Harlem Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-10-10

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HARLEM FORM CHART. ! OHIOAOO, Ililw, October 9. Ninth day. Harlem Jockey Club. Autumn Matt log:, Weather olondy ; track mnddy. Presiding Judge, Col. A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Richard Dwyer, i Racing etarta at 2 :00 p. m. QQP71 Q FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 400; 5 to Becond; 25 to third. 4 IP 3-year-olda and upward. Belling. Ind Horses AWt Bt M K X BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H 0 P 286082IF YOU DARE 3 110 3a 2h 33 22 i T Knight Bolich and Sweet 4 41 4 6-5 282452EDUCATE 3 88 421 32 2 41 22 D Mitchell J J Murray and Co 21 3 13-51 28608 H. HERENDEEN3 107i 61 5 4 S 31 J WinkfleldJ T Btewart and Co 10 10 10 4 286S33BUMMER 5 103 5 6 61 61 41 L Jackson J F Holt 3 Si 31 8-5 . 28643 ANNU 3 93 U 13 Vi 1h 51 T Meade C H WilliameandOo40 60 40 15 285672BEGURANCA 4 102 82 71071076 66 Coburn G C Bennett and Co 4 41 4 6-5 28587 L. JACK HORNR5 95 2" 41 52 52 78 J Hicks W H Richardson 60 100 60 25 28625J. MCARTEY 3 94 7 8 815 8is 820 R Steele W L Hazelip 15 25 25 10 28491 GAWAINE 3 109 9 9 9 9 9 Blake W E Cotton 30 60 60 20 Apprentice allowance. Time, 12, 21, 50, 1:03, 1:11. Winner Ch. g, by Only Dare Mollie Jones. Went to post at 2 :05. At poet 18 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. If You Dare came Btrongly in the last eighth and was much the best. Educate ran a good race considering the fact that she was much used while at the post. Harry Herendien reveled in the going and showed the best race he has run this year. He probably runs beBt in the mud. Bummer could not negotiate the going. Annu ran a surprisingly good race and was right there for four and a half furlongs. Beguranca ran far below expectation. Bcratched 286612Emma R.,93; 28643Mountebank, 103; 28661School for Scandal, 106; 28664 Bevoy, 101; 280613St. Cuthbert, 101. Overweights Harry Herendeen, 31 pounds ; Beguranca, 1 ; Annu, 3. Corrected weights Little Jack Horner, 95. If You Dare, show. 3 to 5. Educate, show, 1 to 2. Harry Herendeen, show, 2 to 1. Bummer, show, 4 to 5. 8egnranca, show, 3 to 5. QQrT-l A SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. Purse 00; 75 to Becond; 5 to third. I Lrdb 2-year-olds. Handicap. lnd Horses AWt St H X X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 27793 HERODIADE 102 211 Vi U is 1 Coburn G C Bennett and Co 5 5 41 6-5 28609 MCHESNEY 110 31 33 3 83 2 J WinkfleldJ S Ward 1 3-2 1 1-2 28646 I. SAMELSON 90 5 41 4 4 8s D Mitchell T J McHale 12 15 10 3 28626 LANDSEER 98 41 5 5 5 41 Birkenruth Ezell and Lazarus 5 12 12 81 28646 JULIA JUNKIN 101 1 23 21 2" 5 T Knight F Lightfoot 3 16-516-59-10 Time, 12, 25J, 5 1:04. Winner Ch. c, by Hanover Druidess. Went to poBt at 2 :45, At post 8 minuteB. Start good. Won in a canter; second easily. He-rodiade liked the mud and simply played with his field and won as his rider pleased. McCheBney appeared to labor in the going and evidently does not like the mud. I. Bamelson could not extend himself in the going and the same may be said of Laudator. Julia Junkin showed well for a half mile. Overweights Herodiade, 4 pounds; Julia Junkin, 2. Herodiade, Bhow, 1 to 2. McChesney, Bhow, 1 to 5. I. SamelBon,show, evens. Julia