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PIMLICO MEETING WILL OPEN TODAY. Briqht Prospects for the Thirteen Days at the Famous Old Baltimore Track. Baltimore. Md.. April 19. Phnllcos MM ing no-el lag will open tomorrow wiih pleasing prospects Interest in raeiag has been growing -i.-a.iiiy in Baltimore ever since the new Maryland loekej Club took charge of affairs and each meeting under the new regime has beea an improvement over the preceding one. and it looks as if ibis Meetlag will be the best yet and al.oe the average onl-iilc of the metropoliian circuit. In point of nuinliei and class of horses ii will be far ahead of any in the past, at the local track. The scarcity of racing in the west has c.iu-ed many owners who do not usually race in the east to -hip to Baltimore and ; li i- new lolilingelit brum- many good horses. All the stable room at Pitiilic, wa- taken up sometime ago ami everything within striking distance of the track thai w.mid -in- abetter to a horse has beea eagerlj snapped up. The cutties for tomorrow show what may be ex pectc.l. Kvery race has a big geld. So many were entered ill the first race thai it was necessity to split it and make a seventh race for the day. Much alteiitioii has always been given to the jumpers at Pilulico and at Ibis meeting the -lecple chases will play an unusually prominent part. Folly ntiy of the beat rrowa-eoaatry horses now in training ale here and they haw all been Rebooting will. Some of the steeple. ha e - here arc: Ar.-I.i bald. B. lleider. Shctlield. Henry. Murphy . Sotiel. Slaughter. Oo.v-cr. O.ui-. Kaaapaoa, IS. Wilson and McCain . There ale aa Millera ci Radtkes lor the flat, but for all thai, a good average lol of boys will be seen and as I hey are about cvotilv matched for skill, the compel il ion will be keen. I ji to date the following bays have reported: I.loyd. Mitchell, oLeary, koeiiig. A. Martin. L. Smith. J. Johnson. Diggin.-. Goldstein, McCarthy, c. Mollis. John Helint ssy, Nootie. A. Lee. Alex, l.eibert. Mahoii. J. OBrien. Knopf, Klenck and Brooks. The track is now in excellent condition. little rain fell this tnorning. but it did no harm and if it continues clear, last tune may lie looked n-i. Yesterday it was said that Lotus Later worked I mile in 1:41 and a twoyeur-old which the work watchers could not identify, reeled off a Irfflf mile in The features of the card tomorrow are the Green Spring Valley Steeplechase and the Baltimore Club Cup for gentlemen riders. This latter event will briug out the society element. The riders us far as known tonight will he: Racine II., Mr. Wright: Quadrille. Mr. OBrien: Calmness. Mr. Taylor: Thomond. Mr. Henderson, Bracing Breeze, Mr. Black, and The Cricket. Mr. Tnckel . The Green Spring Valley Steeplechase, which brings out a fine held nf jumpers, is thought to be between Or. Keith and Kara. Both horses schooled yesterday. Or. Keith went once around in fault less style and us he is right on edge, will be a hard horse to beat. Kara took the circuit twice, but did not jump us well as Or. Keith. Mike Daly, however, is supremely confident and says he has the winner sure. Bound Brook will probably n.i start. Among the horses entered for tomorrow, are the following which are known to be of good quality: Diamond. Belle Strouie. Tickle: Bleinber. Men Man. Oreodon; Euripides, Azeliua. Wabash Queen: Kara. Or. Keith. Captain Hayes; Quadrille. Thomond. Calmness; Graziullo, Chippewa. Weirdsomc: Anna Smith, Cousia Kale and Akbur. J. II. Anderson