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I ONE WAY TO WIPE OUT HANDBOOKS. The lloneh Government is consider lag the advhu biHty of establishing pari-mutuel offices throughout Prance away from the racecourses, the idea being to break up clandesiine or illegal belting, or what would be known in this country as poolroom or hand lMK k spec ulalion. M. Kouby. a French Deputy, has laid heroic the French Chamber a proposal having his end in view. He gives ii as his opinion that sue.i ::n arrange mont would do away with the illegal betting ollioos. wblah the government has found it so bard to wipe out. A report is to be made to the French Ministry of Agriculture on the advisability of the proposed Innovation. The nasal 8 per cent, would be deducted, out of which M. Kouby considers 2 per cent, should go to the race society, l per cent, for ivptats, I per cent. for tie improvement of breeding ami Hit remaining -I per cent, to the government to be distributed in various ways.