Oakland Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1907-03-12


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OAKLAND FORM CHART. OAKL.NL OAKLAND. CAL.. Monday. March 11. 1907. Ninety -eighth day. New California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting 1 about 150 days. Weather wet; track sloppy. 32 books on. Presiding Judge, E. C. Hopper. Starter .L J. ll.dtm.in. Secretary. Petty W. Treat. Baling starts at 1:40 p. m. W indicates Whip, S spurs. B blinkers. Eiguros in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate track record, age 01 horse and weight carried. 67 prQ "I IT EST KCE -1-2 Mile. 47| 2 88. Pane 8488. 2carolls. Selling. I ♦£ 3 -L Net value to winner -*.:25. Ind Horses AWTPP" ■SM4~~rsTr Fin Jockeys Owners _n_L_C_S_ i--n- ADRIAN win - - I] Roerner W O Joplia 8-5 3 3 1 1-- WILMORE flB 1 J 1*11 2"! A Brown C Heifers W 2 H-MM ,.-„, RrsTLER WB 105 5 1 ■■ ■■ :; Musgr iv I! 1 Griffin 1- -• -■ Fischer 1 B Dunn M M M M 8 67436 MAOALL WB 10S I 3 «« ** 4J W - Keene Eros 4 ,1 . Ho, ■" •"" Scovjlle BONHEFB « 103 67136 mslGAGB TAYLOR wins | , 4* «? • 6» .1 Hunter s C Hlldreth 4 I 7 g»« 67431 IXH.I.AH CHASER 183 o 7 7 7 7 Kirachm J J LUerd H .0 M M b liine.25. 5n... Winner— Br. e, by Albert— l4»cy Adelaide trained by W. ». Joplin. Went 10 post at 1:44. At uost 2 minutes. BUrt good. W Irivlng: second and third the same. the favorite throughout and outstayed htm at the east. driaii from a striding start, ran lapped oa vVilmore sel the early pate, but tired finally. Bustler closed ■ big gap from an Indifferent start and finished like a cyclone. Moall was shuttled to the tear at t:.e starl and made up considerable ground a«t»- ward. Bonbeur ran badlj and tan de better. Gage Taylor loomed up early, but anjckrt retired, lhe winner was entered for BOOO; no I Id. Overweights — Bustler. 2 pouads. _ £37 ftQO SECOND RACE— B 1-2 Furlongs. 1 :1V — 1— :." . Pure 8488. 4v.at.dds and op- y I e_ O aaa wa-:. Selling. Net value to winner 8325. In-I HofseT "" AWt PPsFTrTa % StrFln Jockeys Owners O II C P_S_ 47382 SPRTKG PAN w ill.". I J H G| S*i V PoMig M R Willi., ma K M_ M« » , 1 i -1 1 1 1 v.M " -"•i-"1 i 1 1* I* l"- - WllliamaA .1 Jackson J 14-613-63-6 T-M ,-c- mi MO ws7vo 1 1; :;:i :;". o :: .1 Hunter I Sheridan 14 IS IS I .: 67307 MOIHCUM w 7 123 S 11 11 ■ ." "-4 A Brown L % 1 stable in M 1" 1 I !,-,„- i k 1 c%RY W-7 Us lo ■: 1J 1 4i 5*1 W Eisch. r Eh-ur de Lis Sta C B I I J-6 67434 PBOCEEOS Ilia 7 1" U •■ 8* Cboneau C W Chappell :" ,;" M -■• 12 67434 1 POWELL WB 6 118 5 Z 81 B* 7* 7*4 Lycurgus C C McCafferty 3U 30 38 1J i ,;-,,,- rnicl 1 a 1-113 11 8 ."■, 71 Bl 8« M -J i P McNeil 10 81 M 20 10 S7461 BRB5HT ALBERT W 4 117 3 S 31 21 8j ■ - W Dagan G S McKenxie 10 M M I :: BhW : i:.l.l V ItElia il.U 7 lis I 10 7 li W»M0i F Kelly Flashlight Stable 10 12 1- 5 - 67282 1M K I ars 8 lis i i tg 1" 11 11 P iJraliani .1 Ryan N M M . 3] 66186 KUMISS W 1 US 12 Left at tin post. E.hanan W Si Vincent J 4 18-61 1 Time. 241, rl. 1:17, 1:241. Wlaaier — Ch. f. by Handspring »-Ten Pan 1 trained by W. M. Sogers. Went to post at 2:03. ii post .". miiiMtes. start avjod. Won easily; seeocd and third driving. Spring Pan broke - -low Iv on the Inside, but steadily Improved her position and. chaUenglng In the stretch, drew out to win off by herself Peiham quickly established a big lead and 1 id sway, seemingly a sure winner to the stretch, where he trail suddenly. Mlmo, lncky and well up from the «l irt, was a ganfe third. Modicum, nearly left, closed ■ bUt gap and ran a cracking race. Alia Cary Qjuil after •..