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HOT SPRINGS ENTRIES. Prohabililies: Weather clear; track fast. Raiing starts at 2:1.7 p. in. Bnna weM in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 1-2 Mile. 2 year Selling. Ind. Horses. A. Wfc Ildcp. 67243*... Astoria Belle 184.. X.. 725 i;7.;i:;. . . .Orphany i »i 715 I1744:: I larnev 104.. X . .71ft f.744:: Boll Weevil 88.. X.. 719 67419*. ..Lady Hapabnrg 85. .X.. 719 66793 Valdosla BH!. . X..7 ir. 67419*.. .HoUow 107. . X..788 67418*. ..l-:tta t.ouise KM-.. . X . . 7."« 67419.... Margaret Randolph 06.. X.. 675 6748 Water Lock 90.. X.. 880 67343. ..C. II. Shilling « 109..X..4M8 i:74l!i Robert Bagaa U : 638 6729c: Hasty MM. . ■; . .ft." o U7094. . . .Belufower 96 112T, 87418.... Daisy Shine BK ii.n» Kiniuck. b. c, by John Bright Mary Beaa DM Second Race — 1 Mile. ■1 year olds and upward. Selling. 66922*... Little Claal 7. .107. .X.. 726 o7::7o Samho 8. .106. .©. .713 87397. .. .Check Morgan i;..1«hi 7111 67445*. ..Bath Nolea 4.. :•:. 740 67169 Wool Soap 4..D».-i 7 n 67305 .ore 4. .102. . X . .700 67348 Wool t nam 4.. 102 ia»o «742i Boh May :,..l«i7 683 67445 Dixie Andrews 5. .105. . . .680 673T0 Little Rose 4.. 95.. ..888 67395.... Percy Green 5.. 107.. ..676 t:7::7o Kstaulb* 6.. 197.. ..058 64665. Carnation I.. 95 658 67322. ...Will Svlvesier 6.. 192 tiXl Lola While, ch. in, by While Loam ft.. 198 Third Race — 1 Mile. 1 year olds and upward. Selliag. C7.::i7. . . .Biilllinch 6. .197 72.7 67448 Baker Waters 7..H 7. ..720 C747:: thena 6. .195.. X.. 715 67348 I.indale ....1U7.. . .705 • .7:7:; tggle Lewis 6. .105. . X . .705 67:S5....Dr. Hail S..H17.. /..7H 87448 Sultry I..IO-J.. . .7 H» 67297... .Wood Claim 5. . 109. . X . -4*95 67397 Clear Niht -..!•:, lai, 67420*...BandlIlo 6.. MS.. ..886 67445*... BaMioi 4. .MM.. ..880 67473. ...Lets DaPJy 4. .lftft..© .880 67420 Marco 7. .192. .©..675 i;7iis ...Peter Knight 5. .108. . ..1:70 56210. ...T. .h 5. .MR 626 Fourth Race— 1 Mile. "year and upward. Allowances. 67371 MIDAS 4..14M 72.7 67423 Docile 6. .194.. X.. 710 67444*... Heine Begeate : .. 89. .x.. 703 :7.:7.: I. P. Mayberry 8.. 186. .X.. 700 677194 Bl Tovar ::.. M . . ..685 67895... Anna Ruskin ::.. m 7 i 674 is. . . . Incubator 7. .109. . X . «:7", Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 3-year olds. Selling. 67347*. ..Chancellor 104.. X.. 725 67394*. . . Ti voli ni 197. .X.. 720 67469. . . .Doc Kyle MM. . X. .71ft C7296. . . .Nancy - 1H . . x . -7ft." e,7:72 .. . Demo 87. . X . .686 Cm ■: ■ . . .Sea Water 1M» iH;:, 67422 ". . .King I |...|.| 107. . X . .850 67395* . . . Joe Coyle ."7 C.o 67395 The Belle at Brighton 85.. X.. 858 67318 Bobber Ball !i7 ft2.-. Sixth Race— 7-8 Mile. 4 year olds and upward. Selling. 67422. . .Tyrolian 6. .108.. X.. 728 67197 Foxhall 4. .107. . x . .72ft 67470. ...B. 1. Swanner 4.. MM.. X.. 715 .7117 Matador •" . . lis. .©. .710 67420 Usooo 7. .111.. X . 71ft 67371.... Water Mirror 5. .199 876 67448*. ..Mrs. Annie B. . 113. . X . .899 67395. . . .Tennybnrn S. .111.. X.. 839 07:71 1. 1:. Berkley ."...ill 889