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I I ,, 0 00 0 5 " ■ o M, 7."i 7 0 C*» o •• B HOT SPRINGS ENTRIES AND FORM. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:15 p. 111. X Buna well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 3 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Allowances. Did. Horses A. Wt. Hdcp. MOM. . . Mary Talbot 107 725 68804.. Onda MS 720 88010... Hasty Agnes MT 70.-, « tifiwx ...i:irv 107 70O M884 Brocade R ~ "100 *° Astoria Belle, b. f. by Beat pion -Docility Ill * Katlierine Murphy, eh. f. by Henry of Navarre — Grove Queen HI M. C. Milam entry. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 4 year olds ami upward. BetBag. 08021.. B. J. Swanner 4..10", . .72.5 ■ 66314 Charles McKee 3 . 1 4 720 66821 Marco 7. . I04 . . © . .715 84885. . . .Birmingham 4 . . 105. . x . .715 66896 ...Madeala 8..104..X. 700 | 08818. .. Kuiopatkin 4. .105 MS 00S1S.... Billy rolQlMB 0..W4 0S0 I I I • I I * I I I I I , 83888 Ramlillo 6. .111. . v . .075 06818. . . .Waiter O. .Ml!. . . .070 68818. . . .Teniivhiirn ». ,100. . X . .883 02404 l.ieber Gore t.... .4. .110. . x . .650 06870 Batavla 4. .103 000 J. J. McC.. ch. e. by Phil Wai ren — Velma. by 1lusetto 4. .11.". Third Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. "year -olds. Maidens. Allowances. 00170-. . .Kankakee KM |28 •MJStliK .. .Heine Regente Kio. .X..715 06872 Ballad 104 7lo «07!!4-. . .Woolstartle 118. . X . .710 66805= . . .Theodoria 10s. . x . .705 66844 rack Hardy MS.. X.. 700 68020. . .Duhveber 105. . x - .•» •" 65*74. . . Lady Lippins 108 088 00704 ;. . .Tom Anderson 106. . x . .888 00800 Rubber Ball 102 665 83887. . . Precept 110 050 66869 Kid Williams 100 000 60869 Dolph 105 000 Jim Simpson, b. c. by Con test or flu n peli ii. 110 Jack Bratton, ch. c. bv Donald A.— Dudti 110 Jack Slade. b. g. bv Don Ornhw Wa-iu la no Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 3-year olds and upward. Selling. 88821 Adesso 4. .104. . x . 72". 08806. Oasis 4. . 94. . X . .710 68921 Peter Knight 5.. MS.. X. .ISO 08023s... J. P. Mayberrv 6. .100.. 095 08000. ..Bullfinch 0..M1 005 06823 Lata Duffv 4.. »..®..693 66805 . . .Chieftain 5. .106. . x . .800 66929.. ..Bene Scott .".. . so. .x.. 090 eSSOB*.. .J. D. Dunn S..SS. .X..S0S oosoo : . . .Shenandoah 5. .106. . x . .685 00922 - . . . Dr. Hart B..MS..X. 080 66020s... Tom Gllrov :;. . 04.. X.. 080 66895s . . .Tyrolian 5. .104. . X . 075 66808 niia Buskin :. . ,84 07", 66808 Mary Candlemas ::.. St 070 08022 Ga line da 4.. OS.. X.. OSS Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. "year olds and upward. Selling. 0O922 Sea Water .!. . S4 725 00797 ... Beecher B. .115. . X . .710 00.897-. . .Mrs. Annie 5. .108. . X. .700 66948. . . .Marinibo 4. .101 . . X . .673 0680S Uline Cummiags ."... 84.. X.. 680 66922 Sambo s. .1 10. .©. .051 66922. . . Graeelancl 4. .KM 056 0808. . .Miss Jersey ::. . M. . ■ . .050 Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Sidling. Colts, norma and Geldings. 0OO2I . Alsono 7. .100. . X . .725 66873. ...Patter S. .112.. X.. 710 66898 King Wilda 5. .loo 70S 668081 .Merrick 4..1M..X..7O0 66870. . .Water Mirror 5. .104 885 68848. . . Tomoehiehl 4. .108. . x . .680 60805... Bonebrake 5..M4..X..686 0682H. . . .l.ucullus 5. .100. . X • .673 66806... Gavin C 5.. M0.. X.. 673 66893 ...Bendigo 5. .112.. ..6S0 06046 Midas 4. .los 000 oil".!-. . .Brannlgan 8..114..X. .630 OSMS. . . Wooltessa 4.. 110 830