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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. 3T. I.OUIS, MO., October 24 Twenty-second day. St. Louis Fair Association. Fall Meet-x ing. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. 8tarter, A. B.Dada. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. FIRST RACE U 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Selling. 8954: Ind Horses A Wt St and H 3 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 28919 BUBU3 97 2 16 15 16 15 ONeil T P Haves 11-511-55-5 1-3 "288783HTING 105 3 2U 23 22 2" BeauchampC E Jeffers and Co 6 8 8 21 288173LEFLARE 105 1 32 S5 3 810 Troxer Talbot Brrs 6 8 8 21 28741 LITTLE MASTER 97 8 7a 78 4H 43 Houbre Hughes and Elliott 50 100 75 30 28920 rONCERTlNA 105 5 5a 5" 6H 5" J Daly J E Lane and Co 10 15 15 41 289r0KILIMND3CHBO100 4 62 6 76 61 Kuhn A Cahn 8 31 16-56-5 288 8 HAB GIFT 105 6 41 4" 5 78 T OBrien J Huffman 7 13 13 31 28768 COBINNE C. 107 7 8 8 8 8 Wallace F Gering 40 60 60 15 Time, Hi, 24, 48i, 1:141, 1:21. Winner B. f, by Bramble Meriden. Went to post at 2:12. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily; seconddriving hard. Bubus got off flying and had it all to herself. Sting ran well, but barely lasted long enough to -withstand Leflares rush at the end. The others never had a chance. Has Gift showed a burst of early speed. Kilimnndscharo was hustled too much at the start, but made a poor showing and aiot in keeping with bis last race. Scratched 28919 Sir Tom Tiddler, 100. Overweights Lefiare, 5 pounds; Has Gift, 3. Rnbns, show, out. Bting, show, 4 to 5. Leflare, show, 4 to 5. Kilimandscharo, show, 1 to 2. O O l PT K BElOND RACE 1 3 10 Alius. Puree S100. 3-year-olds and upward. laOtiOO Belling. Ind Hirr A Wt Ht Bt M H V BtrFin Jockeys Owner? Q B 1 P 28904 B KAN A 5 109 1 H 32 33 3" 2 12 T OBrien FizerandCo 9-5 21 21 1 2B921 WALL ABOUT3 101 7 2a 11 la 11 Hi 2a Jrvin H Mc" arren Jr 10 13 12 5 28869 ZONNE 4 105 8 61 4a 51 51 5 35 Troxler M Stowe 3 81 16-51 v 288S0 BATIN COAT 3 91 5 71 81 86 7a 31 48 Bell Hughes and Elliott 6 10 10 4 28636 WARCY 3 98 9 8 E" 4 61 63 51 J Daly 8 W Htreett 6 7 6. 2 28 7 TULARE 7 103 10 10 11a 10nk 910 78 62 Lnblanche W R Snyder 30 60 60 20 28915 T. INC OGNITA 5 106 13 13 r8 71 4a 42 75 ONeil LLemp 6 7 7 21 28818 GEO B. COS 6 110 12 12 133 H3 8 95 8 BIobs 8 Reagan 30 40- 40 15 28937 OR a IS 4 100 11 9 82 91 112 811 96 Kuhn J C Ohio 15 20 20 8 288803GEORGE LEE 6 103 2 42 72 13 13 12 118 Eaos L W Benson 7 10 10 4 28921 MANDAMUS 4 110 6 31 2a 22 211103 112 C Murphy J B Horatman 40 1C0 100 30 28883 JIMP 5 103 4 11 1C5 1215123 n 128 L Daly FserandCo -20 25 20 10 128561 METOXEN 5 101 3 51 62 61102 13 13 Goodyear T A Daviea 100 100 100 40 - Tim?, lli, 251, 50, 1:16, 1:42, 2:011. Winner B. m, by Macduff Lilith. Went to post at 2:40. