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CALIFORNIA HORSES OF QUALITY. Tony Faust the Best Three-Year-Old on the Coast This Year. •At the opining of the racing -ea-on in California tlie impre-sioii prevailed that the ola-s of names suffcrcd in comparison with prertoaS -ea-on-. cs- pectaUy at Ascot." nays the Baa Prancinee chronicle of Sunday la-t. The two meetings developed unite a number of goad horse-. however. At A-co". W. II. Carey sheared high-dans form towarl the close, ami has since made goo l in the east, winning three straight race- at Aqueduct. Von Tramp was doubtless the heat home at the USS Alludes meeting. He had displayed high elas- before coming went, I ui hi- Improve am nt was very marked. Bouse, enthusiastic horsemen from Ascot contend that Von Tramp i- the bent home -ecu in California in a deende. Cslonel Jack, the winner of the Ascot Derby, i- probably a fair three vear old. "The harse that shewed the meat Improve meat of ail at Oakland was Vofatday. lie graduated from the edliag plate division into the king pin of the handicap contingent. Hi- vtetarj in he Family Club Handicap, when he defeated w. H. Carey in de-cisive style, put almost a stamp of greatness oa Voiuday. Cahlll had hie borne hvgrand condition on that day. ami it i- doubtful if there was a horse ill California that couM have beaten him, weight for age. Proper, which is an old campaigner, proved the bread w inner foi the Jennings stable, but be was hardly the horse of former years. It fact, his win- tllngs would have been considerably -ii: tailed if the stake event- had been run ever fast, Instead of muddy Hack-. "Outside of hi- win iii tlie Burns Handicap, Kercheval ha- not done -teat things. lie wa- right on edge for the i.urns and hi- great pull n the ..•i:. hi- enabled him to gain a victory. "Logtstilia la- performed fully no to her eastern record. She Is the biggest inonej winner of the season, despite the fait that she has been miforttt nnte in stake engagements, having to run several of theni over tracks that militated against bei sac "The bed Ihree-year-aM seen in California this year wa- Tom Faust, and be will be heard from i i the ea-t. He did not have Hie speed Of Dr. Gard- iii t. the Star of tlie Sih.eiber -ialde the previous -ea-on. but he wa- a bet let tini-her. Tonv Panel i- a thoroughly game .-ol; ami i- a grand Stretch runner. Coder tlie clever training of Sam Hlklreth, •II of Sain should earn man] winning brackets in the east. Rapid Water did md attain ai- In -I form until near the dene of hi- campaign out here. whin ho landed with big weight up. "I.o- Angelcno tank- among the big money win tier- of the meeting, thank- to winning both four mile- race-, i.o- Angeleno i- to he given an eastern campaign and hi- owner i- very confident ol palling down one of the cap race- :t either Brighton or Saratoga. It; t- only succeeded in winning two races, ret he rank- antang the eight biggest money v mner-. During the meeting here four horses have won over 87.900, ni iver 85,000, twenty two over ami forty seven over ,000."