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N L ti ■ 0 ■ ii in h ■ ■ 1 C p I t t l It i - s | 1 1 t r t a t | i 1 i « I j I , , t NO SLATES UP AT OAKLAWN TRACK. Layers Operate After Eastern Style — Still in an Atmosphere of Uncertainty. Hot Springs. Ark.. February ."..—There was betting at Oaklawa today, but no slates were ap. Before the Bret two races the Ive layers walked about the ring, but for the next lour races they _ occupied s-..oi . They made no display of the / prices. Ilioiigh they had them on sheei for their ..wn occasional reference. When one wished to make I I,.-; he would name the horse to the layer, wiio n turn would quote a price. If the odds were .| satisfactory the bettor handed his money to the p layer who took the number f the bettors badge -■ ■: and made his notations in a small book. There Were I not many people on hand and little billing was j done, so the sysicin worked fairly well, but it cannot be BBld tO be popular li.-re. Just beto re ilie nr-t race two of the layers were placed under an .-I. but on aihici- of counsel the constables left the grounds thereafter. When the cases of the Ivookmakers who were arrested y - terday were called in the Ooari of Jastice Archer * this morning they were continued until tomorrow. - is possible thai the will not be hear.! i..r some , lime. It is said that the political will I t be straightened out and thai the meeting will g « on without iiiu-i nipi ion Baless stopped by legla : tatlve action. This statemenl. iioweve*. is ha- 1 i on no positive dc. laration from an official source. The officials are saving nothing as to their intentions. An effort was made at Little Bock today to rail road the Amis bill throagh the house of rcpresen tativee. A motion was made to suspend the rules and have the bill come up for its second reading. Which would have beea followed probably by a mution to put it upon its passage, but tie nioiion to suspend the rules was lost and the bill will not come up ifniil Friday. Some gossips say that there i; a gaad chance that the bill will mu pass the louse, but here and now predictions ale decidedly in— ale. Then was little to the racing, poor fields making up the card. The weather bad somewhat moderated, but the track was in a wane slate than yesterday. The feature of the sport was the g.nxl riding of yoekey Baghuader, who piloted June %me, Nancy | and l oc-ile to victory. F. 1. Graves showed up a y ungster in Hollow, that may turn out to be a crackerjack. Judging by bis performance today, there has been no better colt shown under colors in i tiie south up to tiie present. Bitty Low legs, which • tifisheil second, is also worthy of consider:!! ion. Jockey s nhachon waa taken suddenly ill after riding i No Fn-Uc. P. J. Miles arrived today with hi- own » horses and those owned by Bd Btatte.