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WASHINGTON FORM CHART. BEXNIXG. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1907. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. First day. Washington Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting of 13 days. SO books on. -slS Judge, Clarence McDowell. Starter, A. II. Dade. Secretary, II. G. Crickmore. 713 O ft FIRST 2-year-olds. RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs Columbia Course. 302S7 l:07j 2 112. 400 added -LOU Selling. Xet value to winner 400. Ind Horses AWtPPSt j Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P S " llThkV3 vrl0313 G 4h 3h liiis Liebert J McLaughlin 8 1" S 3 s7, i5f i 21 2 25 2h R McDanlM A Healey 2 -3HM mmr THISTIF -Lt w 102 C 3 3 4 31 35 Fbrother L Blume 30 20 35 G 3 717pTREY OP SPVDF. I S4 C" 4i Ntter W Shleds 4 7 7 21 6-5 SlDES JSJ 2 5 ei G 51 5 Beckman AV Stockton S 15 30 4" 2 71770 MUFTI ?S 2 ,? 7 l 6 IcCabe J Farre11 Jr 60 60 20 10 ?FniTK pr pv wn HI Ji 2 7h 7,1 W MclnreMrs M L Britton 15 30 20 8 4 Sgi?iLVEAr 9 3 10 9 S 8 8 E Martin H Rites 30 CO 50 20 10 ? k 2i22S Iil" 3 3 C Brady Mr Gleniver 20 30 30 30 5 "JS??1? :5-15 11 30 Jas Hoss S Larus 12 20 20 S 4 7 7im n tvov -t- M ttJt W I0-1 Ji J 10 10 10 11 JeKn J Garson 30 20 20 S 4 .?-m?Uand 715 14 14 14 12 J OBrien P Gallagher 50 100 100 40 "0 I 1Z fVtP Hi 12 13 13 13 F Murphy J E Madden 20 60 CO 20 10 linn .St ALLOr t- 302 11 12 13 12 12 14 Hcnrv .1 Corrian in on ir ? S :1cHSCODAMB ith B MPhfllips TO 20 8 4" ""iniion, entries. 1M VlL. and Vl- " M 30 D 50 20 10 Vinner 1!. c, by Ingoldsby Irmena trained by J.McLauKhlin. went to ltosc at :. At post 2 minutes. Start good. AVon easily; second driving- third the same -; C,.l8ff5ln c,e ""endance on the leaders to the stretch, then went to the front Twitl. i rash and u on cantering. Ardri was in second place from the start and outstaved Kins Thistle -it the end MtttaXc1 entee ZZ nu,,llBKn,,,d- ho pace fo the stretch Scratched 71C07Trnro, 302. Overweights Trey of Spades, 1 pound; Andalusia. 1. OVJ cliase ?00 added. 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Xet value to winner 1907.sh00. Ind Horses AAVtPPSt 4 8 12 1G StrFin Jockeys Owners QHCPS linlpinw1 pfrlv I i l 2 lh Kelleher Mr Gleniver Si2l5 2 1i4i Pit. OF PILSLX WS G 13a 2 2 5l 5J Gl 45 3h i Tliinne T AV fViU o r ii r. a e fEyvrGINIANw I 5 5f S 11 3 KerrD K Kerr T" 17 iff 7ii9i 7179S FLA.. VIRGINIAJn w S S 141 141 6 1 2 2 2J 3and 4 4 Mr; R TlorC H Hurkamp. 7 13 10 i 2 ; 7179SBERSI ws 4 143 4 U. 7 5and 5" 5" 5 Savago 3Ir McMurtrio 4 5 3 G-5 7-10 iliGo KXT OF ELAVAYw.1 G 14GtS - -6J -6s 7 .. 6 G G Dupee T L Evans 31 7 6 2 6-5 71G90GOLDFLEUR w 5 149 5 3 3 3 4 Fell. Mclnney R G Fortescue 5 9 8 3 8-5 1S21K,VRA ws 4 155 3 5 Fell. Archibld J AV Colt 9-5 11-52 4-5 2-5 Coupled in betting; no separate place or show betting. Time, 5:03?. Winner B. g, by Guardsman dam unknown trained by A. AVheeler. AVent to post at 2:37. At post-1 minute. Start good. AAon driving; second and third the same, .uardlan II. opened a long lead speedily and showed the way by a big interval to the last half, then tired and seemed beaten at the head of the stretch but, under a drive, finished resolutely and finally won ou,. Prince of .Pilsen closed up fast and gamely in the last quarter and barely failed to win. Essex II. carried i,js weight well and appeared likely to win, but was tiring at the end. Flying Virginian closely rcilowed the leaders in the early stages, but was quitting at the end. Bersi was waited with too long. Kara fell at the first fence and Goldlleur at three from the end. Scratched 71790Thistledale, 170; 71G95Blue Pigeon, 152; 71S45IJimmy Lane, 1G0; 715SSFollow On, 152; ili5S Pioneer, 145; 717343Paprika, 144; 71S45Alamansor, 100; 71798 Mixup, 132. 