St. Louis Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-10-10

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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. ST. LOUIS, BIO.! October 9. Ninth day. Bt. Louis Fair Association. Fall Meeting. V Weather threatening; track heavy. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. FIRST RACE 6 1-8 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-year-olda and upward. 2 g fy g Ind Horaea A Wt St 34 Yi X BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H 0P 281923H. 8. TOBACCO 7 117 2 16 18 HO is Dugan E Slaughter and Co.41 5 5 2 28600 8ALINDA 6 109 1 2 22 22 22 Troxler F 8 Wilson 2 13-521 4-5 286742 WABAN 6 112 6 7 72 41 S Givana W H Leonard 20 30 80 10 28674 CHLORAD 6 117 3 63 32 5 41 Wataon W M Gray 20 30 SO 12 286183RI KOLLAR 5 117 5 5a 53 311 510 ONeil W W Darden 8 10 10 4 28688 ADMIR. SCHLEY 5 122 8 9 9 72 66 T Williams G R Williams 40 50 50 20 26918 HOBART 5 112 7 Sa 6a 61 71 Kuhn T B Watts and Co 8 13 13 5 286382MONA B. 5 119 4 41 4a 82 815 Bale O W Boardman 2 11-52 4-5 27974 INVOCATION 4 119 9 81 8 9 9 Patton L V Bellow and Co 20 20 8 4 Time, 12, 241, 49, 1:041, 1:11. Winner B. h, by Phoenix Sarmienta. Went to post at 2:10. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. H, 8. Tobacco got away running and there never was any contention to it. balinda, also much favored by the start, ran her best race. Waban under an inferior ride ran a great race and was gaining fast in the stretch. Chlorad ran a very good race. Hi Kollar did his beBt. Hobart showed early speed..- Mona B. ran a very poor race at her favorite route and going. Invocation was pulled up at the start. Scratched Bavalou, 119; 28566 Nannie J., 119; 28618 Harry Duke, 119; 28677 W. J. Baker, 114; 25016 Laura G. G., 109; 28582 Diana Fonso, 109. H. S. Tobacco, show, evens. Salinda, Bhow, 1 to 2. Waban, show, 4 to 1. Mona B show, 2 to 5. f Q rT 1 1 rT SECOND BACK 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olda and upward. jZlO I fl I Allowances. lnd Horaea A Wt St U. ft X BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H O P 28622 A. D. GIBSON 3 104 1 1 18 16 13 ONeil W W Darden 7-5 3-2 6-5 2-5 286782HILEE 4 109 2 26 2 22 23 Dale W W Elliott 11-106-511-102-5 27061 OUDENABDE 3 107 3 4 4 31 35 Troxler O W Boardman 6 7 6 7-5 209112BANNOCKBURN 6 112 4 3" 3" 4 4 Dugan B Schreiber 12 16 15 5 Time, 121, 241, 501, 1 :17, 1 :25. Winner Ch. c, by Favor Kate Pelletier. Went to poBt at 2 :85. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second the same. A. D. Gibson waa very fit and was the only one of the first three that liked the going. Hilee did his beat. Oudenarde is not a sprinter nor does he like the mud. Bannockburn has been in the stud, 1b sour and his front legs are very bad. He Bhowed a turn of early speed at that. A. D. Gibson, show, out. Hilee, show, out. Oudenarde, Bhow, 1 to 3. OQffOQ THIRD RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 1901.sh0. 3-year-olds and upward. iSO Allowances. ; lnd Horses A Wt St H ft X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 28621BIDDONS 3 100 2 52 51 42 51 1 ONeil T H Stevens 9-5 2 7-5 3-5 28680 MISS THRESA 3 97 6 6 6 53 42 21 Wainright F W Holtgrewe 6 10 9 S 28242 ROCHESTER 4 103 3 12 1 la 12 33 Troxler H R Rice 6 10 8 2 26839 DONNA 8EAY 3 97 1 41 48 6 6 48 FanntleroyE W Baxter 12 15 15 41 28710 ANTOLEE 3 102 5 8 38 31 Sa 5a Watson MandWLDtherage 2 3 14-59-10 28692 GLEN WOOD 3 100 4 2" 2" 22 2" 6 Irvin H McCarren Jr 8 10 6 2 Time, 13, 26, 53, 1 :19i, 1 :46i, 1 :5t. Winner B. c, by Wadsworth Modjeska. Went to post at 3 :05. