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SUITS AGAINST POOLROOM KEEPERS. Cincinnati. ., May .- A nasty mess has been stirred up over the operation of | oolroonis in Newport and West Covington. The trouble tiegan several months ago when W. T. Shannon erected building in the suburbs of Newport with the intention of running in opposition to lluliers Garden, olierated bv George BhrUch. When Shannon got his building ap he found that he could uot get Mt vice from the interstate News Company. An esTerl to conduct the room with a private message service likewise failed. An attempt to take the inforiua tiou from the boards of the other room was folio wed by several cracked skulls and police court trials. Shannon closed the room and shortly afterward action was begun In the courts of this state against tije Interstate News Company. Ihe result ot this was an order from Attorney General BUM prohibit lag the dissemination of betting information to poolrooms in Ohio. Next. Flirlich was fined ,000 by a jnrv in the Circuit Court. A motion was made for a new trial and the preachers and other reformers got busv with the result that George Huber was indicted for permitting his property to be used as a poolrooin. A jury found him guilty and fixed his line at 0,000. Tlie motion for a new trial in this case precipitated an unusual court, scene, when Judge Berry declared the methods of the reformers cowardly and Rev. Nelson arose with the statement that he was responsible and was in court to answer for his actions. The attorneys lor the poolroom* wauled the minister tiued for contempt of court. The judge elected to consider the retort other than contempt. This incident had a tendency to intlame others, who had up to then continued passive, against tlie rooms. Among the supposed seekers after evidence was A. K. Frick. There is a difference of opinion as to what happened to Frick, but he must feel that It was more than a plentv. since he has filed suit for 0,000 damages against J. B. Respess. who is named as the proprietor of the poolroom in West Covington and a similar Suit has been instituted against Khrlieb. _ a : l[. •e