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YPSILANTIS BRILLIANT SUCCESSES. Story of the Seven Seasons of Jubilee6 Half-Brother on the Turf in Enqland. The .ii-.s*- Brown Cap, which is for two-year-olda bred in Vlrgiaia, Maryland and the District of Columbia, will be ma as the second race on the • .ml ;ii Drnnint the but day •«! the meeting, a week from Saturday. Billie EUbbs, Trey of Bpadea and Giles are among the ellgiblea, bat since Jubilees laapreeelve victory oa Monday, the first time oat for that son of Compute and Btefanette, many of the horaemen and ■ vast Dumber of the racegoers are saying that Fred LittleneMs colors will be la front ni the iini-ii. ir .iiiiiiltt- Is ai good a horse ns bis half-brother, YpatUaatt, whose dnal triumph la the Kempton Park Great labilee Handicap gave Littleaeld the suggestion for Hit- name r bis youngster, there ~-h ni i be no qjaeatioa about his winning the Jesse Brown Cup and a great many more races, Tpatlaatl is by Galore .■mil was bred ni Mlddleburg, .Mil., inn be waa never raced in iliis coaatry. He waa foaled in lvis am! . i ~ -"ii .i- ;i yearling to Richard Croker, who took him in i__land in the fall of 1898 to begin n hrillteat career the following Jnlj at Newmarket. in seven seasons Tpaliaatl started thirty seven times, won sixteen racea and 0,906. Bat theae in reia were not all earned in the ealara of Mr. • roker. Fact K that should one mention the name .f YpeHaatl ti Mr. Croker, the former Tammany rhleftala would be moat apt to wince. Ypaimnti made bla hral start la ■ held of thirty-two two-year-olda and lalahed tilth. The next time t.iit be was beaten two beads on the poet and Hie third Unit- out Lester Kt-itT rode uiui to viet -ry Jti tlu- Two , _ i -Old Belling Plate at Hurst Park, ihe value of which waa 00 to the winner. A. P. OeaUaTe was at the trackside when the son of Galore •Aon and took a fancy for liiin that Ittl to liis hid- dlag inni up t ,1M at which price Mr. Croker let Mr. CvmlHfe have the colt. Since that August tiay in fjaa he baa been the property of Mr. Can UaTe ami is probably now eating his well earned • •ais in that gentlemans bam and we may hear af his whantag another ran tins Mar. Mr. « mil in «■ started hi sly once as ■ two-year- «.ld. ajhea he Inlawed at road for the Oaaaaatoa Nat i-i v Plate. As a three-year-old Ypallaall won the Weal Derby Btakea ami the .May Plate, waa third in the Dardana Plate, third la the Ascot Hfcghwetgbl Handicap, unplaced in the Draytea Re«_H_p, third in the Date of York Stakes and naptaced in the Derby 0am. llms early ha dlaaiajid capacity fat weight :|,|d alatanee, which, in after yearn, gave ham tiistincti Huong the haadh ap bwaie of the world. As a four year old he was unplaced in the Nottingham Siiring Handicap and the Victoria Plate, Bee ami in the Durdans Plate, unplaced in the London roronntion Cam, won the Chesterfield Cup and wis third in the Derby Hold Cup. As a live-year-old he iiegan the season by finishing third in the Lincolnshire Handicap. Over Norton, to which he was conceding a year and three pounds, and Pet tcitllis. to which lie was giving seventeen ixiunds. beat him. His next out was for the Kempton Park Great Jubilee Handicap at one mile and a quarter, which lie won with 11.1 pounds up. bringing his owner |„L27and. His third ami last start that year was in the Derby GuM Cup in whaca be finished unplaced. Aa a Bix-jeui ulu be was invincible in England, winning the Queens Prise, one mile and a quarter with 121 pounds up: the Apprentice Plate at Kemp tea Park, one mile ami a tpiaitt-r with 128 pounds up: the Kempton Park Great Jubilee for the second time, one mile ami a ojaarter with 131 pounds; walked over for the ifi-tb- iiild Plate at Manchester; won the Open Plate at Hurst Park, one mile and bi eighths with l-H pounds, and walked over for the Bothaebtld Plate at Windsor in August. That waa bis last race in England that year, bat Mr. Cnnliffe bad nominated him for the Prli de Nea market • Paris and in October he crossed the channel to be defeated bj Moanh ar Charvat and Mi Lady, to both at which be was conceding weight The foBowing year, ea a seven-year-old, N psi lanti won the Jockey club Plate at Warwick, one mile ami three-quarters with ill pounds up. St. Litis, hi uoands, being the only starter against him. leddah, carrying iff! pounds, stalled against him for tb,- Bothscbihl Welter Plate at Kemptc_ Park, inn Vpsilanti carried 138 i nds ami beat 1-i in a head in the race Of one mile and a ball, the bitting being I in SO YpsiUntL lie tried again for the Kempton Park Great Inbilee, inn could do do better than fourth. Ambition, Fermoyle ami I iibm .ink lalahiag in limit of bim. Hta weight was 131 pounds. Mis concessions beat bim. in bla next .in in- i.eai Ivan, tin- onh starter against bim, hfteeu lengtha for the Jockey Clab plan- at Lewes. Ill i — . lace was at one mile ami a ball and be carried 131 i K. l be betting waa I !■• 6t Vpsilanti For the Open Plate it Burst Park, one mile and Ive tii-hihv Wargrave was the oalj starter against bim. it.- imUcd up 135 pounds and beat Wargrave twentj lengths, n.c uiyera beM i paifatntl at i to in-bust race in 1995 waa for the Peveril ot the Peak Plate at Derby in September, in which be a ■ placed. Last year be started four times, Inialiing fourth in the Liverpool Spring Cup, third in the Haydock Park Handicap, unplaced in the Mai siak.- it kacol and won the Rothachild Plate at Windsor, i irrybag I i pounds over the one mile ami three-eighths. Ii Jubilee has in bim these qualities Fred Little held need not worry about feed bills, for Jubilee wiii bring bim in in 1 1 money ami more fame. The a Vpsilnoti . , and earnings: Near. Age. Sta 1st. 2d. 3d. Inp. Won. 1!HM L 4 1 1 1 I $ 1.273 1901 :: 7 2 8 :i 2 5,383 P.m _ a 9 1 1 1 :: 2.910 1903 .". :: I 1 1 13 IJ23 1904 J 7 6 i* 1 i 1906 7 8 4 i o 1 4,340 I.hh; g » l ii 1 2 fi-.. Total ..37 Iti 2 s 11 30,993