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NOTES OF THE TURF. Frank Lord, it is reported, baa gone lame at Grave AToualls la to lie taken to Peru ai the end of the ra bag season si Oakland. George C. Bennetts staid.- wUl leave Memphis fur N«w " oris abou A] ril 1. 11. 1:. Bakers siieedj two-year-old bj Box Pan-• " •■ W 11. lias been named The Boxer. Lonia Kass is assisting Henry McDaniel in the pre-1 ration of L. A. Cellas young bones. Bdward Corrigat has lonated the services of liis stallion Bran tome to the Kentucky Breeding Bureau. King Edwards Grand National Steeplechase candidate. Flaxman, was defeated a a recent meeting in I .land. William Donohue losl the rail or 84 000 which he instil" t. in Fran e against Mr. Pinter, foe whom be q . trained. Gwyn Tompkins, il Is reported, la asking ,000 ca.ii for St. Kevin and Sanctus, two of "Mr. Cotton s" ste plecha A 1 Detroit they say there will be 1 bjection to a running meeting ai Grosse Pointe if it is limited to til teen or el rhteen days. A representative of Thomas II. Williams asked I.. I. Lee to put 1 price on Biagg. lie valued the son ■ Free Knight ti ,009. There was no sale.— San Francisco hroulcle. J. V.. Wldener says Colonial Girl will be bred to Rock sand. Martha Gorman i- to go to the court of Meddler; Miss Mitchell to Garry Hermann, and Daisy it. is,. I., Adam. Trainer J..;, n Huggins, who has been spending his vacation of six weeka on ids ranch in Texas, is now .•11 bis way to New York to take up ids duties with the bones of II. B. Duryea. Teas Over, the dam r,r Dick Welles, drt Wells and Security, foaled a chestnut colt by Hastings at Vngust Belmonts Nursery Stud near Lexington, Ky. February 13 and has been bred to Rock Sand. 1 The lirst of the get .■. Matchless, the seven-year-old s,„i of Meddler and Equality, will nee as two-year-olds this year. Matchless i- standing at Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. Be was never need. He struck himself ii his work and went Lame. "Bob" May has 1 small string of two-year-olds at B Unphis, but it is bis present intention to take only one to the eastren tracks. This will be Silver Swan. by Silverdale Mlnty Gore. The others be uil turn over to Pred Laxader to be need on the Canadian circuit.