wilson Jr 10 15 41 85 27880 FONTEN1X 110 4 1 IH 2a 31 OConnor J Stanley 34465 27566 HIGH CARNIVAL 110 5 6 51 51 41 Cochran J J McCafferty 21 4 31 1 27810 TBAUEB 105 2 51 6 6 51 Dunn B Schreibar 15 25 20 6 27840 EMMA A M 110 3 31 SB 4 6 BeanchampT Murphy 128535 Time 128535Time 12 2 36 48 1 01 CharlesJiltWent Winner Ch f by St CharlesJilt Went to post at 355 At post 2 minutes Start good Won handily second driving Frivol was the best of a bad field and ran in much improved form Bose Court got off badly and fin ¬ ished strongly after having made up much ground Fontonix quit at the end High Carnival began slowly but finished well Traner had little chance with a bad jockey a Frivol show 4 to 5 Bose Court show 4 to 5 Fontenix show 1 to 2 High Carnival show 2 to 5 Emma A M show 1 to 4 CONTINUED ON SARATOGA FORM CHARTCONTINUED i FIFTH HACK 1 Mile and 7O Yards 800 added 3yearolds and upward upwardTTnnrliflnn TTnnrliflnn Ind HorsoB A Wt St X ft X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 27772FIR8T WHIP 4 126 1 3 3 3 1 li McCne J M McLaughlin 95 21 115 13 277162 BEN MAC DHUI 3 110 2 1 1 12 22 23 J Woods Q Walbaum 35 71012 ont ont2788DAGNES 2788DAGNES D 3 103 3 23 21 2 3 3 Wondarly E Morrell 4981 4981Time Time 25 50 1 15J 1 40 1 44 Winner Br c by Duke of Montroae Theora TheoraWent Went to post at 420 At post 1 minnte Start good Won handily second easily First Whip was a great horse today He steadily closed a tremendous gap opened np by Ben MacDhm on the first turn and getting on terms at the head of the stretch the result was a foregone conclu ¬ sion Ben MacDhui displayed an amazing turn of speed but was unable to maintain it farther than six furlongs Agnes D although outrun and outclassed stuck to her work very gamely gamelyScratched Scratched 27938 Great American 97