•■ng a g.XHl live furlongs. Proceeds u a gaining ill the last quarter, as also was M. A. Powell. En.iu.l Kcuhold ran poorly. The winner ■.• as entered for 8400; no bid. Scratched 00352 Petil ! u •. 118; 00050 St. Denis. 120: 65789 Kingthorpe, 115. Incorrect weight In entries — Spring Ban. : Is. nm» q Q THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 1:12 l 113. PaXSCtdOO. o-.vear-old.s. Selling. 6r-f 4 OOO "• value to w inn; 1 1325. Ind Horses AvVTp"p St V4 % ~t Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C PS 67432:CONVENT BELL a !■ :: I I1 Is 1J 1J Be .villc V M Chine B P 7-5 3-5 67458 AX.TA SPA am 1M I J -1 -- V .■ L WlUhunsH » Ahlers IS M 40 lo 1 .,, 1 : ! PlKPOM w KT 1 S»* :: : ■• :. C Koerner s Judge B-5 2 I •". 3-6 1 1 67482 AVONA ■ bM 5 1 H 4* u 41 W Placher F Rose 15 20 20 t; 2 67 HANDMAIDEN tu: MB 7 5 .- U 61 ."• Nutting A Lunsinan - 16-63 7-6 . 10 67608 LOUD BOSSINGTON wb 111-1 41 6* i,; i:: Vajihout G Motberail 24 20 12 S 11 S 67333 EBVSCl ELo ws 107 17 7 7 7 7 Harty T A Fullutn 10 10 8 3 7-5 Time. 2andf, BOf, 1:18. Winner- P.. f. by Si. Arordens — Sister Modred trained by W". M. Cainel. Went t« east «t 220. Ai o -t :; minutes. Start fair. Won easily; second dtiving: third the same. Convent Bell ran Into the ead 11 the st;1rt and won all the waj never Inllv extended. Ala Sim ran hi iiear.-si Contention throughout and wa a ia t uoim, second. Iterdoin. au.n poorly, closed a big gup 011 the lasj turn, hilt ciihl never eet i| . Avoas showed call. Speed, i ii. I laile.l til stay. Handmaiden _••; BWa* p.HM-iy and was never daugeroni*. Lord Rowdngton Snished Daoderatelj well. Thje winner was hi 1 up lion. m:io | o *000 by C. K. Purnell and boogiit in. Scratched — 87401 Mitre. 102: 07:;.;:; Mediant, 110; 67061 Galrestonlaa, 110: 67367 Huerfano, 110; 07231 Wieklow. 10.7. Overweights — Alta Spa.- 3 pounds; Lord Uosbiugtou, 1. -Q rj pj Q A POD MM RACK— 1 1-16 Miles. 1 :45 !— 5— 1 OS. Purse 1900. 4-year-clds and inward. 6 J 4 00*i .Selling. Net value to winner §000. I ind Horses AWtPP~St hi vTi Str Fin" Jockeys Owners O H C P S | p;7410ANDBEW MACK wsb 6 10. 5 5 2- l1 l3 l3 1* C Koerner W Cahill 113 -1013-1011-20out ; 6 67461 -NIGIUJTTE w T M 1 1 8] 8*1 8* »*» -,lk O McLhlin.T M Crane 6 8 51 2 9-10 1 6 674S5THE BORGIAN W 5 6M 1 6 8* 3"~ 3J I* 3: J Hunter T A Davies 4 5 4 7-5 3-5 6 67486 FUNNY SIDE E 6 ti I I 8 8 6J 4= 4« Mentry Q P McNeil 15 30 30 8 3 « 67359 CORRIDA N WB 8 102 8 3 65 66 5t 51 510 Sandy H E Row ell 3 7 7 2] 6-5 B 67485 SAHARA wb 4 95 3 4 7s 7s 8 7= 6* E Dugan J D Millin 15 30 20 8 3 6 67282 ANVIL w 7 103 6 7 4J 5* 4* 65 72 G Wright C E Murray 20 50 50 15 6 67461 BRYAN WB 5 105 7 2 1* 4- 7s 8 8 W Fischer J B Dunn 10 15 15 5 21 Time. 244. • ". 1 TGJ. 1:43$. 1:50. Winner — Cli. h. by Chfiraxus— Generine trained by W. Caliill. Went to iK st at 2:54. At port ■. minutes. Start .good. Won in a canter; second driving: third the Fame. Andrew Mack, lion: a striding start, took the M on tlie first turn and hehi BWaj by a wide gap. never seriously menaced afierv ards. Nigretle ran in tlie deeiist inside going in forward pursuit of the winner throughout and gamely earned second place. The Borgian got into third place early and. staving there. linBhcd wearing Nigrcltc down at tlie end of a good race. Funny Side, nearly left, 1 dosed a big ! gap mult r ■ Lad ride. Corrigan •a in -ver toUtWH. Sahara ran piMirly. Anvil wanls a itMf, slow Hack. Bryan iptit ai the half. The winner was entered for 61,080; no bid. i Scratched — 07511 Mandator, 101; 07410 Rightful. 