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won easiy; eeond driving. Beana Tan in mnch improved f irm and was well ridden. Wall About did excellently and will probably run a bitter rac- eoon. Zonne was well riddm and did his best. Satin Coat had no mishap, filarcy ran a bad r-tce. Tnlare shoved vaet improvement, Scratch d 289 U Elsie Barnes, 101; 28877 Utrrica, 100. Overweights Zonae, 2 pounds; Gaorge B. Cox, 4. Beana, shoy, 1 to 2. Wall About, shaw, 21 to 1. Zonne, show, 2 to 5. THiHD HACK-e 1?J FurloI,S8 Purse S100. All ages. Allowances. 28 9 5 6 Ind Horses A Wt St H. K X BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H CP 28879 BALVE 3 107 7 5" 5m 53 Hi L Daly 8 P Harlan 4 8 7 21 28854 DEAN SWIFT 2 103 2 2i 2" 2a 21 Beauchamp v M Rogers 10 12 12 4 BLUEBLAZB 3 110 5 3a 43 41 3U Troxler K D Orr 3 3 21 4-5 28854 B OF RO-CREA 2 103 3 11 H Hi 41 J Daly L A Franchi 6 7 7 2 28311 ROY. ATHLETE 2 100 9 9 9 6 51 Kuhn A L and H M Rogers 10 16 16 6 2891910GLE 2 105 4 43 31 31161 T OBrien W W Finn 3 4 4 8-5 28835 RAGNABOK II. 3 107 8 6s 63 71 72 Lampard MA8tevson 30 50 50 20 28923 TENNY BELLE 3 107 1 71 7a 82 81 ONeil Hughes and Elliott 2 3 3 1 28861 STAFF 3 107 6 82 82 9 9 Enos T H Btevens 20 25 20 8 Time, Hi, 23i, 481,1:011,1:08. Winner Ch. g, by Lord Esterling Welcome. Went to post at 3:15. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Salve -was away badly and ran out at the turn and lost much ground but cam on and won easily, He is getting into form and will be hard to beat henceforth. Dean Swift ran in much improved form. BluebRz ran green and was in a pocket. He was taken back and came again in the stretch and will about ao next time. Byrne of Roscrea ran his race. Royal Athlete was away badly and can do better. Ogle quit when pressed. Bcratched-28163 Marie Tryon, 100; 289193Lillian M., 100. Overweights Ogle, 2 pounds. Salve, show, 6 to 5. Dean Swift, show, 2 to 1. Blneblaze, show, 2 to 5. Ogle, Bhow, 4 to 5. Tenny Belle, show, 2 to 5. FOURTH RACE 1 aiile and 70 Yards. Purse S400. 3-year-olds and upward, jOtt I Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St 16. V X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 28937 CROCKET 6 107 1 Si 31 1 V 12 Kuhn J C Cahn 30 50 20 6 28785 WINE PRESS 5 107 2 42 41 Hi 42 2s Irvin H McCarren Jr 10 11 10 21 2872730UDKNARDE 3 101 8 23 11 23 23 31 ONeil OWBoardman 3-5 8-511-20 out 28877 IRVING MAYOR 8 88 4 52 52 52 32 43 L Daly F Sharp 10 16 16 4 28921 BELLE 8IMP30N 4 107 5 7 61 61 5 52 T OBrien J Keefe and Co 15 16 16 5 288393MIS3 TRRESA 3 98 7 61 7 7 61 612 J Daly F W Holtgrewe 8 4 4 4-5 28902 MISS AUBREY 3 98 6 1" 22 3a 7 7 Bell J F Dockery 25 30 SO 8 Time, 121, 25, 49i, 1 :151, 1 :41, 1 :45i. Winner B. m, by Linden Crotchet. Went to post at 3:45. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Crocket, under pressure from Btart to finish, came bick to her old form with a jolt. She was off in front and came with a tremendous burst of spied when called on. Wine Press ran a very good race and has showed that she is returning to form. Oudenarde ran a good race and may have been a bit short. Miss Aubrey showed improvement in early speed. Scratcbod-28901 Sylvian, 107; 28679 Lady of the West, 107; 289212Felix Bard, 107; 28904 Spry, 98; 28869 Pirates Daughter, 98. Crocket, show, 3 to 1. Wine, Press, show, 4 to 5. Miss Thresa, show, 2 to 5. 