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4 NOW ON SALE - THE.. 1 NOW OH SALE AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL FOR I93; COPYRIGHTED A, Handbook of Figures Beyond Comparison i An Official Compendium of Records. Summaries by Experts on the Past Years Doing. EDITED BY F. H. BRUNELL 30c. in Paper. 50c. in Soft Morocco. . MM Daily Racing Form Pub. Co., 124-126 Fifth lie., j NOW ON SALE Chicago NOW ON SALE 12 stakes Chicago Jockey Club I I entries K OO O HAWTHORNE CLOSE J J J J , I SPRING AND SUMMER MEETINGS Fphrnn; ADDED. 1903 1 y Spring Meeting May 23 to June 5. : : : Summer Meeting Begins July 20. j Tlie Hawthorne Handicap, 0,000 Guar- ,500, of which to the second and 00 to the The Premier Stakes, ,500 Added. A sweep- each to accompany the nomination S30 additional an teed Vlue. A handicap sweepstakes for third. Weights to appear three days bofore the Btakes for three-year-olds. Entrance 0 eiich to to start. The Clnb to add SI 500 of which S350 tn three-year-olds and upward, By subscription of race. One mile and a half. accompany the nomination ; 0 additional to start, the second and 50 to the tnird The winner tn 5 each for entrance, to accompany the nomina- ofi,0 s rnn a Tno Club to add ,500, of which 50 to the second be sold at auction. If entered to be sold fnr?nnn tion; those entered to pay in addition 50 each Flight Stakes ,500 Added. A sweep- and 50 to the third. Non-winners at any time of a to carry" weight for age if for 8000 aHowen ma- forfeit, and only 5 if declared stakes for threa-year-olds and upward. Entrance of the value of ,500, if this for starting or 0 saco non-winuers year then 1 lb allowed for each SIM kown tn nm out on or before April 1. The club to guarantee W JACTfr ft fAvA IfX a race of ,000, allowed 5 lbs.; a raca of 00, Stake winners.Tarryinff weUht for a or moreo SSonSSS andb?oirdf wiSaSLTaC8lfiSdtSfia 101bs.;tworacesof$.300,15 lbS. One mile. not ikth" 5and b Wrfrfitq to be announced on Allrch 2 A winner lbs. the scale. Non-winners in 1902 of twelve The JLaSsie Stakes, ,500 Added. A sweep- w ?.l iT"08 fsta,tod through the entry KpuV F" of.any value orof one of the value of ,500 stakes for Allies two years old. Entrance 0 each cV Jnto of ,500 to carry 4 lbs.; of two of ,500 or one of jfnon-winners this year of a race of 00, allowed 5 to accompany the nomination: $:0 additional to starting fee. Five and 000 8 lbs of two of 000 1 lbs penalty Pen- "S.; of a race of 00 10 lbs 8ix furlongs, start. The Club to add ,500, of which 00 to the one-half furlongs iuiiuuj,and. allies to apply to the extent of one-half only to stakoTtlvatfLarrv Ate? The Pralrle r.talces, 50o Added. A selling of ofTnv two The Compet.tlon Stakes 1 500 A,i,,i a iofoffito-haSdfai rteP3tand5 l and upward. En- ft f 5S3T SWftA.ftifi sweepsUk"Pfor tSSd.. EntranKach atfffi lbs.OTSe!indnot ClubLtaddn r twff W. lbs. penalty. Others, non-win! to accompany the nomination; i additional to capped at 128 lbs. or more; and shall not make the Kg additional to The second tortart and The n6r?f races of allowed 5 lbs,: maidens start. The onb to add ,500, of which 50 to the weight for a three-year-old exceed 112 lbs. Tobe tobe sold at S baa1toa thro or more times, allowed 12 lbs. Five second and 50 to the third. A winner of two . ?uugon May 23, the opening day of the spring meet- g SanduSSandSdS fUrlnBS ?of thref oTaJy Sin SStwo 7a,ET lag. One mile and a furlong. 50 to ,000; then 1 lb. for each 00 down to 00. The Vernal Stakes, ,500 Added. A sweep- Panaity? Others 5ra-w1nner of a Mnr V The Northern Handicap. ,000 Added. A Starters to be named and selling price stated stakes for colts and geldings two years old. Ea- allowed 4 lbs of two of 00 7 lbs two nf handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and up- through the entry-box by the usual hour of closing trance 0 each to accompany the nomination; 0 value, 10 lbs maidens beaten fonr ir mnra timns nnv ward. Entrance, 0 each, to accompany tho nomi- day before the race, and to be liable for starting additional to start. The Club to add ,500, of allowed ttl,uwu 15 11m nve Piv nrrf ana one-nait nn. hoif nation; 50 additional to start. The Club to idd fee. Two miles. which 00 to the second and 50 to the third. A turiongs. ,000, of which 00 to the second and S460 to the The Excelsior Handicap, ,000 Added. A winner of a sweepstakes of any value to carry 3 The Uonaduock Handicap, 1.509 Added third. Weights to appear three days bofore the handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds. En- Ib.s- 5 of twoof ,500, 10 lbs. Penalty. Others, non- A handicap sweepstakes for two-year-olds En-race. One mile and a quarter. trance 0 each to accompany the nomination; 0 winners of two races. of 00, allowed 5 lbs.; maidens tranct 0 each to accompany the nomination- S50 The Superior Handicap, ,500 A tided. A additional to start. The club to add ,000, of which beaten three or more times, allowed 12 lbs. Five additional to start. The Club to add ,500 of handicap sweepstakes for throe-year-olds and up- 05 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights to furlongs. which 50 to the second and 50 to the third, ward. Entrance 0 each to accompany the nomi- appear three days before the race. One mile and a The Juvenile Stakes, ,500 Added. A sell- Weights to appear three days before the race Six nation; 0 additional to start. The Club to add furlong. ing sweepstakes for two-year-olds. Entrance 0 furlongs. full Value of Stakes Paid in Cash. Added Money to Purses 00 to 00. Three Steeplechase Races Each Week. : Additional Stakes for Summer and Fall Meetings Announced in July. Entry blankB will be mailed upon receipt of application. Address nominations and all communications to the SECRETARY CHICAGO JOCKEY CLUB, 403 Monadnock Building, Chicago.!