Junkin, show, 1 to 3. OQf71 K THIRD RACE Short Course. Purse 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. I .Ltl 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Steeplechase. lnd Horses A Wt St 4 6 8 10 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 286442QUEENSHIP4 138 5" 33 221 21 11 U 11 Slater J D Hooe 3 5 41 2 28607D. FURBEB 4 143 12 51 :-a 33 21 2 210 c Johnson S STracey and Co 6-5 8-5 8-5 7-10 28644L.CHESFD7 140 71 22 13 11 3205153s R Taylor A M LInnell and Co 21 7 7 21 28683 C. CONOVER 7 125 8 8 6 6 42 410 410 W Hughes Mrs R Bradley 8 15 15 5 284933POPULI8T 8 136 61 78 57 5 5100510051000Brien J Sweeney and Co 7 10 10 4 2868S2COLEY 4 134 2 6? 420 410 6 6 6 J Johnston J Desha 8 8 4 9-5 28644 PATROON 6 128 41 12 Fell. Kelley Bolich and Sweet 20 25 20 6 28607 LIT. JOHN 6 125 31 41 Fell. Williams J B Stanton 30 60 60 25 Disqualified for foul. Time, 3:45. Winner Br. c, by Fordham Duchesa Caroline. Went to poBt at 8:10. At post 6 minutes. Start fair. Won driving; Becond easily. Queenship, always well up, assumed the lead after the tenth jump had been taken, closely pushed by Dick Furber, but just about the last sixteenth post swerved badly in front of Furber, causing him to pull up slightly. She wbb promptly disqualified, Dick Furber being placed first, Lord Chesterfield second and Captain Conover third. Lord Chesterfield ran well up to the tenth jump, where he gradually fell away beaten. Coley fell over the ninth jump, but his jockey caught him, remounted and rode the race out, Patroon and Little John went down over the fifth jump. Scratched 286833Saintly, 130. Overweights Coley, 2 pounds. Dick Furber, Bhow, 2 to 5. Lord Chesterfield, show, evens. Captain Conover, show, 2 to 1, Coley, show, evens. OQr71 FOURTH RACE-X 3-16 Miles. S-yearolds and upward. Handicap. The I Iv Twentieth Century Stakes. ,000 added. 00 to Becond; 300 to third. Value to winner, ,100. Ind Horeea A Wt St Bt X X X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 285460. ARNOLD 7 110 51 31 21 22 22 U 121 J WinkfleldJ W Fuller 11-531 16-57-5 2857028. SHOOTER 3 102 2" 5 4h 41 421 411 21 T Knight J B ResDass 3 4 31 3-2 286843HAVILAND 4 96 1 2a 311 32 311 St 32 J Hicks F Cook 8 8 6 2 28664 ROLL. BOER 3 100 41 4 5" 521 521 53 431 Blake S C Hildreth 2 21 9-5 1 286858THE LADY 4 102 31 U H 1 1k 21 52 Coburn S C Hildreth 2 21 9-5 7-5 28610 B. CHANCE 4 94 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Mnnro R M WeBterfleld 10 10 8 3 Coupled in straight betting. Time, 26, 52, 1 :19, 1 :46, 2 :06. Winner Ch. h, by Sir Dixon Dione, Went to poBt at 3:45. Off at the first break. Start good, Won easily ; second handily. George Arnold came away fast and strongly just after turning into the stretch and won with the greatest of ease. Six Shooter finished with a rush next to the inside rail but had no chance to beat the winner, Haviland appeared to have a good chance when turning for the run in but propped badly when the pinch came. Rolling Boer was never a contender. The Lady had enough after a mile had been run. Scratched-28697Henry Burt, 96; 284222 Vulcain, 104; 28685Gonfalon, 108; 286652Pink Coat, 117; 285462Cambrian, 110; 285433Star Chamber, 100. OverweightB The Lady, 1 pound. George Arnold, show, 3 to 5. Biz Shooter, show, 7 to 10. Haviland, show, 