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BELMONT SCORES DOUBLE. OKENITE AND QUEEN S SOUVENIR WIN FOR HIM AT BENNING. Workman Makes It Three in a Row — "Father Bill" Loses Warninq — Bowline Bridqe Is Poorly Ridden. Washington. I». ".. April 2. — B«iu bclaaglng to Aagast Beta i. -1im ii-iii.-i ■■ of the Jockey club. hroaghl tr :i doable here today when Okealte won iln opening, beating the beat homes that have started at the awctlng. and Queena Souvenir fol lowed i hi- nil wiiii ■ bead victory over Lad] tsahri in the Seconal. While Okealte caned hi- boaors by tunning around liis opponents from i alow beginning " alp Oxford and win going away. Qaeeaa Soavenirs win was ■ lacks one. Lad] laabel waa beat, bail Goklsteia waa a hiadraace rather thaa :i help when ii mane ti :i drive in the stretch. Johnson put up :iu energetic Da lab on Qoeeoa Souvenir, which ran tamely under paafariuneet. She waa :i well backed favorite, lint should the two allies Bteel acaJa aader tin- name conditions a- ti areishl sad di-tam •. bal »iiti :i batter rider aa Lad] Isabel sin- woald aa devotedly in- the taTorlte. oxford was the opening i:i«nit«- for the tirst race «n the ilienglh of his iii-ii chum sad his good pre Ihahtary gallop. Be weal through the atreteh i iu«-u wild heme aad the price waiters chalked ap s to •" . At tiiis aeotatioa he vraa well backed, bal there waa a fhsaaji af sentiment biter aad Okealte ■real to the pool the choiee at z ta i. backed down limn .. to i. Oxford ahowed much speed aad waa the eeateader with Platooa ta the laal farlong. Okealte begaa slowly, bal picked Oxford ap In the laal si teeath aad won gulag away. Oxforda race was a good une and for tins firsl effort -lfiiUl in liim tor hit i.ii contest. Nooni- lost the liiinl race on Bowling Bridge whea he ahoald have won ca-ily. His mount headed Japlltr in the atreteh aad had Noone sat still, roniii liTinily have i,nt be tried to BMke :i whipping tinisii of it and retarded the home b] hia aauaderiag about. Japlter ran a aaaart race at that, and Moiiuiain showed liis grit bj hunching him along through two or three tight places. I.vsisii-ata. the odda-OB tarorlte for the steeple-ehaae • 1 1 1 it badly in the atreteh after hading all the way and Backet, a1 "" to J. and the extreaae out aider woa easily, it waa Boeketa aecoad race through the held. He ahowed aa laapreaaive per feraaaace aad waa spleedhltj bandied by G. B. WU son. who will ride For C. II. Smith 1 1 1 i — seasoa. The stewards were aol pleased with Heleeraya leth aigi.- atreteh ride oa the favorite and called for aa explanation. The !» -aid that the mare was a heavy headed animal aad woald aol ataad paniah no lit. Il - was In. i lie nut in this Statement b] .lames . Oolt, the owner oi Lysistrata. Workman won ids third aacceaatve race at the aarrtlai and is a bandy little aetting plater just now. "Father BUI" Ualy won his ftral race of t lie mcfthlg whea Waralag carried the "greea above the red" to victory in the eJoalac race. The win was aatb ipati-d alea, as MTaralag ..i- backed from U to 1 lo i; to 1. Hi- waa in troal all the way. Battered to be sold for 00, Waralag was bid up by U. S. Taraer and boaght tor K9N. Henry .1. .Morris, one ot the stewards here, is ies|Hiu-ilde for :in iaaovatioa that i- popular and should be carried out at all tracka. It is the poattag mi the ballet In board at tin- end r the • lays radag aotlce of the aaapenakai of any jim-u eya. A regular forai kaa been primed to lie tilled in with the name and duration Of suspension. 1 oi niii ly no noliee was given in sueli eases and an owner would often! imes lad thai the rider lie had eagaged waa under aaapeusioa, whea it was too late to ahtaia the aeitkei ot aaother aeahraMe lad. The new rule 73, Which makes it iuiperal ie that a horse inu-t he reported to the paddock Judge thirty wlaatee before the time set oi the race in which he is to rua, waa enforced today for the ami tinie. B, Utterhack tailed to report lalwin H.. WhiCfe was .aided tn start in the lilih nice and w in n lie appealed with the horse at saddling time, he Was told that lalwin H. eoiild aiot start. An average card is offered for taaaorrow with aaaae Kxxl aaraai appeariag likely to atari and with sni h as Seartell. Belle af Jessamine, ei liess: l.alldalde. 1 I e of Spades, ldeinlier: l.uttons. Heldemo. Boat M"ii; Hlipf I ■! IHlUI. Kitty Smith. Ser vile: .Millstone. Sally K.. Alpeninai ■■•hen : liiuomles itiiiit. Lord Baaaergea and Mala I-;! aaaoag than eatered me raehag should prove attractive.