Washington Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1907-04-14

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WASHINGTON FORM CHART. 1 BENNING. BENNINC. D. C, Saturday. April 13. 1907.— Bighteent h and la-i day. Washington Jockey club. Spring Meeting 118 days. Weather clear; track good. 54 book- on. Presiding lodge, Clarence McDowell. Starter. Mars CassMy. Secretary, H :. Crickniore. Racing starts at :•:"" p bl W Indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figures In parenthesis following the distance of each race Indicate track record, ago of horse and weight carried. ftQOOQ FIRST RACE -7-8 Mile Columbia Course. 1:251—2—110. 00 added. 3-year-oMa ?30j and upward. Selling. Net value to v inner S490. ind Horses AWt"lTrSt~:4~1/~:U~SUrFiii Joekeys Owners O H C P~~S~ 68147*8. OF JESSAMINE wn ill- 7 1 ll 2 2» :: l1 Radtke Mrs R " Walden3 6 5 2 1 88170»WABASH .I EEN u - :: M 2 2 2". 1 V- l1 25 Goldstein .1 Gallagher 5 0 v 8-6 4-6 M2s .1 k MKEON USB 5 117 3 E •"• •■ 1" 1 3* Mountain MrsJMcLaughlin * 12 12 1 2 6X16KH1REENO arsn 3 106 • :: 1" 4 3i -■■ 4- R McDanlT M Cassidj 6-6 8-6 8-6 7-101-3 iaimii-w VTER I M ; w-r. 1 M 17 7, 7 P 5- .1 Johnson "irverne stable E 7621 r.v|s7 1 11.1 COLONY us 3 80 1 8 Si * - 6* 0* * Vesper .1 E Madden in 1- 7 24. 1 ishT HIGGINBOTHAM w-n 3 M 5 i ■" 3* 5" 7 7 11 Ahx T E Mannix 20 30 25 10 5 Time 131, .A. 381, 5li. l:l«t, l::;l. Winner Br. f. bj St. George Queen of Liar- trained bj R J. Walden. Went to post at 3:00. t post 1 minute. St:irt air. Won handily : accoad and third drlrlng. Belle of Jessamine was weU bandied by Radtke and always in forward contention, came through in the la-: hundred yards and was going away fast ;it the flnish. Wabash Queen showed superior earlj -peed and appeared the sriRner in the stretch but tired near the flnish. Jack MeKeon Inlstod fast and reso luiely. Greeno did hi- best and had no mishap- and tired badly in the stretch. Htggtnbotham showed speed but retired cub The winner was entered for ,200; no bid. Scratched 08207 Monacodor, 100. / t fh O SECOND BACK 1-2 Mile. 1 I.i 2 115. Jesse Brown Cup. ,000 added. 2-year-DOiiT old-. Allowances. Net value to winner ,020 and 08 in Plate. Ttid UoFses AWt PP St U Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 68U0BILLIE HIBBS wsullJ 2 1 1- 1* 1* Wr Miller D Dunlop 15 1 -5 1-4 oat 68093JUBILEE us 115 -1 5 2- 2 :: R McOanlF I. it t lei ield 8-6 8-6 7-6 1-3 out 68167 TREY OF SPADES W8B 110 E 3 2- P 3- Radtke W Stockton s 15 12 3 3-5 E8148*LAUDABLE w lo7 11 t-1 v Mountain Mr- R W Wahh inl2 IS IS 3 1 ivih BOB CALLAHAN JK W 113 3 3 5 5 5 I. Smith U K Jordan 20 40 30 7 2 Time. 13. 25. 494. Winner — Br. g, by Fatherless Amine trained by W. Garth. Went to post at 3:23. A1 imp-i 1 minute. Start good. Won cantering: second and third ea-ily. Iillie Hibbs outbroke hi- opponents and opening up ■ big lead early decisively outpaced Jubilee and w:i-enh cantering at the tini-ii. Jubilee ran well and finished resolutely through the stretch but could not .