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THE WASHINGTON PARK CLUB CLUBSUMMER SUMMER MEETING OF 1902 BEGINNING SATURDAY JUNE 21 ENDING SATURDAY JULY 19 19Stakes Stakes to Close Wednesday January 15 19O2 FOR 3YEAROIDS CflD 0 VCAD DIDO llin IIDUADn to be announced three days before the race Awin stakes of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of two lUn UILflnULLFO AHU UrilHnU ner of any race after the weights are posted to carry such stakes 5 Ibs of three or more such stakes 7 5 Ibs extra One Mile and a Furlong Ibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Five Furlongs FurlongsThp U American Demy ftSWSffKolds The FurlongThe Midway Sbkes fiSS2Sferi me Great Western Handicap ftSWSffK Thp Illti Mavwnnrl falfp 2000 ADDED Asweep 25 to accompany the nomination 225 additional to olds and upward 10 to accompany the nomina A sweepstakes lor lortion MdJWUUQ OldRBb stakes for 2yearolds 10 start 20000 added of which 3000 to the second tion 25 additional for naming to start 2000 3ycarolds and upward j 10 to accompany the nom to accompany the nomination 50 additional to and 2000 to the third horse A winner of a 3year added of which 400 to the second and 200 to third inti intiniH ° niH additional to start 3000 added of start 2000 added of which 400 to the second an old stakes of the value of 3000 to carry 3 Ibs of two horse Weights 5 Ibs above thescale The winner hlchii0 f the second and 250 to the third horse 200 to the third horse A winner of a stakesof tht Each stakes or one of 5000 5 Ibs of three or more to be sold at auction Those entered to be sold for Weights to bo announced three days before the race value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of two such stakes a 3yearold stakes of the value of 3000 each 7 Ibs 5000 to carry full weights if for 4000 allowed 5 A winner of any race after the weights are posted Ibs of three or more such stakes 7 Ibs extra extra Maidens allowed 7 Ibs To be run on the Ibs then 3 Ibs for each 500 to 3000 then 1 to carry o Ibs extra One Mile and a Half Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Five Furlongs FurlongsThp iirst day of the meeting One Mile and a Half Ib for each 100 to 2000 Winners of a stake this TL 5 OOO ADDED Thp Fdpwatpr Stakp 2000 ADDED A VflHnff HfltlHJMn For 3 year after the closing ofentries and prior to June I II B lOUflg nddUICap yearolds and upward 10 1116 CUgCffdlBI OldHtft sweepstakes for 2year O Od 8 when carrying weight forage or more not to be to accompany the nomination 75 additional to olds 10 to accompany the nomination 50 addi ¬ stakes for 3yearolds 10 10rtb entered for less than 000 after June 8 o000 start 5000 added of which 750 to the second and tional to start 2000 added of which 400 to the rtb accompany the nomination 75 additional to Starters with selling prices to be named through 250 to the third horse Weights to be announced second and 200 to the third horse A winner of a start 4000 added of which 1000 to the second the entry box at the usual time of closing the day three days before the race A winner of race stakes of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of two and 500 to the third horse A winner of a 3year prior to the race More than two can be named by after the weights are posted to 5 Ibs any extra such stakes or of the Lakeside Kenwood or May old stakes of the value of 1500 to carry 3 Ibs of the same owner but only two in the same interest One Mile One and OneHalf carry Furlongs wood Stakes 5 Ibs of three or more such stakes two such stakes or one of 40005 Ibs of three or can start but the starting fee must be paid for all 7 Ibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Five and a more 3yearold stakes of the value of 1500 selling named One Mil and F rlons JJj gjjj HjdiCaD Hulf Furlongs FurlongsThp stakes excepted or of one of the value of 7000 7 Ibs a Quarter extra Maidens allowed 7 Ibs One Mile and i it8ff4 V BBauass ffiafl Thp IIIB AIIIB fliiirMpn gUIGKbiep OldlUJb lakp sweepstakes 3ooo ADDED for 2year A olds and upward 10 t8ff4 to accompany the nomination QOOto the second and 500 tothe third horse olds 10 to accompany the nomination 50 addi 3000 ADDED d dT T V0rnanyns 0Jmrt 0 a Cled0 Weights to be announced three before the