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j PHILIP J. DWYER, President. F. REHBERGER, Secretary. QUEENS COUNTY JOCKEY CLUB STAKES TO BE RUN FOR AT THE SPRING MEETING OF 1907, CLOSING ON MONDAY, FEB. 25, 1907. THE CARTER HANDICAP Guaranteed Cash Value, 0,000, for three-year-olds and upward. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. THF CARTER HANDICAP OF 510.000. Far tlivce old* and unu n.l. 0 eack, M HB if iBCsUCa by April I; 00 additional roc starters Gnaraateed cask value 0,000, of wales ,D0n to the seeead :u»l J.iOO to the tliird. ffeights to lie aaaoaaeed March 21. Soven Fuilonc?. THZ STERLING STAKES. For tare • -y.-ar-olds and upward; |M nch. or ?15 forfeit, wili ».0 ti added, of which to the seeoad and ?20 to the third. Weight for as*. One Mile. THE QUEENS COUNTY HANDICAP.— lor three - ear ..Lis and upward; ?2o each, or .0 if iaCSBtea .v 2 p. in. on the day pteeeding the race: will: .SI ".ihi added. ,.t arhlch hB!•" • to tlie second and .o to the third. Weights to hi announced three days before the race. Winners after announcement of weights to carry I lbs. extra. One Mile. THF ROCKAWAY STAKES.— For three year olds and upward: 0 each, half forfeit; with ifl.i added, of Which ni to the stcoad and 00 to tile tliird. Hie winner to be sold at auction for !f::..r »i. If for es, ] lh. allowed for each 00 dowa to ,000. Selliii_ price to be stated throBfrh the when iii rie . close on the day preceding the race. Winners of a race of the value of ,000 at the imet-in: no t to be entered for leas than ,500. Six Furlor.erc. THF FLUSHING STAKES. For three year olds and upward: 0 each, half forfeit: with ,600 added, -I which §2 ;o to the second and 00 to the third. The winner to be sold at saetssa for .$::.mmj. [I for less. 1 lb. allowed f»r each . »0 down to ,000. SeDlns prlee to b - stated throogn the entry-has When entries close oa the day preceding the race. Winners of a race of the valui Of ,000 at the meeting not to be entered for less than ,000. One Mile. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS. THF ARVERNE STAKES.— For three year-obis; .-. each, 41 forfeit; with .80$ added, of which .-.".o to the second and 50 to the third. Weights o lbs. below the scale. Nob winners of ,000 allowed S ths.; •! ,500, s lbs.; of ,000, 12 lbs.: of STOO. 17 lbs.: maidens 20 His. Six Furlongs. THE UNION STAKES, lor three-year-olds; 0 each, half forfeit: with ,000 added, or which :.ihi jo Hie second sad 00 to the third. The winner to be sold it saetJon for $:;. «io. if far Iras, 1 li . allowed for each » down to 00. s. llin price to be stated throng* the entry-has by 2 a. ss. an the day preceding the race. Winners of a race of the value of ,000 at the Baeethsg not lo be entered for less than 000. Seven Furlong;,. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS. THE CANARSIE STAKES. Tor two-year-olda; 5 each, 0 forfeit; with si 500 added, of which 50 to the second and 50 to the third. Weights 10 ths. below the scale. Nan winners of ,000 allowed 5 lbs. Four Furlongs. THF ROSE STAKES. For allies two rears old; 5 eaeh, 0 forfeit: with ,500 added, of which S2-"." to the s. id sad 50 to the third. Weights 10 lbs. below the scale. Hon wiaaers of ,000 allowed "i lbs. Fosr I urlongs. THE OZONE STAKES. For two year olds; 0 each, half forfeit: with ,000 added, of which 60 to the second end 00 to the third. The winner to be sold at auction for ,000. If for les-. 1 lb. allowed for each S100 down to ,000. Selling price to be stated through the entrj bos when entries dose oa the day precwiing the race. Winners of a race of the value of ,000 at the meeting not to be entered for le S than ,000. Four Furlongs. THF WOODHAVEN STAKES. For tWO-year-eMs; 0 each, half forfeit; With ,000 added, of which s.ou in the second end 00 to the third. The winner to be sold at saetioa for ,500. If for leas, l lb. ■ i for eaeh 00 down to ,000. Belliag price to be stated throngi ihe entry-box when entries ehwe on the dcy preceding the race. Winners of a race of the value of ,000 at the sseetiag no; to he eatered lor less than ,500. Four and a Half Furiongs. STEEPLECHASES FOR FOUR-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. THE GLENDALE STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP. For four year olds and upward. By subscription of ?2o each, or 0 if declared by 2 p. ss. oa the day preceding the race- with ,500 added.-of which .".o to the seeoad sad 50 to the third. Weights to be aaaoaaeed live days before the race, winners after the snnoancemenl of the weights to cany 5 lbs. extra. Aoout Two Miles and a Half. THE WINFIELD STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP.— For four year olds and upward. By subscription of sjs each, n- 0 if declared by 2 p. m. oa the day nreeedxag the rare: with ,200 added, of which M» to the s ■.■ ,n j and 00 to the third. Weights to be announced lie days before the race. Wiaaers after ths ariuo.ncement of the weights to carry •" lbs. extra. About Tv o Miles. THE BAYSIDE STEEPLECHASE. — For four year-olds and upward. By subscription of 5 each, w 0 forfeit; with ,000 sdded, of which 00 to the second and 00 o the third. Weights 10 lbs. shore lie. The winner to be -old :;t suction for ,500. if for leas, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to 00. Belliag price to be stated through the entry box when cuttles --lose on the day preceding the race. Winners of a race of the value of ,000 at the meeting not to be entered for less than ,500. About Two Miles. Till". BULKS OF RACING and subsequent amendments thereto, adopted by The Jockey Club, govern all races run under the auspices ,t In Queens ronnty Jockey Club. s to either or all of the races advertised here will be received only with the understanding, and on the agreemenl of the subscriber, that the provisions of Baring Rules 42 ami -i.i thereto appended form a part of and govern the contract "Bale 42 — Fvery person subscribing to a swepstakes. or entering a horse in a race to lie run aadat these rales, accepts the decision of the Stewards on any question relating to a race, or to racing. "Bale 43— At the discretion of the Stewards of The Jockey Club, or of the Stewards, and without notice, the entries of any person, or the transfer of any entry, may be refused." The Rules of Racing adopted by the National Steeplechase and Hunt ilsnOflsthT govern all steeplc-chssei ruBjnsder the auspices of the Queens County Jockey club. In making nominations to these stakes particular attention is hereby called to rules 50, 51, 52 and 53 of the Rules of Racing. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO SECRETARY QUEENS COUNTY JOCKEY CLUB, 399 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y.