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. . . |- , , WILL OPPOSE THE JEROME BILLS. New York. March 11. Decretory Harrison, of Ihe New Tark State Pair, and rcprcseiilal ives of oilier r a-iii Itltural soeiet ies and fair assoeia tiolis from i Broome, Chenango, Tioga, Allegany and Steuben Couniios. met at Btaghamtoa Batarday afteraooa ami made plans to oppose tiie .lerome bills, one of which proposes to repeal Ihe PerCS Biej racing law peraahtrteg racfeag, bal umilriag •" per cent, of the -less rceeipls to Ik set aside for Ihe benefit of agriealrare, ami ihe other of which proposes to j ■pproprtete *0*t000, to be divided .among Ihe niuely- - , three sgrlcaltaral societies of the state. I lie lair nun say if the appropriation could lie made a permanent one they would be satisfied, but t that it would lie impossible lo conduct fairs and be ,. obliged every year lo take tin- chances of a legis- latere refusing io appropriate Ihe money after plans s have beea made for ihe coming tair. Beery agrl cultural society in the state will be uiiicd to send II a representative to the htM lag at Albany on a March 20.