New Orleans Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-12-07

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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART. ? NEW ORLEANS, LA., December 6. Eighth day. Crescent City Jockey Clnb. Winter Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, H. W. 8immpns. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. . FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. Puree 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. lad Horses A Wt Bt U, 3 BtrFin Jockeys Owners OHO P 2405 CADET 101 1 13 1 13 12 Cobnrn G C Bennott 2 2 8-5 7-10 296I42CRE8CENT CITY K9 3 3 3 21 22 J WinkfioldR C Bush 21 3 3 4-5 29590 FADE MENY 307 7 4 45 si 3 Bice J F Newman 8 10 10 4 29S61 THE WAY 102 10 7 6sk 51 41 Bope J J Ogles 20 25 25 8 29681 KING TATIUS 107 5 6 7 63 51 R Steele WaltrinpandYeagar 6 10 10 4 2907 A8BB-OOK 102 2 21 Ski 410 62 T Meade T Licalzi 40 60 60 20 29633 NETHERLAND 107 8 54 51 7 7 Cannon J Pbivis 40 50 50 20 391 SI AH 102 6 Fell. Lyna B W WaldenandSon3 44 44 8-5 29468 MAE MILLER 102 9 Fell. J Wilson W R Paxton 40 f0 60 20 ; FREE STATE 106 4 Fell. T OBrien J W Fuller 10 15 15 6 : Time, 231, 481, 1:011. Winner Br. c, by Dr. Walmsley-Charm. - ; Went to post at 2:05. At post 1 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; Bscond the same. Cadet , showed the most speed throughout and won with nil ease. Crescent City saved ground on the ! stretch turn and floishod more Etrongly than be usually does. Fade Meny had no mishaps. Trie others which finished were more or less interfered with when the horses fell. .Free btato wae sharply cut eff on the stable turn, which caused him to fall. Jockeys Lyno and Wilson, on Bi Ah and Mae M Her, could have avoided falling had they looked whore they were going. OverweiRhts-Cadet, 2 pounds; Crescent City, 2; Free State, 4. Cadet, show, 1 to 3. CreEcent City, show, 2 to 5, Fade Meny, show, 2 to 1. Si Ah, show, i 7 to 10. SECOND HACK - Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 20093 tad Horses A Wt St X K StrFin Jockeys Ownara O B ? P 266752SKM1COLON 5 107 4 2h U 14 13 Dade Danigls and Co 8 8 l8-52 29618 OLEKMA 4 97 2 jSl 31 51 21 Helgeson V Bushes and Co 6 6 6 2 2954 PRIN E ESHER 4 105 10 6h 7 61 34 Meade "CJFeb 20 40 40 15 1 29616 TEUCER 6 105 1 7 44 7 4 W Nelson WWOHaraandCo6 7 7 24 . 9572 SAD SAM S 97 8 11 2 4 5" R Steele Liger and Brown 6 6 6 2 : 29615 NINA B. L. 4 102 12 12 10 9 6h Minder G R Fmith 4 6 6 2 29647 TATAR 4 102 7 4 54 22 7hk Lindsay J W Pangle 6 6 6 2 23089 MOSS ROSE 8 102 5 8 8 8 81 Hope W L Thompson 20 SO SO 12 9141 INNICARA 3 97 11 9 64 3" 91 Gormley NewmnandAtchiBn20 20 10 4 29371 SAM1VEL 6 107 3 10 9 10 101 Cobnrn G H Neal 6 7 7 21 29649 W.H. DIXON 3 97 9 11 11 11 1U Earl Mrs T Capo 30 50 50 20 29615 B. NAUGH GENE 4 107 6 51 12 12 12 Otie J D McMillanandCo 15 15 15x6 Time, 24, 48, 1:15. Winner B. h, by Exile Period. " . , . Went to post at 2:38. At post 13 minutes. Start fair. Won easily; second handily. Bomi-colon waB in a soft spot and made a show of his field. Olekma was badly handled and finished stoutly on her own courage. Prince Esher ran a good race and had bad racing luck. Nina B. L. made up much ground and with good handling would have been a contender. Sad Sam quit when tho pinch came. . , Snmicolon, "ho . 