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NOTED WRITER AND OFFICIAL DEAD. New York. January 25. —Francis Trevclyan. one , of 1 he best known writers on horses and for many , Mais steward and judi:- at race tracks in the souih and wist, died at his home. Forest Lodge, near , Charlottesville. Va.. last night, after an illness of , ■Ctata] months. He was liorn in Fngland about , Bart] eight years ago and leaves a widow. Mr. Tievi-lyau was .•ii-eounted the best writer on the borsi in Amerii-a and was always in demand, especially for technical articles on his favorite He came to this country about twenty-seven years ago and went to Virginia with the in teniiou of raising hunters, but the market for his ■tack was not large, and he lacked the capital to | branch out as he would like, so in 1S82 came to this I .city and so impr. sscd llie editor of •Spirit of The Times.* whi« h was the leading horse paper at the lime, that he was offend a position on that periodical. He was with the "Spirit" for many .Mais and during that period wrote for tho daily pa|iers on various sporting subjects, having been for n number of years the expert at the horse shows for the Evening Post, his articles and rriiir-isni being widely ipiolid. When the late William C. Whitney purchased ] I j , ] the Morning Telegraph. Mr. Trevelyan was put in charge of the racing depart men t at a high salary, lb did not remain long in the position, the routine being irksome to him and for llie last half dozen years he had been acting as judge or steward at various race tracks. lie was at one time judge at Hawthorne and Washington Park in Chicago and at Toronto, and up U this year was presiding steward at the City 1ark track at New Orleans. He was liked by all Horsemen for his ability and integrity.