71 Q7H THIRD RAOE 3-4 Mile Columbia Course. 30229 1:13s 2 107. 500 added. JL O t J 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Xet value to winner 4S0. Ind Horses AWtPPSt j s. Str Fin .Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S 71572 BELLE OF THE BAY w 108 12 4 lh 2 2 iu Xotter A Simons 7 12 10 3 G-5 717S0PINS AND NEEDLES wb 113 8 1 2J l3 V$ 2 R McDanlH L Lee 11 7-101-4 out 71iSSNEOSKALEETA ws 113 4 S 7 51 3i 3 Beckman G C Smithson 5 7 6 8-5 3-5 G5a.03EMINOLA w 10S 7 2 45 4J 4h 4i Brussel Mrs R Bradley 15 50 40 12 6 715o2 PRINCESS NETTIE w 103 10 5 3 3 5i 5H G Swain O Lewisohn G 12 10 3 6-5 71758 LAURA A. w 108 2 7 8 8 6and 61 AV MclnreG Connell 30 50 50 15 G 7179G3IDA RECK wb 108 3 G G 7 7 7 Liebert G A Bronder 15 20 12 4 2 717S2GRACE CAMERON ws 103 G 11 9 9 9 S AV Burns AV C Daly 30 GO 50 15 a GS4S7 AUTUMN FLOWER w 10S 5 9 11 11 10 9 Keating A Weir 30 50 50 15 6 71700 S. OF RUNNYMEDE vr 113 1 3 5J G 8 10 AV Doyle T Newton 20 60 60 15 G 71727 CURLEY MAY w 103 9 10 30 10 11 11 Fbrother J L Blume 40 100 100 30 15 71774 PURITAN GIRL ws 10S 11 12 12 12 12 12 L Smith J M AVilson 15 25 20 8 4 Added starter. Time, 13, 25, 37s, 50, 1:10. Winner Ch. f, by Ballyhoo Bey Leisure trained by A. Simons. Went to post at 3:04. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. Lelle of the Bay was a forward and game contender from the start, caught Pins and Needles tiring riglt-at the finish and won drawing out. Pins and Needles set or forced the pace all the way and, tiring near the finish, finally lost in the last two strides. Xeoskaleeta closed a big gap early and finished gamely but was a distant third and can do better. Eminola ran well throughout. Princess Nettle showed sneed but tired. Laura A. was gaining at the end. Scratched 71S23Killaioe, US; 07047 Mariposa, IPS. 7-lQ7- FOURTH RACE 7-8 Miie Columbia Course. 3G205 1:25 2 110. Columbia HandT-JL O I JL cap. 1,000 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Xet value to winner S50. Ind Horses AAVtPPSt 4 Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S 71810COMEDIENNE wb 4 115 3 4 2 21! lh lnfc 3U Brussel Kelso Stable 3 5 5 sT43" 71S11 DOLLY SPANKER wb 6 122 5 G 5and 5i 3i 2i 2 R McDanlR T AVilson Jr . 2J 5 4 7-5 7-10 71S20ORACULUM WB 3 109 7 2 H li 2and 3i 3J Notter G M Odom G-5 9-5 9-5 4-5 1-3 7172fiOXFORD wb 5 118 6 5 3and 3J 4 4 4o Liebert J McLaughlin G 7 4 7-5 3-5 71S24 HOORAY wit 4 107 2 3 Gi GS 5 51 51 Raynor A L Aste 8 15 12 4 2 70G3S LOUDOUN LIGHT w 3 C6 4 7 7 7 7 6 6 C Brady AV C Eustis 30 40 40 15 5 717SS LADY KARMA wb 3 98 1 1 41 4h d 7 7 G Swain J S Hoy 15 25 20 6 3 Time, 12-, 245, 3Gj, 49, 1:15, l:2Ss. Winner Ch. f, by Plaudit Maxine Elliott trained by G. M. Odom. Aelt to post at 3:30. At post 1 minute. Start good. AAon driving; second and third the same. Comedienne followed Omentum closely to the stretch, then took a slight lead and outstayed Dollv Spanker 111 a long drive through the stretch. Dolly Spanker was outrun to the stretch, but moved up steadily and mushing fast, barely failed to get up, although tiring. Oraenlum showed superior early speed, but mil expectedly quit badly in the stretch drive. Oxford ran fairly well and will probably improve Lady Karma showed early speed but, along with Hooray and Loudoun Light, was beaten off at the finish. Scratched 71S4iOkenite. 