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Siddons ran well, finished strongly and was best ridden. Miss Threaa waB probably best, but Siddons bumped her all the way in the first half and Wainwright took her in the heavy going near the rail in the etretch.. Rochester ran in much improved form under a strong ride and will do presently. Glenwood, under poor handling, ran an excellont race for Beven furlongs. Antolee does not like mud. Siddons, show, out. Miss Threaa, show, evens. Rochester, show, evens. Antolee, Bhow, 9 to 20. FOURTH RACE a 1-3 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 28729 ind Horeea A Wt Bt X, ft X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 284333MEDITAT10N 107 4 11 12 11 11 Dale J E Lane and Co 10 13 12 41 28620 HUNTRESS A 105 6 2a 21 1 23 25 Troxler W McLemore 4 41 16-57-5 28620 ETHYLENE 102 5 6a 63 58 32 L Murphy Martin and Patton 6 8 7 8 27820 CRIMEAN 100 7 41 52 311 41 ONeil T P Hayes 5 10 9 4 286203COLONIAL GIRL 102 11 71 81 6 52 Irvin W M Rogers 5 10 10 4 28601OGLE 100 8 5 31 4a 6 Watson W W Finn 6 6 11-51 28512 HUNTER RAINE 100 10 11 91 82 73 Kuhn C E Jeffers and Co 15 30 30 10 28620 TALPA 102 2 31 42 73 810 Qivens Talbot Bros 15 17 17 7 28601 LOUIB WAGNER 97 3 9a 7a 92 91 L Daly L Thompson 15 16 16 6 28413 PAUL CBEYTON 100 1 810l 101 103 FauntleroyP Egbart 12 16 16 6 28586 RUBUB 104 9 10 11 11 11 Dugan T P Hayes 5 10 9 4 Coupled in betting. Time, 12, 25, 50i, 1 :031, 1 :10. Winner Ch. f, by Handspring Fair Recluse. Went to post at 3:35. At post 23 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Meditation, well saved in the long delay at the post, liked the going and won easily. Huntressa ran her race and waB well ridden. Ethylene was given an easy race in the deep going and possibly could have won with a stronger ride. Crimean waB much used in the delay at the poBt. Throw out Colonial Girls race. She ran on her own courage. Ogle showed early seed but quit in the stretch drive. Scratched-286582Sambo, 108; 28620 Wakita, 105. OverweightB Meditation, 5 pounds; Louis Wagner, 2; Rubus, 2. Meditation, show, 2 to 1. Hnntressa, show, 3 to 5. Ethylene, show, 7 to 5. Ogle, show, 3 to 5. 28730 FIFTH BACE 3"4 Mile PnrB8?400- 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. lnd HorseB A Wt Bt X, ft X BtrFin JockeyB Owners O H O P 28691 FITZKANET 3 105 3 23 2H 2 12 Fauntleroy W M Rogers 4 21-54 4-5 28564 TOM COLLINS 6 110 2 13 13 12 2" Dale Fizer and Co 286912BRULARE 6 107 6 31 3 3a 38 ONeil A Johnson and Co 4-5 1 7-102-5 28678 MI8B MAE DAY 4 107 4 56 45 45 4 Troxler W W Elliott 3 4 4 11-10 206S838ALVE 3 104 7 65 53 53 5H Dugan 8 P Harlan 10 15 15 5 28582 SANTA VENTURAS 102 1 4" 615 615 620 WinwrightDillard Hill 15 20 20 6 286572LELIA BARR 3 102 5 7 7 7 7 M Johnson H L Johnson 30 60 60 15 Barred in betting. Time, 12, 24, 50, 1 :16i. Winner B. c, by Fitzjames Bekanet. Went to post at 4 :20. At post 8 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; Becond driving. Fitzkanet was well handled, showed the most speed and liked the going. Tom Collins tired at the end. Brulare began slowly, took the overland route and favors a hard track. The others had no mishaps and did their best. Scratched 270613L8SSO, 107; 28391 Van Hoorebeke, 107. OverweightB Salve, 2 pounds. Fitzkanet, show, 2 to 5. Brnlare, show, out. Miss Mae Day, show, 2 to 5. 1 Mile and 70 Yaids Parse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. 2 8 7 1 81Xg H1-BACK lnd HorBea AWt Bt H, ft X BtrFin Jockeya Ownera O H C P 2868838UE JOHN80N 4 105 1 12 1 13 13 13 Troxler Fizer and Co 6 6 4 6-5 28621 WALL ABOUT 3 102 4 22 Si 33 Si 2a Irvin H McCarren Jr 6 9 9 3 28640 ORLANDINE 4 97 2 6" 6i 66 41 3 Fauntleroy Otto Hess 10 10 8 21 286933ZONNE 4 111 6 Sa 2a 2" 22 33 Patton M Stowe 8-5 21 2 1 28599 CELESTE DOR 0 97 3 53 42 42 5 5i L Daly W Mulkey 25 60 60 20 28639 CROCKET 6 108 5 4a 51 5a 68 61 0 Dale J C Cahn 3 3 9-5 7-10 27953 PIR. DAUGHTER 3 93 77 7 7 7 7 ONeil J C Ghio 8 10 10 4 Time, 121, 25, 50i, 1 :181, 1 :451, 1 :50. Winner Ch, f, by Aretino Morna. Went to post at 4:50. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; next two drivingT Sue Johnson, well ridden, showed the most speed and outclassed the others in the going. Wall About and Orlandine did their best. Zonne ran well, but was overweighted. Crocket, which is probably in foal, seemed to run very sour and seems to be a poor betting proposition in any company. Scratched 28693 Nettie Hegent, 108; 28659 Sir Kolla, 108; 28688Nokarnis, 105; 28676 Nannie Nolan, 98; 28688 JanowOod, 94. Sue Johnson, Bhow, 1 to 2. Wall About, Bhow, 7 to 5. Orlandine, show, 6 to 5. Zonne, Bhow, 2 to 5. Crocket, show, 1 to 2,

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Local Identifier: drf1901101001_4_2
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