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Reynolds St Co., 73, 119 DEARBORN ST. The best of reliable information and expert handicapping; by wire from our experts at Oakland and New Orleans daily. TODAY AT NEW ORLEANS, SECOND RAGE. a have one of the best things of the year ind will be from 8 to 30 to 1, as she has been beaten in her Inst five outs and is specially prepared for this race. Also a good card at Oakland. OUR HOT SPRINGS OFFICES OPEN FOR BUSINESS, 8 COURT ST. .00 Weekly. Wired at 1 0 a.m. RAGE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU Turf Correspondents. Publishers of Form Letter Handicap on all Races. Suite 500, 2G3-3GD l.earhorn St. Telephone Harrison 1580. Terms .00 Per Day; .00 Per Week. 1 5 to 40 to I Extrs. Soscisl. wSj . , , , , r nenn which this good thing will win will surprise the pnb ic and bookmakers alike. Onr expsrts at Now Orloaus report to ns tbat the only way for this g xd th ng to lose is to fall rfown or get left at the post. vy9 consider this one a- grod as Orla, li to 1 won Plunge the limit wis our advica on Orla and Fleuron, 15 to 1 won. Onr advice was plungB the limit on Fleuron, vVe will name two other g ibd things in our wire and on onr Frrm Letter Handicap B ith will be as good as 6 to 1. Now that the track is fast at New Orleans we will give from three to six winners everyday. We Have I irect Inside Information SiSS thir gs wit. 1 ut fail. Thoy will start FRIDAY AND -UTUKDiY. Tha good thing Friday will run in th third race and the odds will ba is good as 30 TO 1. The other two good things will rnn uat"rd v B th wUI b s iod S TO . er ia one of the grandest chance? to win CHRISTMAS MONEY THAT EVER HAPPEN KD, and we again caution old clients as well us new t hut nude r no circamsc uc s to fail to gat thisa good things. Try qs once and be convinced that what wo advertise is absolutely reliab e and correct. Our Form Letter Handicap on ali races contains information on the Oakland, New Orleans and Charleston races. Also sold at Kolmans cigar store, 267 Deirb jra St., and cigar stand Adams Express Build ing, 185 Dearborn St., and newsstand northeast corner Van Bnren and Dearborn Sti. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO Sr. PHILLIPINA. ADMETUS. OLD ENGLAND. BESIDES intermission piss time place and show bt8: Doponan, W. B. GateB, nlisaila, Bristol Nitrate, Fleuron, Intent, Laroquoise, Baldo, Senator Bruce, Mercor, Floronso, Boliick. Today One, Only One. iandfisssandsesssandsgsA w.-.j wiiw. wmmj wnw, antee this ooe to rnn one two-three or will forfeit thneandpcinl wirB. an i-xtrn speci! nixt Mondey hich I guarantee will run one two. REMEMBER FRIDAY. SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH AIX RACES .00. Six .specials for 0 or for One. Wired to any part of the world. On sale at 11:80 a.m. at ofhee 176 4. Ularfe St., in ticandet office. Phone 2119 Central. Newsstand southeast corner Clark and Madison Bts. Col. J. C. Wooters, Mgr., 91 Lincoln Ave., tel. North 1007.