115; 71S593Gretna Green, 123: 71S33 Punky, 103; 71700 Umbrella umnrciu, 90-71703 ju, Don Creole, IPS; 71S40 Killiecrankie, 100; 71570Lanc Allen. 120. 7l Q 7 O FIFTH RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs Columbia Course, 3024G 1:20 S 105. 400 added". JL O i l 2-year-olds. Allowances. Xet value to winner 420. Ind Horses AWtPPSt 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners OHO PS 717S3DIXIE HIMMEL wb 114 1 7 31 1U li l Liebert J Garson 1 C S 7 vt 1 71547 MONOPOLIST. wit 117 4 5 4U 2 2421 R McDanlO Lewisohn 2 2 7-3 3-5 1-1 71S23CARROLLTON wit 117 3 S 5 4 3 35 Notter Newcastle Stable 2 4 4 G-5 3-5 71257 SMOKER w 117 C 2 Gi :and 4U 4J Brussel F R Hitchcock 4 7 2 1 71799MISS CATESBV wn 114 7 1. 7h G G 51 G Swain M J Cromwell 20 25 20 G 3 710SG INCOGNITO wn 117 S 9 8 8 7 G" Beckman M A Healey 15 20 20 G 3 71799BRAGGADOCIO wr. 117 5 4 11 3b 511 7 W MclnreW A Stotesbury 30 50 1!0 10 5 71769 MAZUMA wn 112 9 6 23 7 S S C Brady H L Lee 40 50 50 15 7 717443DOTTIE S. WB 309 2 3 9 9 9 9 Fbrother J L Blume 40 60 50 15 7 Time. 11, 23, 30, 49g, 1:15, 1:22. A inner II. f, by Goldcrest Lady Ilimmel trained by A. Goqdloe. AVent to post at 3:57. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won ridden out: second driving; third the same. Dixie Ilimmel, never far from the front, saved ground on the stretch turn and came awav with a rush 111 the si retch. Monopolist closed an early gait and finished well, but could not get up. Carrollton ran a fairly good race and was well ridden. Smoker finished fast, but evidently needed a race and should do better when next out. Miss Catesby .finished well. Braggadocio showed early speed, but tired badly in the stretch. Scratched 71S25 Countermand. 117; 71709 De Burgo, 117; 71744 Superstition, 109. 71 Q7Q SIXTH RACE 1 1-1G Miles. 30213 1:47 3 117. 000 added. 3-year-olds :uul XO 1 U upward. Handicap. Xet value to winner U0. Ind Horses AWtPPSt ?4 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C PS 717ST.LALLY wn 3 107 G 8 S 2J lh 1 13 Liebert T Monahan 5 S 7 211 71S01I VANHOE wn 5 102 5 7 41 3 2s 2 2 Notter Arverne Stable 4 4 13-51 1-2 71797PETER KNIGHT wn 5 94 3 3 3U 6 4U 3 3 Shreve Mrs AV Keating 8 10 10 4 2 7175SCAMPAIGNER wsb 3 93 1 G 75 5h C 41 4A Henry O L Richards- 7 10 10 4 2 71793 AVORKMAID wb 3 S7 7 1 11 4 31 5U 5 .las Hogg J B McQuaid 15 20 15 G 3 7157GLANE ALLEN w 4 12S S 5 G 3H 5 G G R McDanlA R Hamilton 6-5 8-5 6-5 1-2 1-i 716S9TRACKLESS ws 5 97 2 2 21 75 7 7. 7 J Schaller G E Dudlev 20 20 20 7 3 714S9 AVISE HAND w 3 S9 4 4 5 S S S 8 Fbrother R AV Mossman 20 30 30 10 5 Time, 13, 2G, 3SS, 52, 1:178, 1:445; 1:50. A inner 15. e. by Golden Garter LAnnizoue trained by J. McLaughlin. v N - , Went to post at 4:24. At post 2 minutes. Start fair. AVon driving; second the same; third easily. 1 .ally got off poorly, but soon ran into prominence and, taking the lead on the last turn, gamely outstayed Ivanhoe in a long, hard drive through the stretch after being forced to the extreme outside by the latter. Ivanhoe ran to his best form, but was tiring and swerving at the end. Peter Knight made up ground and 1:111s ted resolutely. Campaigner showed speed, but tired badly in the final furlong. Arorkniaid ran well to the stretch. Lane Allen was in dillieulty early and his race was far below his Belmout Park form. Trackless retired quickly. Scratched 7175SThe AVrestler, 90; 71S71Dolly Spanker, 117; 71780 Right Royal, 11S- 71S001 Jupiter, 9o; 71 ill Ironsides. 120; 71797Killochan. 03; 71590 Society Bud, SS; 7175SAater Dog, 00. Overweights Ivanhoe, 2 pounds; AVorkmaid, 3; AAlse Hand, 5.