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AMERICAN SPORTING BJAHDAL. The American Bporting Mnnual of 1981 ao. taini all racing records at large, rovlsed an complete up to the and of 1989; four handles, ping systems with directioni for their praellaal application, a table showing how to zestpnke bookmaklng percentage!, track raoords of all tha recognised tracks of the country, the was, arn and eastern icalei of walghts, iiablas show. J Ing tha comparative spaed of tracks, s acttplctt 1 list of pugilistic contasts of 19M of any ods-auenca, 1 trotting and pacing raoords at all dls ianaw and a list of the new 2;!6 iroiiera of 193, Also x aompleta rasord of parforaanaas r,t all 1 styles cf bllllarda.