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: CZAR OF RUSSIA OWNS HAMMURABI. Crack Four-Year-Old Is Eligible for the Jubilee and Ascot Gold Cup. Tiie next big race in England is the KemptOO Part Croat Jubilee Handicap, to l e run tomorrow, litis race is for three year olds and upward at one mile ami a qu. liter o.or the Jubilee Com-... al Kemp ion Park. Its value is ktS.000, of which *I.immi goes to the second and -*." oo to Hie third borae. Thi- 1-llic ra.o that was "on in IMS and again in ".MM by the American bred borae Vp-ilanti. by Galore Siefanette. the dam of Fred Lit I lelields goad coll Jubilee, by Oompnte, and it waa throagh Jfpatlanti** anal victory m ibis race that Jubilee g.d l • i —■ name Donnolla. winner of the race Hat year. i not to be a starter this year. There aie a number of good horaee eligible lor Ihe race tomorrow, among them lol.x nidus, which hi honored with ihe top Impost of CM panada. This horse won the Cambridgeshire, Champion and Dnke of. V . rk Stakes last year for Mr. Joel. Then there is Mia. Jaekaoas Velocity, which tiM.k the City and Suburban a lew day- ago ami wa- victorious in the Doncaater Cup la-i year anil the Cambridgeshire the year before. Ncxl comes Lord Derby-. Keystone II.. winner of the Oaks last year. At lasl accounts there was Some . i -. ■ i r ■ t a- to her starting, but if she goes she will tie ridden by Danny Maker. The beet of i lie three year-olds eligible to atari i- W. Hall Walkers pOlT Star. Oilier notable performers in preTiona years arc Barb Her, Mania. Dean Swift. Cold Bfoch, Dtoaeford, Noetntform, Ramrod, Son* Thrush. Karoki, Dalkeith and C.vancan. I. ill Langtry. the actress, whose aom de eonrse is Mr. Jersey, ha- an eligible in the three-year-old or... But tin- eligible in which there is probably the most interest in Fiiglaml and abroad i- Hie Ru--ian borae llamniurabi. Thi- borse wa- a graad three car old in Ru--ia last Mar and has bn-ii fat Several I lbs in England in the hands of trainer DarBag. Whih he i- entered in the name of Mr. Dcrkiil. there i- a popular belief thai he is the personal properly of the Czar of I!ii--oa. In addition lo the Creat Jubilee. Hammurabi is eligible to the Ascot Cold Cup. which will be run for over the Cup Course of two and one half miles at Ascot. June 20. and some of the English racing critics say it is piite possible that the .-on-led golden trophy will be taken to Russia to adorn a place in the palace of the Czar. Commenting upon the ownership of Hammurabi, a London paper says: "The entries show that Hammurabis owner i- given a- -Mr. Dcrkiil." A- a matter of fad. -evcial Una sian noblemen and gentlemen arc registered a l Messrs. Weathcrbys as holding shares in the great Rn-sian four year old. Registration is obligatory. The entry at Old Burlington street runs as follows: M. I.azarelT. 111."...: M. de Sliuve. 10 .V.: M. Zve gnlatnant, ." ." : General Bdaaowitk, 5-56; General Aripoff. and-fiS; Count Nierolh. 3-55; Irincc Calitzin. 2 ."."»: M. Jaskiil-ky. 3-55; Coiinl de Riheaupier.v. •The authority for saying that the Czar is Hie aclual owner of Hammurabi is of the highest, ami this as distinct from the horses more generally be longing to the Imperial stud. The personal per nii-sion of the Czar had to be obtained ln-fore the horse was sent over to Ibis counlry. Tin- Ru— ini imperial crown is branded on Hammurabis shoulder. ■llamniurabi is vested in the names mentioned above for the ourposcs of racing, and after his carter terminates on the racetrack he will take up stud duty in Russia, l-rom the reports received by The Scout. Hammurabi is no ordinary horse, but a racer of extraordinary action and slaying capacity."