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LOS ANGELES ENTRIES AND FORM. Probabilities: Weather dear: track fast. Racing starts at 1 :4.i p.m. Chicago time 3:43 p.m. 1 ltuiis well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 1 Mile, "year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. bat Horses. A. Wt Bdep. 86107 Irish Mail KM 723 60820*. . .Taos 104 720 00 ITT* flharlaa T Stone MT..X..TK! 96477*. . .Happy Rhe 104 . X. 71o coilo trragon K7 7o.-« 06440 Cade: II M4 700 86477. ...Miss Hitnyar 102 700 Carthaginian, hr. e, by St. Syinpliorieti Phoenissa ....107 Second Race — Futurity Course. 200 feel less than .".-4 mile. 4-yeai olds and upward. Belting. • 04440 Bribery 4. . 10:,. . v . .723 06838 Revolt 7..M6-. X. -720 66801 . . . Governor Orman 4. . M5. . X . .713 60338.... Botegna 5. .108. .X.. 718 86068 Royal Rogue B. .MS. . X . .710 06318 : . . .Sin . eed 4. .MB. . X . .70., »M4.- Nuns Veiling 4.. 103.. X.. TOO SS403 ...Lord of the forest 4.. 103.. • . .960 06274. ...Firm Post 7..M5 . ..090 H.-.77 Hi Col Cap 7.. 1o". 6M Third Race — 3-8 Mile. 2 car olds. Allow :111.1s. iC,4!7" . . 1 Early Tide 1 1#. . X . .723 66407*. . Sweet-taire llo. . X . .720 69518*. ,+Lackfoot 1K 713 W407. . . Booger Red 110.. X . .713 88313 Bendaga IK 7 10 06480. ..tHarvel 1R» 710 96810 GIgsna K»7 703 60234 .. . "Albion II 107 7o:, 06307. . . .Decorator llo 700 06407 El Muchacha 110 700 96B1S st. Doreen kit 700 iii.;27 Connie M lo7 7im l-oi-nicrly Town Talk, tn. T. ;iittin entry. I. .1. Walsh entry. Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 4 year olds and upward. Allowances. 98*23 ...Ed Ball 7. .K2. . x . .7.30 99536 Von Tromp 3. .110. . x . .743 i«i.-»:;7 Gorgalete 7..KI3 740 69234*. ..Tartan 5. .!».. X . .740 U8461... Kercheval 4..103..©. .740 66034*. ..Chimney Sweep 5. .103.. X.. 733 06100 lohn l.yle 5.. 102.. ©..735 iit;:,::7 ..Dntsy Miller 6. .110.. X ..730 9S53B*...Une of Life 6..M5..X.-7* Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. :; year olds. Seilit if. OC477 Kitty McCarthy 103 72.3 99080. .. Stella A K»3 720 WI74 ... Premium Rose 100 713 99406. . . .Maxim Gorky 107. . X . .71.3 9940* lira Leonard 110.. : . .710 96463. ...First Pirate 167 HO 00337 K. B. 11 KI7 710 U04J0 Vluorsiui 105. .X • -705 99409 BkjyUght 103 703 06428 8ong of the Sea 107 700 66428 John Brnen 10T.... 7 M 00337 Vrradta K lle 103 7ini 00177 Henry Me HO .,1, Sixth R»cc— 7-8 Mile. 1 ycar-ohls and upward. Allowances. 68703. . . .Ormondes Right i. . 1o7. . v . .730 ioOI:im . . .Pantoufle 4. .103. . . .743 69408*... Don Domo 0. .107. . x . .740 68478 . . .Darnma 4. .103. . x . .740 66400. ..A. Mnakodaj .../ 3. IK. .©..733 Hi3.:7. .. .Supreme Conrl 5. .107. . X . .733 963U Critic 4.. 107 7:0 99444 Illoa 11. .103 073