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NOTES OF THE TURF. . T. Henshall was in Chicago yesterday on his waj to California. The New Louisville Jockey Club has donated ,000 to the Kentucky Breeding Bureau. It is said in New York that jockey Konianelli will not he granted a license to ride this year. Late Hour Faun is the name given by E. II. Bradley to his breeding farm near Lexington, Ky. August Belmont has l een re-eleeted chairman of the National Steeplechase and Hunts Assoeiatiou. C. Bells application for a jockeys license is being considered by the license committee of the Jockey Club. All two-year-olds must be named by March 1. oih, iwise a penalty of 0 for each name awarded thereafter. Matt J. Winn says that the New Louisville Jockey Club will not stand in the way of the wants of the people at Lexington. This is taken to mean that the Lexington meeting will he held the lirst week in May. The Jockey Club has called the attention of the Registrars Office to the fact that there has been carelessness in the matter oi" awarding names. It would do well to jack up the proof reader on the Uaciug Calendar.