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JUBILEE WHIPS BEN COLE. LITTLEFIELDS COLT UNDOUBTEDLY BEST SHOWN AT BENNING. Radtke Rides, Thouqh III — Five Favorites Fail— Graziallo Sulks— Buttons Takes Workmans Measure. Washington. l . C, April 5. Pnvc riles were again bawled over .-it it «iiii ii.LT today. Bowling Bridge, which i ii the ranks ..i the maidens in the titiii race Was the .illy choke to win. and his victory was due to tiir fail Hi.: i Venus, the pacemaker, ran I" the outside fence on the turn anil the* nT on !o lie beaten a length. Much of the inleie-l in the ilav- proceedings levohed about ltadtke. He wa- liealen on two : ..rites ami llien won with Jubilee, lie was siek all during the afternoon ami should not have accepted mounts. However, lie did decline to till his engagements to ride Legerdemain in the Kth ami Workman in the sixth. umdtke rode GraalaBo in the opening race. The Old snlker was ouiriin by Golf Hall. Faust ami Tickle, hut was in a c..*h1 position next to the rail. Instead of waiting lor an opening. Badtke took Qraafctlla around the leaders and made little effort in the stretch, with the result that the favorite was unplaced. Hi- failure to use the whip in the sireteh was explained hy his weakness. Tickle showed something of a form reversal, hut the conditions just suited her as she had Ught Weight and runs l est in a small field where there is little daagec of Interference. She will not stand to bo liuniped. There i- little doubt now that .Tuhilee is the best two year old show I here. His victory today over Ben Cole, winner of the 1 "inner Stakes, eontirmeil this. Hen Cole outran him for the first Quarter, I ut Jubilee caught the favorite after entering the stretch ami had him beatea from the furloag pool home, though Radtke was unable to ride aha much and his margin was only a half length. Hut tons seems to have a new lease or life, and had no trouble in Leaning Workman, the ! to M choice for the closing race. It was known that Workman did not fancy the distance nor the weight, hill he is in such g.KMl form that this was overlooked. He led lor seven farhmga, then tired all over and won off, while the faint-heai led Euripides heal Workman for second place. De Muml worked six farloaga this BMraiag in 1:1" »:. It haa heen detinitely decided tliat lie Will ■tari in the farter Handicap. Garth had expected to try lor the Darter with Horace K.. and reserve De Muml l..r the Metropolitan, but Horaee E. has not done well of laic. With the raaalag of the Waahtagtoa Naraerj Stakes as the stellar attraetioa, tomorrow-.- card is a -.Hid oap and witli pack horses as Anna Smith, Chippewa, .lack M.K : Woodcraft, Laudable. Hillie Bibbs; Millsi , Nellie Carila. Ptao an. I Needlea; Bases II.. Pete Pa i ley. Angle; Lady I-abel. Qaeeas Souvenir, Blcasber; Water Dog, Betsy 1". in ford ami Hanker among the eatriea, the racing i an hardly fail to arose entertaining.