tional to start 2000 added of which 400 to second days Tke Englewood Stakes which thewhich 400 to the second and 200 to the third horse Awinnerof and 200 to the third horse A winner of a stakes to three years old 10 to accompany the nomination The winner to be sold at auction Those enteredto race ted to ca 5 any race te aftcr One the M1ieSand weights are carry 3 Ibs of two stakes 5 Ibs of three or more 50 additional to start 2000 added of which 400 be sold for 4000 to carry weight for age for 3000 Quarter a stakes 7 Ibs extra Maidens allowed 7 Ibs Four to the second and 200 to the third horse A winner allowed Quarterallowed 5 Ibs then 2 Ibs for each 500 to 2000 rnnnunnnino Furlongs the value then rnnnunnninothen 1 Ib for each 100 to 1000 Winners of a HJK 21 tAKll US USstakes FurlongsThp of a 3yearold stakes of of 1500 to carry un tuo tuoprior Thp Hurip Park States 5000 ADDED A AinenyuB stakes this after the of entries and UM inenyuB rdlR aldllS 2 Ibs of two such stakes 5 Ibs of three or more year closing sweepstakes for 2year Bnch stakes or of one of the value of 5000 7 Ibs prior to June 8 when carrying weight for age or Tlio I oLocirio QfalfDC 2OOO ADDED A Amore olds 10 to accompany the nomination 100 addi ¬ extra Maidens allowed 7 Ibs One Mile MileTb forfilliesJune more not to be entered for less than 3000 after lllc ORCaiUC OiailCd sweepstakes forfillies tional to start 5000 added of which 1000 to the June 8 4000 Starters with selling prices to be two years old 10 to accompany the nomination nominationnamed second and 500 to the third horse A winner of a Tb Hrovol Wakoc 2000 ADDED A sweep named through the entry box at the usual hour of 50 additional to start 2000 added of which 400 400closing stakes of the value of 1000 to carry 3lbs of two IHG sweepIHG UICACI OldBBb stakes for 3yearolds 10 to closing the day prior to the race More than two to the second and 200 to the third horse A winner winnercan such stakes 5 Ibs of three or more such stakes or accompany the nomination 50 additional to start can ofthe be named by the same owner but only two in of a stakes of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of of the Edgewater Stakes 8 Ibs extra Maidens 2000 added of which 400 to the second and 200 to the same interest can start but the starting fee two such stakes 5 Ibsj of three or more such suchmust allowed 5 Ibs Six Furlongs the third horse A winner of a 3yearolds stakes of must be paid for all named One Mile and Half stakes 7 Ibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Five Fivea the value of 5000 or of three or more such stakes a Furlong Furlongc FurlongcThp The Lake View Handicap of the value of 1500 each to carry 5 Ibs extra Thp ing UdKWOOQ fiakwnnH Hanriinan 2soo ADDBD A fhp B Kpnwnnrt KcllWCOU OldReb Stakes 2000 ADDED A sweep ¬ yearolds 10 to accompany the nomination 50 Nonwinners of two 3yearold races of the value of ndllQIUdp sweepstakes for 3year stalces for colts two years additional to start 2000 added of which 400 to 1500 each allowed 3 IDS of one such race 5 Ibs olds and upward 10 to accompany tne nomina tion old 10 to accompany the nomination 50 addi the second and 200 to the third horse Weights ta of one of 1000 8 Ibs of one of 500 12 Ibs Maid 50 additional tostart 2500 added of which 400 tional to start 2000 added of which 400 to the be announced two days before the race Six Fur ¬ Bns allowed 17 Ibs One Mile to the second and 200 to the third horse Weights second and 200 to the third horse A winner of a longs Overnight Handicaps 1000 and upward No Purses Less than 600 600CppT CppT A I OTIf F ° entry iHke received for any of these stakes except upon this condition That all disputes claims and objections arising out of the racing or with respect to the interpreta H LV IrAL I V7 I IV L tion of the condition of any stakes shall be decided by the Eacing Stewards present or those whom they may appoint and their decisions upon all points shall be final Please mote that the entrance fee must accompany the nominations Turfmen failing to receive entry blanks can obtain them by application to the Secretary to whom all communications should be addressed or at the office of Daily Racing Form ± JAMES HOWARD Secy 61st St and South Park Ave Chicago