4 to 5. Rolling Boer, Bhow. 1 to 2. The Lady, show, 3 to 5. f Q fj I rT FIFTH RACE 4 1-8 Furlongs. Purse 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. JUQ I JL I 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. DECLARED OFF. OD71 Q SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. Purse 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. I JLO 3-year-olds and upward. Owners Handicap. Ind Horeea A Wt Bt X. K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 285892CHAR. OBRIEN 4 100 4 221 2H 1 H 11 Blake Mrs M Abadie 1 3-2 3-2 9-20 28627 HI NOCKER 4 92 J H la 2 2 25 L Jackson J D Lucas 8 8 7 11-5 28697 GOAL RUNNER 5 70 2 4 4 4 4 3" LAJacksonA M Linnell and Co 4 4 31 6-5 28570BILURIAN 3 92 U 3h 31 8a 31 4 J Walsh P Dunne 2 21 11-513-20 Time, 26, 52, 1 :19, 1 :tt. Winner Ch. g, by Trafalgar Lucy Lewis. Went to poet at 4:15. Off at first break. Start good. Won eaBily: second the same. Charley OBrien reveled in the going and came away from the othera easily when called upon. Hi Nocker was much the best of the others and showed a decided liking for the.going. Goal Runner was alwayB outrun and the same may be said of Silurian. Beratched 28664St. Marcos, 95. Charley OBrien, show, out. Hi Nocker, Bhow, 3 to 5. Goal Runner, Bhow, out. Silurian, show, out. Q SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. O I x. is 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. lnd Horaea A Wt Bt X, H X BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H 0 P 28667 CANOVA 6 103 41 11 HI 11 11 H J Hicks G B Grimes 10 17 17 6 286872BON. LI8SAK 3 96 3" 2a 3a 25 23 25 Birkenruth Ezell and Lazarus 4 4 16-5 7-5 280282 W. B. GATES 5 103 61 311 2a 31 31 32 Coburn G C Bennett and Co 2 21 2 1 28666HERMENCIA 4 102 la 611 52 42 42 46 T Knight W Cahill 21 16-5 8 1 28648CHORU8 BOY 5 104 5h 4a 41 58 5 57 Robertson H Robinson 7 10 10 4 28682 SCARLET LILY 4 102 2" 511 611 62 62 63 Lyne B B Tracey and Co 20 30 SO 10 286822UNCLE TOM 3 89 811 711 72 71 71 73 D Mitchell T J McHale 8 10 10 4 28682 LINDEN ELLA 4 1031 7" 85 87 88 88 810 HshbergerWHWillmBonandCo20 20 20 8 27734 ALBERT LEE 4 100 91 910 915 930 g20 920 Blake Mrs M Abadie 20 80 80 SO 28667 JOHN W. PATTN4 96 10 10 10 10 10 10 R Steele H Furst and Co 30 60 60 25 Apprentice allowance. Time. 1S, 52, 1 -X, 1 :16, 1 :52and. Winner B. h, by Cannon Belle of Hooton. Went to post at 4 :45. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the earns. Canova was best, reveled in the going and made every post a winning one. Bonnie Lissak closed ud f aBt in the last sixteenth, but faltered in the closing strides. W. B. Gates had enough after six fur longs had been run, Hermencia fell gradually away beaten after three quarters had been run Chorus Boy showed early speed. The others were never contenders. Scratched 28628 Hanan, 91; 286673Kunja, 104; 28573 King Bormuda, 91; 28700 Judge Red-wine, 100; 26027 Old Mike, 91. Overweighta Linden Ella, 31 pounds; Bonnie Lissak, 3. Corrected weights Bonnie Lissak, 93. Cauova, show, 3 to 1. Bonnie Lieaak, show, 3 to 5. W. B. Gates, show, 9 to 20. Hermencia, Bhow, 11 to 20.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901101001/drf1901101001_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1901101001_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800