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SAKATOOA STAKES TO CIOSK In November last the Saratoga Association closed the following list of opulent stakes to bo run this year FOU THKEEEAKOLDS THKEEEAKOLDSThe The Travors guaranteed value 10000 1 1S miles The Keuuer guaranteed value 5000 1 14 miles The Alabama for fillies guanteed value 5000 1 116 miles XK TWCKVEAEOLDS TWCKVEAEOLDSThe The United States Hotel guaranteed value 10000 5 12 furlongs furlongsThe The Grand Union Hotel guaranteed value 10000 54 mile mileThe The Flash guaranteed value 5000 5 12 furlongs furlongsThe The Spinaway for iillies guaranteed value 5000 5 12 furlongs furlongsThis This is a stake program that of itself would suffice to render a race meeting notable Yet this splendid offering is now supplemented by a richer and more extensive list with entries to close next Monday It is a list to charm a horse owner the particulars reading readingFOR FOR THKEETiEAKOLDS AND UPWARD UPWARDThe The Saratoga Handicap 10COO guaranteed 1 516 miles milesThe The Saratoga Cup 5000 guaranteed 1 34 miles milesThe The Champlain Handicap 3000 guaranteed 1 1S miles milesThe The Merchants and Citizens Handicap 3000 added 1 1S miles milesThe The Delaware Handicap 1000 added 1 mile mileThe The Amsterdam Selling 1COO added 1 mile mileThe The Catskill Selling 1000 added 7S mile mileFOR FOR TUEEEEAKOU S SThe The Saranac Handicap 5CCO guaranteed 1 1S miles milesThe The Huron Handicap 1000 added 1 316 miles The Seneca Selling 1000 added 34 mile The Mohawk Selling 1OCO added 1 1S miles milesFOR FOR TWOYEAKOLDS TWOYEAKOLDSThe The Saratoga Special 1CCO each 1500 gold plate added 5 12 furlongs furlongsThe The Adirondack Handicap 5COO guaranteed 3t uile uileThe The Kentucky for fillies 1 CCO added 5 12 fur ¬ longs longsThe The Albany Handicap 1OCO added 34 mile JThe Troy Selling 1CCO added 5 12 furlongs furlongsSTEXTUEfHASES STEXTUEfHASES STEXTUEfHASESThe The Ballston Cap 1250 guaranteed about 212 miles milesThe The B Bverwyek verwyek 1KO guaraateed about 2 12 miles milesThe The Trouble 1CC0 guaranteed about 2 miles milesThis This makes a total of 34750 of added and guaran ¬ teed money to bo contended for next August over the magnificent new course of the Saratoga Associ ¬ ation Here every class and age of racers are munificently provided for and the horsemen of the country should see to it that each stake that is to close Monday March 10 is filled to correspond with the great patronage awarded the stakes already closed DAXLT RACING FORM is prepared to furnish entry blanks to all who may apply for them and asks owners to bear in mind that the time for clos ¬ ing is near at hand