102. Incorrect weights in entries — la hart. 07; Anvil. 80. Overweights The Borgian, 1 pound: Funny Side. 3j Bryan. 2. 7 PJQPI FIFTH RACK— 1 1-8 Miles. 1 :51 — 4— 105. Purse *400. 4-year old- and upward. I J 4 OOO Selling. Net value to winner 25. J Ind Horses A WtPPSt St and and % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H~~0 PS | 6740* LONE WOLV si . 5 109 1 5 ". " i 25 l3 1» 1»1 W Fischer R H Rice Jr 7 15 15 H 7-5 « 67*60 HOOLIGAN BTB 6 110 3 4 6 6 5 3] 2*] 23 L Williams.1 A Armstrong 3 4 4 9-101-3 Jj . .T :s". i:i SHERIDAN W 6 109 6 :. 1 Ill" 2nk 3 li J Hunter .1 H Hildebrand 4-51 13-202-5out t J 67283 I8ABELITA W 7 102 5 G 4" 4»t :i* 4- 4- 4s OMoLhlinJ M Crane 5 13 13 3 6-5 J 67434* ROTROU ws 4 109 1 2 2 8* 4; 54 5* 53 Sandy W Murphy 6 12 10 11-54-5 |; 67434 CANEJO wslO 102 2 1 5 5- 6 C 6 6 Kirsehm J J Ell. id 50 100 100 30 8 ■ Time. 25?. 52J. 1:10, 1:40ft, 2:00 Winner— Br. g. by Prince PI my — Tootle Nichols trained by R. R. Rice. Jr.. Went to post at :!:25. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second driving: third the same. Lone Wolf, suddenly improved and riant up from the start, drew out OB tlie far turn and. finishing fast, won as his rider pleased. Hoop-ran trailed for half the journey and closed up rapidly on the outside into a game and persistent second. Kci Sheridan Bel the early pace, but was displaced after going Sta furl nigs and quit in the last quarter. Isabelita loomed up on the last turn, but onit badly in lie BMl qiia.Ur. Rolrou wants a sticky, slow Hack. The winner was entered for SOW; no hid. Scratched- 67307 Iras. 102. Incorrect weight in eUlrleB — Hooligan, 109. 7 PCQft SIXTH RACK 5-8 Mile. .V.l — 2—100. Purse Slop. 4 year olds and upward. 4 O f 9 y Allowancea. Net raaae to winner :F."25. Bid Uorses~ AWt~PP~SM4 A % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S~ I ii.T ■ MSKCFRITY w I IK 3 5 1h V I3 1*1 C Kocrner A Koenigsberger 1-8 15 1-8 out— 67461 ELEVATION ws 4 10! 2 I 6*1 51 2*1 2" Harty T A Fullum 25 30 26 2 1 67136 WHISKEY ICING wsb 8 116 l I 5 8*1 2* 3* Corel .1 R Winters IS 26 20 2. 1 67362 BILL MAYHA.M wslu]07 6 2 2-: 2= 4= 4- Spargur J B Armour 10 25 25 2 1 6*623 INSTRUMENT wa 6 1*7 5 7 7 7 5- 53 McRae O P Romish 50 36*306 66 15 1 67310 DR. SCHARFP «fB I 110 4 1 41 4"t 6i .-* L WilliamsII Mack 20 30 30 -i 6-5 - DOUGH ws 4 HM s 4 3»| . 6i 7 7 Earnshw .1 K Pierron 106 366 366 66 20 t 67183 KLDRKI ws 9 107 7 Left at the post. C WilliamsOflicer and Blanton 50 100 100 10 3 Time. 21J. SOf. 1 :"•"•■ Winnei-— B. c. by Sorcerer — Teas Over trained by W. Cahill. Went to post at 3:55. At post :: minutes. Start bad. Won in n c.intor: second easily: third driving, f, Security drew out quickly and sp"i -adcigled the others and is in line form. Klevation. altci being shullled 6 bach early, closed up steadily anil finished with a great rush. Whiskey King, away latfooted on the inside, made up a lot of grand Ilid ran a gixxl race. Bill Mayliam. from a Hying start, ran prominently 6 io the Btreteh, then qolt Uadlr. Pr. BcharC quit early. i Scratched ii74sc, Hedavthom. 104. I Incorrect weight in en lies -Wliiskey King. 100. Overweights Scciiiity. 1 jpound: Dr. Scharn". .•: Kldred. 2. I

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1907031201/drf1907031201_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1907031201_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800