-■■1 near the winner. Trey of Spades ran hi- race and easily outstayed Laudable. PQOOPJ THIRD RACE— 7-1 Mile Columbia Course. 1:25 2 110.1 Second Benning Spring 0 O ,« O Hai.oicap. *l. .".00 added. 3-year-olds and apward. Net ralue to winner ,570. "ind Horses AWtPPSt j % *j Str Kin Jockeys Owners O H C P S .-P;:i-KOSK r PAWN w-r. 5 : 4 :; :: 51 «2 51 41 p Xolfr .1 W Colt ti S Is 58 5 t~5 68130LORD BOANERGESws 3 108 1 4 2- 21 2. 3* 2* Mountain B W I.agerroth 2 18-616-58-5 1-3 «8071SLICKAWA¥ w-r. 4 19 8 6 4 8" 3". 2.1. V Radtke I Kelly s in 7 2 1 6-£ 88187*GRAZIALLO Wsn 6 110 W 5 I1 1 ". I 5 1- AV Miller Colunibia Stable 6 M 8 I 8-6 68080TICKLE w- 1 WO 2 1 2 1", i 1* B» .1 Johnson A I Parr M 211 15 5 2] ti,si::n-WiKKMAin wa 3 S3 ■ - j 7- 7- 6 6 1 Jno HensyW T Townes ti 10 8 3 8-6 68187CAMPAIGNEB wsn J 88 . 8 10 in •■■ 8* 71 L Smith o L Richards 10 15 12 6 2 68169*CEDERSTROME wsn 5 10? 4 8 81 51 61 7 s- W MclnteR W Nelson 28 48 1" 5 67866THE CLOWN wa 1 107 7 7 » s1 s1 » P R McDanlB II Wright 4 4 18-68-6 1-6 68185BOBBIE Kl.W wsn 6 122 »M 7* !».. 10 Ki I" J OBrien C C Smithaoi 15 25 20 8 4 Time. 121, 241, 3.. 4.li-. 1:151, 1:-M.l. Winner Ch. m. by Hamburg Poetess trained by M. Daly. Went to post .it :;.52. At i« -t 2 minute-. Start _ od. Won handily; second and third driving. Rose of Dawn was well ridden today and after being saved la the early running came through iin stretch ■uit!i a rush and won going away. Lord Boanerges ran a fast, game lace and stood a long stretch drive resolutory. Slickaway was always prominent in the running but tired right at the end. GmntnUo showed ■ One turn of -peed to the stretch, where he iptit utterly. fickle ran ■ good race and appeared dangerous but tailed when called on in the stretch. The Clown ran disappointingly. Scratched 87880xG dd Sifter, 113; 08223 Greeno, 07: 08223 Jack MeKeon, 188. overweight- -Rose ot Dawn, 4 pounds; Lord Boanerges 1: Campaigner, .:. £»Q6i /~» FOl Kll! RACE About 2 1-2 Miles, i.vihi 5 lM.i Spring Hunters Steeplechase. OOJJ 00 added and 00 in Plate. 5-yeer-elda and upward. AUowances. Net ratae :■■ wit r HO and 00 in Plate. 1 nd_ Horses AAA iV Pst | 81 j l6__gtrFJn .bx-k.-ys Owners O H C P sT~ •iMi2-i:ssi-:x II. ws 5 148 2 2 2J 2* P 11 1- 11 Mr Taylor D K Ken- i ! .; 5 1 2 1 6 out KM50-I.A SISIBA TA WS 5 154 1 1 3 3 3 2.. 2 ■"•" 2 " MrJO IT 11 .1 W Colt 2 31 10-52-5 out 88188 GUARDIAN w- 7 147 2 I U 11 lh 8 1 I Mr HarrnW K Levering 4 ih 41 1 t ut Time, 5:oo.. Winner — B. g. by Judge Morrow ■- Mimosa trained by P. Price. AVent to post .it 1 !4. Off at once to a goad start. Won pulling up; sc.-ond easily. IN-ex II was being pulled up all through the last quarter and could bare won off alone, i- a particularly good hunter and Was never fully extended in the running. I.y-istrata fenced badly Through the In -1 tarn of the course but Bnished gangly la a long driTe. Guardian was unruly and -howe.l plenty of speed for one turn of the ticld. then fell away badly. Scratched f.7:-2l Angle. 