28953 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. PurBe 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Boiling. Horses A Wt Bt M K X BtrFin Jockeys Ownora O H CP 289372 GLEN WOOD 3 101 6 42 58 58 43 1k Irvin H McCarren Jr 6 8 6 2 289C4 ANTOLEE 3 105 3 21 31 2 1 2 Troxler MandWLDtherage 2 11-52 7-10 28879 MENACE 3 98 1 Hi 12 12 2H 31 ONeil Fizer and Co 4 4 4 8-5 28911NETTIE REGENT4 96 7 55 41 32 3i 46 J Daly P J Nolan 8-5 21 11-54-5 284652 AUREA 4 104 2 32 2" 4 58 5 Beauchamp J W Forman 15 16 16 6 28902 SKILLMAN 6 102 4 62 7 7 62 63 L Daly MueninghausandCo 15 20 20 8 28852 EARLY BIRD 6 105 5 7 61 63 7 7 Enoa L Glenn and Co 20 20 20 6 Time, 131, 25i, 50,1:15,1:41. Winner B. c, by Bt. Leonarda Glen Fairy. Went to post at 4:16. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second or sily. Glonwood was well ridden, given a good finish and ran a good race. Antols-o did hor best and was well handled. Menace tired in the stretch run. Nettie Regent ran a bad race and refused to extend horsolf. Scratched 28692 Kazan. 107; 28710 Prosper La Gai, 107; 28923 Tulln Fonso, 101. Overweights Glenwood, 2 pounds; Antolee, 2; Eirly Bird, 2. Glonwood, show, 4 to 5. Antolee, show, 2 to 5. Menace, show, 4 to 5. Nettie Regent, show, out. 8959 S1XTH HACK 7-8 Mile. Purse 5100. 3-year-oIda and upward. Belling. nd Horaoa A Wt Bt M H BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H O P 8920REVOKE 6 111 9 9 7a 41131 11 BeauchampJ F Dockery 6 7 6 2 28879 PRIMA II. 3 103 7 61 Si Sa 211 2H J Daly D McMillan and Co 6 6 51 2 289.02GRANTOR 5 104 4 7 10 7a 4H 3H Troxler K D Orr 9-5 2 8-5 7-10 27909 HTNDOONET 6 110 1 H 12 11 HI 41 Bloas CATilles 30 60 60 20 28852 UE JOHNSON 4 107 3 31 6 62 63 58 T OBrien Fizer and Co 9 12 . 12 5 289I03BOOT 6 104 2 21 21 52 6a Kuhn T A Gay and Co 6 8 8 3 28803 MARION LYNCW 4 107 10 8 8U 82 92 71 Enos T H Htovans 8 8 8 3 28920 FRANK PEARCE 4 102 8 5a 5 9 8H 82 Lampard M A Stevenson 20 40 40 15 2S9W NEAREST 6 102 5 4a 4" 5a 7a 93 Bell G Dierker 5 6 5 2 28745 BEL. OF ELGIN 3 93 6 10 91 10 10 10 L Daly M B Hughes and Co 25 40 40 15 Time, 13, 25, 49, 1:151,1:281. . Winner- Br. m, by Sir Dixon Adele, by Onondaga. Went to post at 4 1:45. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Revoke was beBt ridden, came with a strong rush next to thg rail and barely squeezed through. It was a very good ride for Beauchamp. Prima II. ran a good race and finish d stoutly. Grantor began slowly, was thrice pocketed and taken back by Tr xler, then came with his usual speed in the stretch. Hindoonet showed improved speed and looks well. He is due for a good race. Boot can do better. Marion Lynch was bidly ridden. Nearest is sore and Frank Pearce can do better. Scratched-28416 Peter Dnryea, 107; 2890 J Delsarte, 102. Revoke, Bhow, evons. Prima It., show, 6 to 5. Grantor, show, out.