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DR. GARDNER AT HIS BEST. SCORES A MOST IMPRESSIVE VICTORY IN THE HANDICAP. Will Start in the Excelsior — Fresh Wins at 60 to 1 — Okenite Takes the Arverne Stakes — Dtsaqreeable Weather. New York. April 10.-— Dr. Gardner, the son of H:inncii-kltuiii. far wkjeh T. D. Sullivan and 1 rank J. Ianell paid Harney Schreiher M:..tMXi last tall, made his first appearance of 1 Ik- i~.-a-c.ii in the liau li..ip jii six anil MM lialf furlongs, which lie won so impressively as to ciystalize llie plan i f .am paiga i f the, stable trained by Frank Weil H le -.i i il-s the Mil tun M| handicaps. Weirs stable includes iii addition to Dr. Gardner, tin- horses of Flunk I ":il li-l I and Oivv Johnson, h had been liie plan to start Roseben in the Sterling. Inn Mr. .lolnisoii is so well phased Willi imposi l..i the Metropoliian Ilial it was decided today to Bend Or. Gardner lor the Sterling Slakes and the K« relator Handicap at Jamaica and HHiK Baas ► ■•-ii for the Metropolitan. Mr. Johnson said that the I. in sprinter would not he seen In put. lie agaia until the opening day at Belmont lark. That Dr. Caidner will Wotthily I. •present the slal.le ill the Stilling and ExeeJalor no oite who -aw his race today can doill.l. While there was little of high class opposed lo him, there was great speed repre Seated by Avaunteer and Heislip. yet In Gardner gave them chunks ot weight and i lit- race was little more than an exercise gallop for him. He is a grand looking four yeai old and is sure to he tioiihlesoine in the l.esl company. It was anything hut pleasanr raeing weather today. It snowed hard from early morning until well into the afternoon ami was veiy disagreeable, but tlie atiendauce was only slightly affected by it. The i .. k *J sl iw. Aside from the victory of Dr. Gardner, the feature of the racing was the sir cess of Fresh, a gt to 1 Khot. from the Oneck Stable, which beat Youthful hy a narrow margin alter a long stretch duel. Youthful was backed from 20 to 1 to 7 to 2 and a killing of vast proportions would have been made had he won. but F.nglandcr could not help him at the decisive time. Lowe clearly outriding him. The going favored Okenite and lie had little difficulty in winning the Arverne Stakes, lie was a well bucked favorite. Tomorrow a card embraces three stake races and with such da. ks as Sir Toddiugtou. lttsiiau. later: Pagan Bey, Oitlcian, Or. l.ogan; Notasttlga, Master Rolwtt. Bellwether; Juggler. Oxford. Y. H. Carey: Klislle. Martha .lane. Senator licckham : lire Opal. Royal Onyx and Rnsscil T. showing In the lists of plohable starters, it is anticipated that the day will be marked by an enormous ,-. t tendance.