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JOCKEYS HANDICAPPED HANDICAPPEDDAILY DAILY RACING FORM will from now on publish ach vreek a table of the rating of the jockeys rid og at each track based on their performances in he saddle The best riders at each track will be iven the uniform rating of 100 and from that point he others will be graded down according to their stimated relative skill For a difference of five tpints between the jockeys a corresponding five points change in the handicap figures assigned the lorses in any race must be made Only riders f re lUehtly in the saddle will be given a place in the ables The following is the rating of the jockeys tow riding over the various tracks At Oakland Jockeys VConnor Toods J tollman lurnsT iuchanan iuchananlanch lanch J ackson L LledferiK ledferiK ones E Eoar oar lansom Ititoe D iirkenruth athews J JtcGinn tcGinn roxler Jonley e tuart i iriapp riapp W foods J T aly J eImessey iaimtleroy Vinslett tnrlingame Iowsoni toilet tomero tomeroiozeman iozeman telly alyLtelly alyL riickery feell Landry 100 Winkfield J 100 Blake 100 BlakeDominick Dominick 100 Cochran 100 CochranOdonx Odonx 100 Lyne 95 Waldo W 95 OBrien 95 OBrienDale Dale 95 Dean T TWilliams 95 Williams B 95 Minder 90 Gormley 90 Walsh GormleyWalsh WalshRobertson 90 Robertson 90 RobertsonOtis Otis 90 Nntt 90 Lindsay 90 Miles 90 Jockeys JockeysSheehan Sheehan LpganE Gisborn Logue Treanor Collis Adams Dunn Brodien Waterbury Tamplin Smith H Donnelly E Peterson Homer Ross Gatliff Walker J McCarthy J Gatley Crosthwaite Prior McDermott Jackson L A Burke Wallace Parmelee Bell Earle Webster Gannon Duggan W Dyer Dangman Rice J Gilmore HallD Wilson H Wilson W Mitchell D Thompson G Hope Boyd Mooney Dade Murphy R Louden Bassinger Young Hayden Anstet Scully Watson W Dupee Michaels H AVilkerson Waldo J Slack Weber A Rutter Miller J Steele R Creamer MeadeT Davisson Cogswell Wilson C Munro Helgeson Breunau Earle Neely Jones A Donovan Reeder Cash Nelson Mountain Sotor Battiste Wilson J Brown R Rice B Jones F Dean L Preston