Hawthorne Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-09-24

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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. CHICAGO, September 43. Forty-second day. Chicago Jockay Clab. Midsummer Me et- ing. Weather clear; track fast. Fraeiding Judge, J. H. Bees. Btartor, J. J. Holt man. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. OQ11 Q FIE ST RACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00; 875 to second; 5 to third. aOtJbJLQ 2-ygsr-olda. Belling. Ind Horsea A Wt St H K X BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H O P 282203AMOTE 95 7" 5 4a 3x in Bice J F Newman 20 40 SO 10 28171LADY XIKE 921 6a 4 6a 21 21 Gormley FLightfoof 41 6 6 2 28224BLUE KIPGE 90 1 S 3a 41 31 R Steele C E Mahone and Co 10 12 12 4 28321 DIGBY liELL 101 3h 95 7a 5114a T Knight T H Ryan 4 6 51 11-5 28321 MISS HUME 102 91 611 21 11 Eh j Hicks WdfrdandEvermanl3 16 16 7 282202BBAGG 1041 83 7a 9 71 f5 Robertson T Rowe 15 15 9 4 28196 THE bTEWARDESS9S 21 ia 51 si 71 8eaton Mrs R Bradley SO 40 40 15 28393HAT MITCHELL 93 5a la in oi 81 Hope J J Ogles 4 41 41 2 28248 JOHN CLARKE 106 101 81 81 9 9a Cobnrn J E Cashing 4 4 3 7-5 27194 KENTY M UDDLE 93 41 102 105 ice 101 Bojd W D Greenwood 30 30 30 12 28321THE WAY 97 11 11 11 11 11 Davisson H J Scoggan 25 40 80 10 Apprenticn allowance. Time, 121, 241, 481, 1 :011, 1 :081. Winner b.g, by Lord Dalmeny Bessie Bisland. Went to ppst at .03. Post 3 minatss. Ftartgood. Won driving; second the same. Amote closed with a rnsh in the last fifty yards and was going away at the finish. Gormley lost control of Lady Like iu the closing strides and threw the race away. Bine Ridge ran a fair race and was a contender thronijhi.ut. Digby Bell came fast at the end. He is a slow beginner and besides cnns his best races in the mad. Mies Hume is speedy, She got off badly but rushed into the leud just after entering the stretch, bhe was right there np to the last fifty yards and then began to tire. The Stewardess and Hat Mitchell showed early Bpeed. It was a poor field. Scratched 27376 Royal Arch, 98. Overweights Lady Like, 21 ponnds ; Bragg, 21. Amote, show, 5 to 1. Lady Like, show, evens. Bine Ridge, show, 2 to 1. John A. Clarke, show, 7 to 10. 1 Q SECOND HACK 6 1-8 Furlongs. Purse 5400; 5tOB0cond; 5 to thira. rfOtJbJL7 3-year-oldB and upward. 8elling. Ind HoreoB AWt St H. K X StrFin Jockeys Ownara O H 0 P 28061 RIVAL DAHE .5 110 3 H 22 21 la Alexander Bolich and Sweet 5 6 6 2 283123 BANCO 4 108 71 9 6a 53 21 Bassinger J D McMillanandCo21 41 41 8-5 283792BYNIA 5 108 2a 3a 42 31 31 Cobnrn S C Hildreth 4 4 18-58-5 28031 LYROR BELL 3 99 la 2? 1 la 41 T Knight J D Smith 6 6 5 2 28392 DEL. OSTR AND 4 1U4 51 5 3 4 53 Lyne T E Barrett and Co 15 30 30 10 282473MAX BENDIX 3 101 ,91 61 71 61 63 Davisson C Lind 5 5 5 2 28375 SIM W. 8 104 101 71 8H 7 7a Blake Leopold A Pascoe 10 13 13 5 27790MORONI 6 102 81 101 91 95 811 Otis J Arthur 30 50 50 15 23818KOHN WREATH 3 99 61 42 52 8 91 T Dean G W Pools 60 80 80 30 28346 WHISPER LOiV 5 99 4 81 11 101106 Gormley G W CurtiB SO 30 30 10 28Q90 ALLIE H. 4 104 11 11 105 n n Beaton Mrs R Bradley 60 100 100 25 Apprentice allowance. Time, 12, 211, 481, 1 :141, 1 :20i. Winner Ch. m, by Only Dare Mollie Jones. Went to post at 2:30. At post 7 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second handily. Rival Dare came fast and true on the inside rail in the last eighth, but had to be hustled out to the laBt ounce to stall oil Rancos resolute rush at the end. The latter met with early interference, but moved up fast when ho got clear and made up ground in the final quarter. Synia quit slightly when the rub came, tiho has probably bad a little too much of it lately, Lyror Bell was speedy for six furlongs, but she stopped