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THE CAPTAIN WINS AT OAKLAND. Oakland. Cal.. Jum- C. -The throng at the local track today was Impressed with tbe ease with which The Captain vanquished his opponents i.i tin- fifth ii,,-,- at a mih. With the public I.. 1ivis. the locke who had ridden Tile Captain to a suspicions looking defeat in bis preceding rare, was as much on trial on this occasion as i-is two disgraced fellow riders F. Graham and W. Ftocber had been when cabin and Andrew Mack redeemed themselves so signally. Rettig was substituted for Davis todaj ami the honest old gekUttg proceeded to reverse hfc previous running in a senautional and convincing manner. _ , , T ., Favorites fared badly. Only two Kumiss and Little Joker getting home in front. Tbe starting was bad and in at least one Instance, Tawaseniha in tin-last, materially affected the result.