7 to 10. Olakma, show, evens. Prince Esher, show, 8 to 1. TtliRD BAtj3li;a" aille farBe300 2-year-olds. Allowances. f"l-4- Ind Horses A Wt Bt X Mi X BtrFin Jockeya Owners OHO P 296702BEBPENT 112 2 3i ! S3 14 Dale A H and D H,Morris6-5 6-511-101-3 296B1 PYRRHO 107 3 la 11 11 21 Ooburn 8 G Morton 5 7W7 2 9668 MARCOS 112 1 4H 42 21 32 J WinkfieldBure and Ownbey 5 8 8 3 9609 THE F. HUNDHED100 5 62 54 4 T Meedo A Simons 5 5 41 8-5 296143HAPRY BBENNAN 934 4 5h 61 53 510 R Steele C E Jeffers 6 B 5 8-5 29661 SILVER CHIMES 100 7 7 7 7 62 N Martin H Wood 30 50 50 20 29117 JOE BBOWN 92 6 2 21 6 71 DaviESon J E Vogt 25 60 60 20 29443 THE WIDOW 1011 8 8 8 8 8 Cash W H May and Son 25 50 50 15 s Time, 12, 241, 481, 1 :141. Winner B. c, by Hanover Medusa . Went to post at 3:17. At post 5 minutes. Start fair. Won ridden out; second handily. Serpent web under pressure to gut up and only caught the leaders in the last sixteenth. Pyrrho showed early epeed, but was asked to do too much in the early stages and was tiring at the end. Marcos ran well and ssvf d ground on the stretch turn. The Four Hundred began slowly, but finished stoutly. The others belong in slower compEny. . Scratched-S9384 I. Bameleon, 103; 296443Cast Iron, 95; 28973 Winnora, 92. Overweights Barry Brennan, 11 pounds; The Widow, 11. Serpent, show, out. Pyrrho, show. 4 to 5. Marcos, show, 9 to 10. FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. tCfrC jnd Horses A Wt St X Vk StrFin Jockeya Owners O H C P 29632BOOa!ERACK 3 102 3 1h u 12 13 Otis J and H Arthur 4 4 4 4-5 29164 LADY KENT 4 111 1 Sh 21 2k 2" Hay den F Baumbeckel 20 20 20 8 296173KOBNV BEATH 3 97 2 2" 33 44 3h T Dean G"W Poole and Co 6 10 10 34 29817 MaPT. MARINER 6 108 4 44 4" 34 42 Dale C A Johnson 1 1 3-5 1-3 296171ADD 3 1C8 6 71 6 61 5"k T Walsh AH andDH Morris 7 8 8 24 29617 L.AUBEATEA 4 106 7 9 8" 86 6 Gormley R E Wattina 20 50 50 15 f Of 9 JUDGE MA GEE 5 102 8 61 71 51 74 A Jones MBowenandSon 30 60 60 20 206S22S1BFN SONG 4 104 9 82 51 72 84 Cobnrn E M Jackson 8 12 12 4 29371 ANNU 3102 5 51 44 9 9 E Bteelo CH Williams and Co 20 50 50 20 Time, 241, 481, 1:14. Winner Br. c, by St. James Water Bake. Went to poBt at 3:48. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second driving. D Boom-erack was the best today Bnd wap never fully eitended He iB in good form at present and can prcbEbly beat a much better field. Lady Ktnt ran impressively and stood a long, hard drivo. Kobi-Wieatb-loet much ground by taking the outside route. Master Mericer was well ridden and bed no mishaps, eiren fcoi g-iefuffd to extend herself. She can do much better. Eciatcbed- 2E673 Jim Nap.105; r?6l?Mjra Morolla, 104 ; 29f92 Clara David, 97. Overweights Lady Kent. 2 pounds; Lauraatea, 4; Hren Song, 2. . Bocmcrack, show, out. Lady Kent, show, 4 to 1. Kohnwreath, show, 6 to 5. Master Manner, show, f nt. " FIlfTti RACK 1 1-4 "lies. Purse 300. 