when pinehed in the last fifty yards. Delia Ostrand ran right to the mark and had no misuaps. Kohnwreath ehowed a flash of speed for about a half mile. Bcratched-28151Alee, 101. Rival Dare, show, 3 to 2. Ranco, Bhow, 4 to 5. Synia, show, 7 to 10. TH HAOb-3-4 ialIe Pome 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. AlfAgea Sd-l0 Ind Horses AWt Bt k, H StrFin Jockeya Ownera O H 0 P 283422HEAD WATER 5 108 41 3i 3a 31 Ink T Knight H L Jones and Co 3 18-518-59-5 283962MONEY MU88 3 104 3a 14 U 12 21 Ransom F T Wood 8-5 8-5 7-5 1-2 28375 GONFALON 4 108 5a 6H 68 41 82 Cobnrn S C Hildreth 4 6 6 2 28392 IF YOU DARK 3 101 la 22 22 2 4a Blake Bolich and Bweet 15 15 12 31 283753GOAL RUNNER 5 105 62 5" 51 65 56 Gormley A M Linnell and Co 7 9 61 11-5 28342 H. HERENDEEN 3 1C6 2" 42 41 51 67 W Hughes J T Stewart and Co 15 30 30 10 B. NAUGH GENE 4 1061 7 7 7 7 7 Bassinger JDMcMillan and Co SO 150 150 40 Time, 231,351,48,1:121. Winner Er. g, by Watercress Headflower. , Went to post at b:00. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second handily. Headwater finished rrrolnteiy and wore down Money Muss in the last few Btrides. The latter would probably have wou with r better rider up, as Ransom was of little or no holp to him when the crucial test came. Goufttion under a vigorous riae came fast at the end and showed improvement. If You Dare was right there for five and a half furlongs. Goal Runner ran an indifferent race. Harry Herendeen showed early spaed but fell away in the final eighth. Scratched-27313 Sharp Bird, 108; 27796 Lennep, 108; 28392 Master Mariner, 105; 27817 Specific, 108;283443Hargis, 87. . Overweights Harry Eerendeen, 2 pounds; Baugh Naugh Gene, 11. Headwater, show, 2 to 5. Money Muss, show, out. Gonfalon, show, 4 to 5. Q A fci "1 i?uUiilH RACE 8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. The Autumn Utfcial Stakes. ,000 added; 00 to aecond; 00 to third. Valne to winner, ,290. Ind Horses A Wt St Y2 m 11 11 StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H O P 283983BABRACK 4 112 5 22 211 121 11 la 1 JWinkfleld T E Barrett and Co 2 2 9 5 1-2 28395ARGUKUOR 3 102 i 3 Sa 2a 32 32 231 Cobnrn C T Boots 111-1011-102-5 28397 KEN. BAE 4 92 4 5 5 31 21 21 331 Davisson J B Lawman and C06 9 8 2 283973TAM. CHIEF 3 92 31 42 41 45 41248 420 Hope J J Ogles 12 13 11 8 28322 FOX BARD i 95 1h 11 1" 5 5 5 5 J Walsh F Grady and Co 20 25 16 6 Time, 27, 53, 1 :191, 1 :46, 2 :00, 2 :13i, 2 :381, 3 :04, 3 :30. Winner-Br. c, by Bersun Fable. Went to pL.at ut 3 -30. At post 1 minute. Start fair. Won handily; second easily. Barrack assumed the lead attar the first mile and a quarter had been run and stayed there winning with speed in reserve. Argregor finished fast in the laBt sixteenth bnt had no chance to beat the winner. Kentucky Babe ran a good race but was outclassed. Fox Bard led on sufferance for a little over a mile. Scratched-28397 Flying Torpedo, 102. Overweights Argregor, 2 poundB. Barrack, show, 1 to 8. Argregor, show, out. Kentucky Babe, show, 4 to 5. O O A O 61 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. Purse 00; 5 to eecond; 5 to third. Oob All Ages. Free Handicap. Ind Horses AWt St 34 K X BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O B 0 P 28396 CAMBRIAN 5 113 2a 12 11 11 la la T Knight M fl TichenorandCo7-5 7-5 7-511-20 283772VULCAIN 4 105 5 31 3a 3a 31 23 Cobnrn S C Hildreth 11-513-513-54-5 283963BONEY BOY 5 90 S 21 21 21 2a 3a Beaton Mrs R Bradley 10 10 9 8 2830428EN.BE VERIDGE3 93 la 415 415 415 41s 415 Gormley WLHazelip 6 6 5 8-5 28247HAVILAND 4 98 42 5 5 5 5 5 Davisson F Cook 5 10 10 3 Time, 25, 491, 1:15,1:401. Winner Ch. h, by Hindoo Cambria. Went to post at 4:00. At post 5 minutes. Start fair. Won driving; second easily. Cambrian showed the most speed all the way and stood