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DAILY RACING FORM ISSUED EVERY DAY. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Publishers of r*UC AMERICAN TURK ASSOCIATION CALENDAR Ofllclal organ of THB AMERICAN IHW ASSOCIATION. A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. Editor and Proprietor, F. H. BruneU. Associate Editor, Clinton C. Riley. Secretary. Mrs. 8?. H. Brnnell. It4 FIFTH AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL. amtered Is the Poet office at Chicago aa oecond class matter. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. BT. LOUIS. MO., OFFICE. 19 NORTH BROADWAY. M. T. Murphy. General Agent. Local and Long instance Olive 1188. Back numbers ami monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI. O., OFFICE. 7 EAST SF.VENTH ST. W. S. Manns, General Agent. Telephone Canal 12.27 Y. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. .11 Ni: 7. l* 7.