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ELEVEN HORSES BURNED TO DEATH. New York. March 25. I liomas L. Walts racing esial.lishmcnl was wiped 0«l hy a lire, supposed It. ,, . have been of Incendiary origin, al Bheepohead Baj early Suinlav morning. Bleven thoroaghbred beraea, in addition to ihe stable in which they were ajnar . tered ami two smaller huiidings destroyed. Trainer Harry Wood anil his a--isl.uii were asleep ! when the hie broke oal and they barerj escaped d with their lives and had no chance lo save Ihe " hoists. The list of the horses destroyed is as fol I lows; , Fine Cloth, hr. e. 1. by Mellon Fiona. Star of the Ocean, 1.. c, 2, hy Orion Colombian. Sir William Johnson, h. e. 3, hy Clifford La a Tos. a II. Ciidiie Manito. gr. c. .".. hy Kelinar Maid or C 11 lllflll. Lad] Prudence, h. in. 0. hy Hen Slrome -Iruilence. • Miss oinus. 1-I1. f. ::, by Oraaa McCaan. I.atly Warreabaa, b, f, o, by Warreataa Im deuce. Ma Ma eh. f. 2, by l.tdmar My .Icssie. Grace 1 acaa, hr. f, 1. bv Warrentoa Irudence. Bene of Bea Btriaw, h. f, 2, hy Ben Btraaw Itaisy Ktwe. •