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Harlem Club - Jockey - HARLEM PARK, CHICAGO. Autumn Meeting September 30-October 9. SIX OK MORE RACES DAILY, BEGINNING AT 2 P. n STAKE AND SPECIAL EVENTS Steeplechase monday, September so oak park handicap. For 3jear-oidB Music by r l,0l0 Added. 1 1-8 Miles. Races Thursday, October 3. proviso stakes, Selling. For 2-year-oids. . ,500 Added. 5 1-2 Furlongs. BariKS Monday Saturday, October 5. Chicago stakes. For 3-year-oids and ap- ward 2,500 Added. 1 Mile. Wednesday MONDAY, OCTOBER 7. SPEED STAKES. For All Ages. 000 Added. vregier S 3-4 Mile. FVidav Tuesday, October 8. forward stakes. For 2-ear-oids. ,000 Orchestra.. mj Added. 7-8 Mile. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9. 20TH CENTURY HANDICAP. For 3-year-olds and upward. 5,000 Added. 1 3-16 Miles. ADMISSION .00. Bpeclal Illinois Central trainB leave Randolph street at 12:10, 12:80. 12:50 and 1:15 p.m., stop- Metropolitan "L" leaves Pacific avenue and Van Bnren street at 12:41, 12:51 and 1:01 p.m., pin? at Van Bnren street, Park Bow, Balsted street and Ashland avenue. Betnrnina, first train stopping at all Loop stations, Balsted street and Marshfield avenue, at 4:40; other trains directly after the races. .... Lake Street Elevated leave Clark and Lake Ste. at 12 :16, 12 :S0. 12 :37. 12:44, 12 :51, 12 :58, 1 :12, 1 :54 12th Street Electric from Van Buren and State streets direct to track without change fic m P.m., stopping at all Loop stations, leaving Bandolph Et. and Fifth avenue 14 minutes later, 12:15 to 1:00 p.m. at short intervals, direct to track without stop. Beturning, first train after fifth race stops at all stations; other trains after races, stopping at Ashland avenue and Halsted street. Madieon Street Cable connecting with surface electric at 40th street direct to track. Fare on Specials, Round Trip, 28c. M. Natlianson, Secy, 815 Merchants Loan and Trnst Bldg. FALL M. N. Macfarlan, v Richard Dwyer, Presiding Judge. barter. IVIEETING S. M. Apperson, Hugh E. Keouth, Western J. C Steward. OF.. PatrolJndge. THE : WORTHJOCKEYCLUB 15-DAYS RACING-15 October IO to October 26 Inclusive. SIX OR MORE RACES DAILY, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. 2,000 or More Distributed in Special Events and Purses. ADMISSION .00. WABASH R. R. Special Trains leave Dearborn Station Polk Street as follows 7-55 A. M. Stops at 22nd, 41 stand 63rd Sts. 12:55 P.M. FXPRFSS TRAJN. KO STOPS. DIBICX TO GKAND STAND. t. . , .lof ,, fifo 1:05 P.M. Stops at 22nd, 41st and 63rd Sts. 12:20 P.M. Stops at 22ud, 41st and 63rd Sts. 1:18 P.M. EXPRESS TKAIN. 0 STOPS. DIRECT TO GRAND STAND. 12:40 P.M. Stops at 22nd, 4lst and G3rd Sts. X .45 p.m. Stops at 22nd, 41st and 63rd Sts. Haonlar Snbntban trains to Chicago Bidge at 6:05 and 9:15 a. m. and 1:25, 2:50 and 2:55 p:m. Beturning, one special train leaves grand stand after fifth racnand the others after the raees,. " Suuday trains to Chicago Bidge at 9:45 a.m. and 1:25, 4:35, 6:10 and 9:15 p.m. Conveyances connect with electric cara at Mount Olivet, dm et to track. Fare 01 Round Trip on Special Trains 25 Cents. ROBERT A, HILLER, Secretary, Room 30, 170 E. Madison St.