3-year-oldB and upward. Soiling. ; C-J C-J jnl Horaea wi H Ht A -itrfir. . ifc Uwtinr U H O P 29593 AZ.lai 3 91 6 9 9 9 9 64 1" Munro R M YVcstarfleld 8 10 10 1 295733L1T. ELKIN 3 97 5 14 11 111 11 1KK 21 Hope J J OgleB 4 6 6 2 29R60 BARBEE 3 K0 8 3h 31 4" 3 21 3" Gormley H Herdel 10 16 16 6 296372UNCLE TOM 3 89 4 5 61 61 7 4a D Mitchell T ;J MeHala 10 12 12 5 QRpq WCOrTBICE 4 110 1 8 8 8 8 8 54 Minder Mrs M C Lylea 15 15 15 6 "flKoBN FULL 3 924 9 61 4- 52 41 31 61 T Meade KDOrrandOo "10 10 10 4 96693 DM R T US 7 97 7 7 7 7 - 6" 5 71 T Dean G W Poole and Co 24 31 21 1 96493FPEE PAbB 4 1C0 3 41 51 3" 21 7 81 Helgeson Lcckart Bros 6 6 6 21 72S637VDELORAINE 3 96 2 21 2 2 5 9 9 R 8teelo Mrs M Goldblatt 3 81 81 6-5 Winner-Ch.c, by Lazzarone-Th Jewess. , , . Went to poBt at 4:17. At post 2 minutes. Btartgood. Worn driving; second handily. Azim saved much ground on the stretch turn whn the others swung wide and coming with a rush through tbe stretch got up in the final stride. Little Elkin ran a good race but was made too much ufo of in tbe early stages and would have won with an intelligent ride. Barbae stood a long hard drive and lasted jnstlong enough to save third place. Woodtrico finished stoutly and but for swinging wide into the fctretch would have been in the money. Admetus could never got up. Diloraice quit badly and can do better. 8cratcti d 29121 Piederich. 95. Overweights John Bull, 11 connds. . Azim, show, 2 to 1. Little Elkin, show, evens. Barbee, show, 3 to 1. Admetus, j 1. show, u 1 to i.o 2. Deloraine, show, 3 to 5. CkCff T B1XTH BACK 1 Jttile and 7o Xards. Puree f300. 3 year-olds and upward. jgyK3 i Allowances. jEi Horses A Wt t X K BtrFin Jockeys Ownars O H C P 29294 WAT1TA 3 92 2 7 44 11 11 11 Thompson T Carey 20 40 40 12 Wi9 WATEBHOUBE 5 109 S 6 1 4" 31 2" Minder Mrs M C Lylea 6 8 8 2 296712JEB8IE JAHBOE 5 109 1 1- 21 31 2- 82 Dale Mre M Goldblatt 7-5 7-5 7-5 2-5 296p3DONATOH 6 104 6 5U 51 7 4 46 Cobnrn C Mnlholland 2 2 2 3-5 ?flfiffi3PlBATEB QUEENS 92 5 22 1 21 5 5 Helgeson J Arthur 34 5 5 8-5 2966 DB. CABHlCK 3 95 4 3- 61 61 6 61 Benson B T Smith 40 100 100 25 29645 PRECURSOR 4 102 7 4il 31 5 7 7 Gormley B C Hildreth 15 20 20 6 Time, 24, 481, 1:141, 1:111, 1:461. Winner Ch. f, by Fonso Janet. Went to prBt at 4:48. At post 2 minutes. Btartgood. Won driving; second j n. the same. -m Watita m ran a furpriBingly gotd race, ran into the lead on th backstretch and bold it to the end, but was mider pressure in the last furlong. Thompson nursed her along beautifully and made her last it out. WaterhonBe was meassd about by hia rider and should have won. JeBsie Jarboe waB well ridden, and simply was not good enough today. Donator was beaten after going three-quarters, but whon the others tired he came again. Pirates Queen showed early speed, as also .did , Precursor. a53 Scratched-29619 Dandy H., 102; 29616 Jena, 99. Overweights Donator, 5 pounds. Watita, show, 5 to 1. Waterhouse, show, evens. Jesaio Jarboe, show, out. Donator, show, out. vj

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