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! , COURT IS ASKED TO STOP RAIDS. j, Oaklawn Manaqement Applies for Another Restraininq Order — Open Bettinq Aqain. Hot Springs. Ark.. March 20. — The Oaklawn Jockey Club, in an effort to prevenl anolher raid al the brack, this aMwatag applied to Chancellor Carl for an order restraining the Citizens Improvement | Inion. its uieinlHis or agents from entering the - mounds t eke arreeta as the] did yeaterday. Ai-iunciits were heard this afternoon and the Jadge . now has the ease under advisement. He will proh- i ably announce his decision tomorrow morning. The nine men who were arrested yeslerday sue- . ended in havtag thear eaaea eaatlaaed until lriday, when they will make the journey of nine miles lo Rale Towaahlp to appear before atagtetrate llcm ster. The betting was done .rpelily today. There were seven teyefl in the ring. They Ml on Mools and diepleyed theli prlceo on il targhu of their pro grains. They were let very baey, however. Ihc attendance was -.111:111. The track is not making cxpeoaea aader preetoi roadMtoaa ami if the meet teg holds on i until April 13 it will be Barprialag. A rumor is in cinulatioli toajghl that it has hi en ihrldtd t doae March 30. The waaagrnieal of the track voiihl not lit in or deny this staleinciit. I. T. Chinus hornt ■ were Black in evidence thK afteraaaw, three of theai earateg paraea The per foiniami of Savahle as remarkable. lb- uon the tit t li race at ■even-cightha of a Daih in a coataioa ranter in the fael time of l:ii;;. a oca track record. He was favored bj good radag luck ami had clear sailing all the way. II he retains liU present good form and diM-s ii.. i break dowa he will Im- a iroidesoine enatoajer for the eastern apt interi to tackle. The other awaahen of the China stable lo earn brackets were Shenandoah and Astoria Helle. The three were l addon by Aubnchon. Jack I.ory and Beechce had a ha tile royal for the entire length of the stretch, the former winning by a head. Nose- separated Proteus and Hirniingiiam at the finish of the third race. Birmingham went late a long lead soon after the start, hut tired badly in the chrsiiig strides, whi-h pnafthttl . him out. llip npeel calculations by taking the purse in the ascend race. T. I. Bayee look the anrae away from I. King by raising lH| from .00 lo Sl.OOO. Some good racers are named to start tomorrow and among them such as Allicrt If., C. II. Shilling. Ktta Louise: Thcdocia. Hroken Ifctedy, Hulzura: Leta Huffy. Invasion. I.ady Lavish; The Hear. The Abbot, Marathon; standover. Lard Dixon, J. H. Hutin: King Leopold. The Belle of Brighten and Charley Ward have shown eaad form on various occasion-- J. L. Dempeey.