Yulcains determined bid at the end like the high class horse that he is. The latter lost some ground by bumping into Haviland at the first turn. He made up ground quickly thereafter and the mishap may havo cost him the race. Boney Boy had enough when a fnrlong out, just lasting long enough to get third place from Senator Bever-idge. The latter was also well tired by the timo the last furlong had been reached. Haviland was almost thrown to his knees by Vulcain at the first turn. He was thrown clear ont of the race and was given an easy ride thereafter. Scratched 28396George Arnold, 119. Overweights Senator Beveridge, 1 pound. Cambrian, show, 1 to 3. Yulcain, show, 2 to 5. Boney Boy, show, evens. Q A kQ SIXTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. 1 O tib and O 2-year-old8. Belling. Infl Horses A Wt Bt M V X BtrFin Jockeya Ownora O H O P 28321 ALADDIN 107 la la 11 12 i Cobnrn G C Bennett and Co 5 7 7 3 28299 BTELLA PEBKINS100 4" 4a Si 2 Lyne Z Pierpoint 15 16 IS 6 8272 LY3BETH 98 81 51 5a 61 S3 Gormley Mrs L Griffin 6 7 7 21 28378 COACOA 98 8a 7 61 5a 42 T Dean W T Muir 10 16 15 6 281251TOMMY FOSTER 105 62 31 31 41 5 Blake F Cook 5 5 3 9-5 280643THRO8TLE 100 2 21 22 2 61 T Knight J D Smith Si 6 6 21 28321 LEGAL MAXIM 95 4a 8a 83 82 72 J Walsh P Dnnne 8 8 8 3 83212PYRRHO 102 7a 9 72 7 85 Rice T Licalzi 5 7 7 2 28175BELLE OF MINCO 93 9 62 9 9 9 Davisson W Carroll 10 11 11 4 Apprentice allowance. Time, 12, 24, 481, 1 :001, 1 :07i. Winner B. c, by St. George Merry Wise. , Went to post at 4 :S0. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Aladdin under a clever ride ran in improved form and held a fair advantage up to the last sixteenth whero he had to be driven to the limit to stall qff Stella PerkinB bid. The latter finished fast and would have been returned the winner in a few more Btrides. Lysbeth ran a dull race. Coacoa could never get up and was never a contender. Tommy FoBter quit badly when a furlong out as did also Throstle. The others never had a chance. Scratched 28893 Dodie 8.. 102; 282723Mnresca, 103; 28146 Landseer, 105. Aladdin, show, 3 to 2. Stella Perkins, Bhow, 3 to 1. Lysbeth, show, 7 to 5. Tommy Foster, ehow, 4 to 5. OQ1 Ol SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile. Purse 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. juOxrJr3t All Ages. Allowances. tad Horses A Wt Bt K X StrFin Jockeya Ownera O H C P 28396 ROLLING BOER 3 102 3" 41 45 3" 12 12 Cobnrn 8 C Hildreth 9-5 9-5 9-5 8-5 283222MAC GYLE 4 99 6a 32 31 2a 21 23 T Knight C T Boota 4 5 4 8-5 28091 ALFRED C. 4 100 4". 1J la H 31 81 Blake J OFlaherty 40 60 60 20 28063STAR CHMBEB 4 110 la 53 53 53 4 4 JWinkfield P Dnnne 2 ,13-513-54-5 27040 RESEDA 4 97 7 68 6 65 51 56 R Steele T Carey 12 20 16 6 283933RAGTAG . 2 85 5a 23 22 43 62 6a Davisson J T Stewart and Co 4 6 4 7-5 26821 AN. OLDFIELD 6 97 2a 7 7 7 7 7 Gormley L Marion and Co 60 60 60 20 Time, 25, 481, 1:14, 1:40. Winner B. c, by Dutch Roller Woodranee. Went to post at 5:00, At post 5 minuteB. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Rolling Boer came away without any trouble in the last eighth and won as his rider pleased. Mac Gyle had enough a furlong out, but waB the best of the others. Alfred C. ran a surprisingly good race, but was tiring badly at the end. Star Chamber ran as if short and the race ahould do him good. Rag Tag ran well for six furlongs. Bcratched 283732Little Elkin, 90; 28S22 Merito, 97. Overweights Mac Gyle, 2 pounds ; Rolling Boer, 4. Rolling Boer, show, 1 to 4. Mac Gyle, show, 3 to 5. Alfred C, Bhow, 6 to 1. Btar Chamber, show, 2 to 5. -

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901092401/drf1901092401_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1901092401_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800