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WILL OFFER COMPROMISE MEASURE. John W. Schorr Says Tennessee Leqislature May Create a Racinq Commission. Memphis. Tenu.. January 2ti.— Notwithstanding the fact that the ornate of the Legislature at Nash vilh- yesterday passed the Faust hill hy a vole of 30 to 1. and dispatches from the capital are all quite discouraging as to the future of racing in this slate, local horsemen were given a gleam of hope today. John V. Schori returned from Nashville with the Statement that there are good prospects for a compromise. He says tiiat a bill creating a State Racing Commission will be offered in the lower bouse a- a substitute for the bill passed by the senate and be believes there is a chance that it will he adopted. The stakes opened by the New Memphis Jockey Club for the proposed spring meeting of twenty-one days beginning April 15, will close Monday Bight li there is no racing the stakes will be declared off ami the money refunded, hut if there is to tie a meeting ihe stakes will not be reopened.