103; 68112* Ordeusu, 154, 08112Ardettea Kit: 67921 Wahb, ISC; Kitty BeBatra, 144. Incorre. ! weight in entries tiuardian. 140. overweight- Guardian, :• pounds. ZtJrtOT Ill II 1 BACK About 2 Miles. Steeplech:i-e tl: i2 5 Hiii.i 00 added. 1 year olds OOSJ 4 and upward. Handiiap. Net value to winner 20. Ind Horses AWtPPSt 3 ti 0 11 StrFin Jockeys owirrs o H C P S .■•silTl-IiU KKITH ws 4 143 1 I 2- 22 2 21 2H 1 .. Archibald M II Dudley 1 3 ii5out 1 C5701 1 COM fNTAINRws 4 147 1 1 1" in 1" li 1- 2*» Mclnery J W Colt 1 6-5 1 1-4 out 41011 ROCK STORM ws II 161 2 3 3and 3h ;!=» 3» 3»3: K Heider c 11 Hurkamp *4 4 3 7-10out bfclandS=FLY. VIRCl.NX WS 8 154 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 Pending C Hurkamp 4 4 3 7-10out *Cou|iled in belting: no separate place or show liettin lime, 4:00. Winner B. s. by l»r. MacBrlde- Lady Keith trained by *.I. .1. .loiin-iom. Weill lo post :,l 4 15 Off at once 10 a good start. Won drivim;: second and third ea-iic Dr. iwitti is a goad feoeer, followed Oaaaaaadore i-ontaine ; lowly ami utter 1 long drlue passed him and won going away. Commodore Fontaine slowed the way gamely rani] but two jumps remained to be cahen when he swerved and lost several lengths, then finished gamely. Rock Storm went fairly well but was ■ distant Third. Flying Virginian was pulled up. Scratched — 07550 Wild Baafe, X»2; W 074 Pioneer, 155; 04.244 Cardigan, 150. /"•tthfchtj SIXTH RACK— I Mile and 40 Yards Columbia Course. 1 1 :42S— 3— 102. 1907.sh00 jiddetL J J £ £ j 3 -year-olds and Upward. Selling. Net value to winner 4and Ind Horses AWTPP St % % % Str Fin "jockeys Owners 0 H C V~and~ SS189*BULWARK m 6 id! 4 1 3l V » 23 li Mountain J Duffy 3 3 9-5 4-5 1-3 68207 SALLY K. ws 3 S4 1 5- 21. 8 ] » 1 2r Goldstein J E Madden 8 12 12 4 8-5 6S132»DEKABEB w s 7 105 3 6 ,r.2 5= 5= 4= 3s W MelnteW H Holloway 7 7 4 8-5 3-5 6S170»IVAXHOE wsb 5 107 6 3 4i 4J 43 3* 4- J Johnson Arverne Stable 3 6 5 8-5 3-3 68152»BLUE BUCK wn 6 107 5 2 6 6 6 5b 5"» W Miller Mrs W Keating 7-5 2 2 4-5 1 -a 08168 KING OF SPADES wsb 3 90 2 4 1? 1J ?,1 6 6 Jno HensyF A Herold 15 25 20 7 2 Time. 13. 254, 38, 51. 1:18, 1:454. 1:48. Winner— B g. by Uaaak — Rose Standish trained by T. E. Mannix. Went to post at 5:10. iff at once to a good start. Won driving: second and third the same. Bulwark was always essae "P and challenging gamely in the stretch was just up In time to win ill the last stride. Sally K. ran in irreatly Improved form and held on resolutely. Dekalier was outrun to the stretch and closed a big gap. Blue Buck was never a contender. King of Spades ahOWOd early speed but ipiit. utterly in the -ti tch. Ivanhoc ran poorly and en do much better when tit. Jlie winner was entered for .Kt »: no bid. Scratched— 88188 Tooen, 110.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1907041401/drf1907041401_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1907041401_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800